GE JVM2052 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for
Safety Instructions .............. 2-7
Operating Instructions
Auto Features ..................... 16-22
Auto Defrost ........................ 21
Chicken ............................. 16
Chicken Chart ...................... 19
Melt ................................ 17
Melt Chart .......................... 20
Metal Rack ......................... 22
Popcorn ............................ 16
Quick Defrost ....................... 21
Soften .............................. 17
Soften Chart ........................ 20
Time Defrost ........................ 22
Control Panel ........................... 9
Cooking Guide .................... 24-28
Cookwure ............................. 23
Features of Your Oven .............. 8, 9
Microwave Oven Functions ....... 10-14
Changing Power Level ............. 14
Child Lock ........................... 11
Clock ................................ 10
Cooking at High Power Level ....... 12
Cooking at Lower Power Levels ..... 13
Cooking with More
Than One Cook Cycle ............... 1:3
Hold Warm ......................... 11
Light ................................ 10
More/Less ........................... 12
Settings ............................. 12
Timer ................................ 10
Vent Fan ............................ 10
Microwave Terms .................... 36
Sensor Features ............... 15-16, 18
Sensor Cook ........................ 15
Sensor Cook Chart ................. 18
Sensor Reheat ...................... 16
Sensor Reheat Chart ............... 18
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Youcan find them on a label when
the door isopen.
Care and Cleaning
Charcoal Filters ......................... 32
Inside ................................... 29
Outside ............................... 29
Replacing the Light Bulbs ............. 30
Stainless Steel ......................... 29
Vent Filters ............................ 31
Troubleshooting Tips ........ 33,34
Things That Are Normal
With Your Microwave Oven .......... 35
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .......... Back Cover
Optional Kits ........................... 7
Product Registration .............. 37, 38
Warranty .............................. B9
MFL57007001 49-40586
09-08 JR
Toreducetherisk of burns,electricshock,fire,injury to persons,or exposureto excessivemicrowave energy:
[a) Do NotAttempt to operate this ovenwith the door [c)
open, sinceopen-door operation can result in harmful
exposure to microwave energy. It isimportant not to
defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
[b) Do Not Place any object between the oven front
face and the door or allow soilor cleaner residue
to accumulate on sealingsurfaces.
Do Not Operate the oven if it isdamaged. It is
particularly important that the oven door close
properly and that there isno damage to the:
(1)door (bent),
(2)hingesand latches (brokenor loosened),
(3)door sealsand sealingsurfaces.
TheOvenShould Not be adjusted or repaired by
anyone except properly qualified servicepersonnel.
Readand follow the specific precautions in the Precoudons
toAvoid PossibleExposureto ExcessiveMicrowave Energy
section above.
This appliance must be grounded. Connectonly
to a properly grounded outlet. Seethe Grounding
Instructionssection on page 6.
Installor locate this appliance only in accordance
with the provided installation instructions.
This microwave oven isULlistedfor installation over
electric and gas ranges.
This microwave oven isnot approved or tested
for marine use.
This over-the-range oven isdesigned for use over ranges
no wider than 36:' It may be installed over both gasand
electric cooking equipment.
Donot operate this appliance if it hasa damaged power
cord or plug,if it isnot working properly, or if it hasbeen
damaged or dropped. If the power cord isdamaged,
it must be replaced by General ElectricServiceor an
authorized service agent usinga power cord available
from General Electric.
Do not cover or block any openings on the appliance.
Usethis appliance only for its intended useas described
in this manual. Donot usecorrosive chemicals or vapors
in this appliance. Thismicrowave oven isspecifically
designedto heat, dry or cook food, and is not intended
for laboratory or industrial use.
To reducethe riskof fire in the oven cavity:
Do not overcookfood. Carefullyattend appliance when
paper,plasticor other combustible materials are placed
insidethe oven while cooking.
Removewire twist-ties and metal handlesfrom paper
or plasticcontainers before placingthem in the oven.
Do not usethe ovenfor storage purposes.Do not leave
paper products, cooking utensilsor food in the oven
when not in use.
Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven unlessin
a special microwave popcorn accessory or unlessyou
use popcorn labeled for usein microwave ovens.
If materials insidethe oven ignite, keepthe oven door
closed,turn the oven off and disconnect the power cord,
or shut off power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.
If the door isopened,the fire may spread.
Do not usethe SensorFeaturestwice in succession
on the same food portion. If food isundercooked after
the first countdown, useCook Time for additional
cooking time.
