F unction Operation:
1. P ress P ower O n/Off to turn on or turn off the model
2. R ecording D ura tion: Use MODE to c hoose R ecording D ura tion on the MA IN ME NU.
Users ca n choos e 1 min/2 min/5 min/Turn off mode . F or e xa mple, c hooing 1 min,
recording time will be 1 min, then the mode l will recording a new whe n come to 1 min.
And the file in the S D will be 1 min.
3. R ecording Mode: F irstly, ensure the model
has a S D card, then use MODE to c hoose
R ecording Mode on the MA IN ME NU. P ress OK to s tart record whe n c hoose the front
camera. If c hoose back camera , users s hould connect the back camera cable firstly.
While if c hoose dual camera , both cameras will be record a t the same time. Users can
s witch the camera image by V 1/V2.
4. P hotograph: S witc h to P hotograph Mode by MODE button. P ress OK to take phot
Use ME NU for settings under the P hotograph Mode.
5. P layback: Use MODE to s witc h to P la yback Mode. B oth photos a nd videos ca n be
played by using the P la yback button.
6. Night V is ion F unction: Turn on the infrared lamp of the ME NU. W he n c hoose
AUTOMAT IC , the infrared lamp will be turn o n/off a utomatically according to outside
light strength.
7. Motion Detection: In the ME NU, you can choose to t
urn on or turn off the Motion
Detection func tion. W hen this function turn on, the mode l will recording whe n
s omething moving in the came ra. While stop recording if the objec t s top. T his func tion
can s a ve the capacity of the memory card.
8. G_S ens or F unction: In order to c heck a nd obtain evidence, the mode l will sa ve the file
compulsively while do not covered by others whe n car s uffer a serious s tr
ike or cras h.
T his cras h s tre ngth can be detached to High, Middle, Low a nd Turn off four mode.
9. S creen sa ver:S et s creen s ave r time in the ME NU, s creen will turn off a fter the time you
choose.P ress a ny ke y to wake up the scree n.