Active Handling and Traction Control Systems
The Traction Control system limits wheelspin and the Active Handling system assists with
Active Handling/
Traction Control button is located on the center console.
• PressthebuttononcetoturnoffTractionControl.
• PressandholdthebuttontoturnoffbothTractionControlandActiveHandling.
• PressthebuttontwicetoactivatetheCompetitiveDrivingMode.
• PressthebuttonagaintoturnonTractionControlandActiveHandling.Bothsystems
turn on automatically every time the vehicle is started.
Magnetic Selective Ride ControlF
The Magnetic Selective Ride Control system provides reduced impact harshness and
improved road isolation, high-speed stability and handling response. The Magnetic
Selective Ride Control knob is located on the center console.
TOUR: Use for normal city and highway driving for a smooth, comfortable ride.
SPORT: Use where road conditions or personal preference demand more responsive,
controlled handling.
Performance Traction Management
(ZR1 or Z06 with Magnetic Selective Ride Control)
consistent performance when cornering in a variety of track conditions.
1. Press the
Active Handling button twice to activate Performance Traction
2. Rotate the Magnetic Selective Ride Control knob to scroll through each mode.
6-Speed Paddle Shift Automatic Transmission
• WhileinDrive(D),useeitherpaddleto
temporarily take control of gear selection.
• Pusheitherpaddleonthesteeringwheel
to upshift or squeeze either paddle
behind the steering wheel to downshift.
The current gear will be displayed on the
instrument cluster or HUDF (if equipped).
• MovetheshiftlevertotheSport(S)
the steering wheel paddles.
• MovetheshiftlevertoSport(S)andusethepaddlestoentermanualmode.
• Pusha+ paddle for one second or move the shift lever to Drive (D) to return to
automatic operation.
Note: If current vehicle speed is too high or too low for the requested gear, the shift will not occur.
When coming to a stop, the transmission will automatically downshift.
See Driving and Operating in your Owner Manual.