Thermometer--Do not useregular cooking or oven
thermometers when cooking by microwave. Themetal
and mercury in these thermometers could cause
arcing and possibledamage to the oven. Do not use
a thermometer in food you are microwaving unless
the thermometer isdesignedor recommended
for use in the microwave oven.
Donot clean with metal scouring pads. Piecescan burn off
the pad and touch electrical parts involving risk of electric
Donot store any materials, other than our recommended
accessories,inthis ovenwhen not in use.
Donot store this appliance outdoors. Donot usethis
product near water-for example,in a wet basement,
near a swimming pool,near a sink or in similar locations.
Keeppower cord away from heated surfaces.
Donot immerse power cord or plug in water.
Some productssuchaswholeeggsand sealed
It is important to keepthe area cleanwhere the door
sealsagainst the microwave. Useonly mild, non-abrasive
detergents applied with a clean sponge or soft cloth.
Thisappliance must only be serviced by qualified service
personnel.Contact nearest authorized servicefacility
for examination, repair or adjustment.
Aswith any appliance, closesupervision isnecessary when
used by children.
Donot store anything directly on top of the microwave
oven surfacewhen the microwave oven isin operation.
Donot mount this appliance over a sink.
If you see arcing, press the Clear/Off pad and correct the problem.
Arcing isthe microwave term for sparksin the oven.
Arcing iscaused by:
Themetal rack not installed correctly so it touches
the microwave wall.
Metal or foil touching the side ofthe oven.
Turntable ring support not installedcorrectly.
Foilnot molded to food (upturned edgesact
Metal,such astwist-ties, poultry pins
or gold-rimmed dishes,inthe microwave.
Recycledpaper towels containing small metal
pieces being used inthe microwave.
Donot pop popcorn in your microwave oven
unless in a special microwave popcorn accessory
or unlessyou use popcorn labeled for use
in microwave ovens.
Donot boil eggs in a microwave oven. Pressurewill
build up insideegg yolk and will cause itto burst,
possibly resulting in injury.
Operating the microwave with no food insidefor
more than a minute or two may cause damage
to the oven and could start a fire. It increasesthe
heat around the magnetron and can shorten
the life ofthe oven.
Foodswith unbroken outer "skin"such aspotatoes,
hot dogs, sausages,tomatoes, apples,chicken livers
and other giblets,and egg yolksshould be pierced
to allow steam to escape during cooking.
Superheated water
Liquids, such as water, coffee, or tea, are able to
be overheated begond the boiling point without
appearing to be boiling. Visiblebubbling or boiling
when the container is removed from the microwave
oven is not alwags present. This could result in verg
hot liquids suddenlg boiling over when the container
is disturbed or a spoon or other utensil is inserted
into the liquid.
Toreducethe riskof injury to persons:
- Donot overheat the liquid.
- Stirthe liquid both before and halfway through
heating it.
- Donot usestraight-sided containers with narrow
Foodscooked in liquids(such aspasta) may tend
to boil more rapidly than foods containing less
moisture. Shouldthis occur,referto the Care
and cleaning of theoven sectionfor instructions
on how to clean the insideof the oven.
Avoid heating baby food in glassjars, even with
the lidoff. Make sureall infant food isthoroughly
cooked.Stirfood to distribute the heat evenly.
Be careful to prevent scalding when warming
formula. Thecontainer may feelcooler than
the formula really is.Always testthe formula
before feeding the baby.
Don't defrost frozen beverages in narrow-necked
bottles (especiallycarbonated beverages).Even
if the container isopened, pressurecan build up.
This can cause the container to burst, possibly
resulting in injury.
Hot foods and steam can cause burns. Becareful
when opening any containers of hot food, including
popcorn bags,cooking pouches and boxes.To
prevent possibleinjury, direct steam away from
hands and face.
Do not overcook potatoes. They could dehydrate
and catch fire, causing damage to your oven.
Cook meat and poultry thoroughly-meat to
at least an INTERNALtemperature of 160°F
and poultry to at leastan INTERNALtemperature
of 180°F.Cookingto these temperatures usually
protects against foodborne illness.
- After heating,allow the container to stand inthe
microwave oven for a short time before removing
the container.
- Useextreme carewhen inserting a spoon or other
utensil into the container.
Do not operate the oven in the microwave mode without the turntable and the turntable support seated
and in place. The turntable must be unrestricted so it can rotate.
Make sure all cookware used in your microwave oven is suitable for microwaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which
does not have metallic trim or glaze with a metallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is labeled
"suitablefor microwaving:'
If you are not sure if a dish
ismicrowave-safe, usethis
test: Placein the oven both
the dish you are testing
and a glass measuring cup
filledwith i cup of water-
set the measuring cup
either in or next to the dish.Microwave 50-45
secondsat high.If the dish heats,it should
not be usedfor microwaving.
Howtotest for
a microwave-safedish.
If the dish remains cool and only the water in
the cup heats,then the dish ismicrowave-safe.
Oversizedfood or oversizedmetal cookware
should not be usedin a microwave oven because
they increase the risk of electric shockand could
cause a fire.
Sometimes the oven floor,turntable and walls
can become too hot to touch. Becareful touching
the floor,turntable and walls during and after
If you usea meat thermometer while microwaving,
make sure it issafe for usein microwave ovens.
Not all plastic wrap issuitable for usein microwave
ovens.Checkthe packagefor proper use.
Papertowels,waxed paper and plastic wrap can
be usedto cover dishesin order to retain moisture
and prevent spattering while microwaving. Besure
to vent plastic wrap sosteam can escape.
Cookware may become hot because of heat
transferred from the heated food. Potholders
may be neededto handle the cookware.
When microwaving "bailable"cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic bags,they should be slit,
pierced or vented asdirected by package. Ifthey
are not, plasticcould burst during or immediately
after cooking, possibly resulting in injury. Also,
plastic storage containers should be at least
partially uncovered becausethey form a tight seal.
When cooking with containers tightly covered with
plastic wrap, remove covering carefully and direct
steam away from hands and face.
Usefoil only as directed in this manual. When using
foil in the microwave oven, keepthe foil at least 1"
away from the sides of the oven.
Do not userecycled paper products. Recycled
paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can
contain metal flecks which may causearcing
or ignite.Paper products containing nylon or nylon
filaments should be avoided,as they may also
Somestyrofoam trays (likethose that meat
ispackaged on) hoveo thin strip of metal
embedded in the bottom. When microwaved,
the metal can burn the floor ofthe oven or
ignite a paper towel.
Useof the rack accessory:
-- Removethe rock from the oven when not in use.
-- Usepot holderswhen handling the rack and
cookware.They may be hot,
Plasticcookware-Plastic cookware designedfor
microwave cooking isvery useful,but should be
used carefully. Evenmicrowave-safe plastic may
not be astolerant of overcooking conditions as
are glossor ceramic materials and may soften or
char ifsubjected to short periodsof overcooking.
Inlonger exposuresto overcooking,the food
and cookware could ignite.
Follow theseguidelines:
[] Usemicrowave-safe plastics only and use
them in strict compliance with the cookware
manufacturer's recommendations.
F_Do not microwave empty containers.
_JDo not permit children to useplastic cookware
without complete supervision.
-- Besurethat the rack ispositioned properly inside
the ovento prevent product damage.
- Donot cover the rack or any part of the oven
with metal foil.Thiswill cause overheating of
the microwave oven.
Do not useyour microwave oven to dry
Ensure proper ground exists
Thisappliance must be
grounded. Inthe event of
an electrical short circuit,
grounding reduces the risk
of electricshock by
providing an escape wire
for the electric current.
Donot under any circumstances cut or remove
the third (ground)prong from the power cord.
Thisappliance isequipped with a power cord
having a grounding wire with a grounding plug.
Theplug must be plugged into an outlet that is
properly installed and grounded.
Do not use an adapter plug with this appliance.
Donot usean extension cordwith this appliance.
Ifthe power cord istoo short, have a qualified
electrician or servicetechnician installan outlet
near the appliance.
Forbest operation, plug this appliance into its
own electricalcircuit to prevent flickering of lights,
blowing of fuse or tripping of circuit breaker.
Consulta qualified electrician or servicetechnician
ifthe grounding instructions are not completely
understood, or if doubt existsas to whether the
appliance isproperly grounded.
If the outlet isa standard 2-prong wall outlet,
it is your personal responsibility and obligation
to haveit replacedwith a properly grounded
3-prong wall outlet.
Thefan will operate automatically under certain
conditions (seeVent Fansection).Take care to
prevent the starting and spreading of accidental
cooking fires while the vent fan isin use.
Cleanthe underside ofthe microwave often.
Donot allow greaseto build up on the microwave
or the fan filters.
Inthe eventof a greasefire on the surface units
below the microwave oven,smother a flaming
pan on the surface unit by coveringthe pan
completely with a lid,a cookie sheet or a flat troy.
Usecare when cleaning the vent fan filters.
Corrosivecleaning agents,such as lye-based
oven cleaners,may damage the filters.
When preparing flaming foods under
the microwave oven,turn the fan on.
Never leavesurface units beneath your microwave
oven unattended at high heat settings.Boilovers
cause smoking and greasy spilloversthat may
ignite and spreadif the microwave vent fan is
operating. Tominimize automatic fan operation,
useadequate sizedcookware and usehigh heat
on surface units only when necessary.
All microwave ovens must meet FederalDHHS
and FCCrequirements. However,the operation
of some pacemakers may beaffected by microwaves.
Cognizantof this problem, most pacemaker
manufacturers havetaken stepsto minimize
the susceptibility of their products to external
interference, including microwaves. Mostnew
pacemakers (1982and later)are now protected
from microwave interference. However,prior
to using your microwave oven it is recommended
that personswith pacemakers consult the
manufacturer of the device for additional information
and/or their physician to ensuretheir pacemaker
will not be affected by microwaves.
Optional kits
Available at extra cost from blour GE supplier.
Filler Panel Kits
When replacing a 36" range hood,filler panel kits
fill inthe additional width to providea custom built-in
Forinstallation between cabinets only; not for
end-of-cabinet installation. Eachkit contains
two 3" wide filler panels.
Filter Kits
from your GEsupplier.
Seethe back cover for
ordering by phone or
JX81D--Recirculating Charcoal Filter Kit
Filterkitsare used when JX81D
the oven cannot be __
vented to the outside.
Availableat extra cost
About the features of your oven.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
To Install:
1.Placethesupportonthe ovencavitybottom.
2. Placetheturntable onthe support.
Fitthe raised,curvedlinesin thecenter ofthe turntablebottombetweenthe threespokes
ofthe hub.Therollersonthe supportshouldfit insidetheturntable bottomridge.
Features of the Oven
Door Handle. 0
Door Latches. 0
Window with Metal Shield.Screenallows
cooking to be viewed while keeping microwaves
confined in the oven.
Control Panel. 0
Metal Rack.
Turntable. Theturntable rotates in both
directionsto help cook food more evenlg.
Do not operate the microwave oven without
the turntable in plGce.
Vent Grille.
Cooktop/Countertop Light.
Model and Serial Number Plate.
Cooking Guide.
O Hub.
O Support.
O Shaft.
About the controlpanel,
Youcan microwave by time,with thesensorfeaturesor with theauto features.
1 2
6 7
3 4 5-
8 9 0
Soften. Touch this pad to soften butter,
ice cream,cream cheese and frozenjuice.
Cook.Touch this pad to cook baked potatoes,
vegetable casseroles,rice and frozen entr@es.
The oven'ssensorwill tellthe oven how long
to cook depending on the amount of humidity
coming from the food.
Reheat.Touch this pad to reheat pizza,dinner
plates,soup/sauce and casseroles.Theoven's
sensorwill tell the oven how long to cook
depending on the amount of humidity
coming from the food.
Popcorn. Touch this pad when popping popcorn
in gour microwave oven. Theoven'ssensorwill
tellthe oven how long to cook depending on the
amount of humidity it detects from the popcorn.
Chicken.Touch this pad to cook chickenwings,
chicken nuggets,spicy chickenand Mexican
Add 30 Seconds.Touch this pad to add
30 more secondsto the cooking time.
Clock.Touch this pad to enter the time of dag.
Time Cook.Touch this pad to set
a cooking time.
More. Touchthis pad to add ten seconds
of cooking time eachtime you pressit.
Start/Enter. Touch this pad to start a function.
If you open the door after the oven beginsto
cook,touch Start/Enter again.
Vent On/OFF.Touch this pad to turn the fan
Turntable. Touch this pad to turn on and off
the turntable.
Light. Touch this pad to turn the light on high,
low or off.
VentSpeed.Touch this pad to choose one
of 5 fan speeds.
Clear/Off. Touch this pad to stop the oven
or to clear all entries.
Number Pads.Touch number padsto enter
cooking time, power level,quantities or weights.
Less.Touch this pad to subtract ten seconds
of cooking time eachtime you pressit.
PowerLevel.Touchthis pad to select
a cooking power level.
Displag. Thedisplay includes a clockand
indicators to tell gou time of daU,cooking time
setting and cooking functions selected.
Timer.Touch this pad to set the timer.
Settings. Touch this pad to change the oven's
default setting for sound,clock, displag speed
and defrost weight.
Hold Warm. Touch this pad to keephot, cooked
foods warm in gour microwave ovenfor up to
90 minutes.
Quick Defrost. Touch this pad to providequick
defrost for 1.0pound of frozen food.
Time Defrost. Touch this pad to defrost most
other frozen foods.
Auto Defrost. Touch this pad to selectfood tgpe
and defrost food (meat, poultrg, fish and bread)
bg weight.
Melt. Touch this pad to melt butter/margarine,
chocolate, cheese and marshmallows.
About microwave oven functions.
I Clock 1
Thisoven includes a 12-hour clock.
Example (setting 8:00AM):
B TouchClock.
F_ Enterthe time by usingthe number pads.
[]Touch Start/Enter (PressI for AM,
2 for PM.)
_J TouchStart/Enter
I Timer 1
Youcan useyour microwave oven asa timer.
Usethe Timer for timing up to 99 minutes,
and 99 seconds.
Example (setting 3 minutes):
[]Touch Timer.
F_ Enterthe time bg usingthe number pads.
[]Touch Start/Enter When the time isover,
Uouwill hear beepsand END will displau.
I VentOn/Off !
I VentSpeed I
Vent Fan
Thefan moves steam and other vapors from
the cooking surface.Thereare five speeds.
Example (settingLevel41:
B Touch VentOn/Off. Thisshows the last
leveluntil gou selectthe fan speedlevel.
F_ Touch VentSpeed until LEVEL4 appears
in the displag.
Touch Vent On/ turn off the fan when
NOTE:If the temperature from the range
or cooktop below the microwave oven gets
too hot, the exhaustfan in the vent hood
will automaticall g turn on atthe LEVEL4
setting to protect the oven.
It mag stag on up to an hour to cool the oven.
When this occurs, the Vent On/Off.pad will
not turn the fan off.
Light I
Touch Light once for bright light, twice
for night light or three times to turn
the light off.
Child Lock
Youmay lock the control panel to prevent
the microwave oven from being accidentally
started or usedby children.
TheChild Lock feature is alsouseful when
cleaning the control panel. Child Lock
prevents accidental programming when
wiping the control panel.
Toset Child Lock:
IrA TouchClear/Off.
I_ Touchand hold Start/Enter more
than/4 seconds.LOCKEDwill appear in
the display window and two beepswill
Tocancel Child Lock:
Touch and holdStart/Enter morethan
/4seconds.LOCKEDwill disappear and two
beepswill sound.
I HoldWarm !
Hold Warm
Youcan keepcooked food warm in your
microwave oven for up to 90 minutes. You
can useHold Warm by itself or to follow
a cooking cycle automatically.
I_ TouchHold Warm.
I_ TouchStart/Enter.
Hold Warm operates for up to 90 minutes.
Foodcooked covered should be covered
during Hold Warm.
Pastry items (pies,turnovers, etc.)should be
uncovered during Hold Warm.
Complete meals kept worm on a dinner
plate con be covered during Hold Warm.
Tomake Hold Warm automaticall Ufollow
another cucle:
While you ore programming the cooking
instructions, touch Hold Warm before
touching Start/Enter.
When the lost cooking cycle isover,you will
hear two beepsand Hold Warm will appear
in the oven display.
You con set Hold Warm to followAuto
Defrost or multi-cycle cooking.
Food Type
5-10 oz.
About microwave oven functions.
Youcan change the default valuesfor beep
sound, clock,display speedand defrost
Seethe following chart for more information:
No. Function No. Result
.l BeepON/Off 1 Sound ON
control 2 SoundOFF
2 Clockdisplay 1 ClockON
control 2 ClockOFF
3 Display 1 Slow Speed
2 Normal Speed
3 FastSpeed
4 Defrostweight 1 Ibs.
mode selected 2 kg.
Example (changingdefrost weight mode
from kgJ:
B TouchSettings.
F_ Touch4.
[]Touch 2.
Byusing the More or Lesspads, all of the
preprogrammed cook and time cook features
can be adjusted to cook food for a longer
or shorter time.
Touching Morewill add 10 seconds of
cooking time each time you pressit. Touching
Lesswill subtract 10seconds of cooking time
each time you press it.
Cooking at High Power Levels
Example (cooking food for 8 minutes,
30 seconds at ]00% power):
F_ Enterthe cook time.
F_ TouchStart/Enter.
When the cook time isover,four beepswill
sound and COOKENDwill display.
I PowerLevel 1
Cooking at Lower Power Levels
HIGHpower cooking does not olwogs give
gou the best resultswith foods thot need
slower cooking, such os roosts,boked goods
or custords.
Youroven hos I0 power settings in oddition
to HIGH.
Example (cooking food for 7minutes
30 seconds at 70% power]:
[]Enter the cook time.
F_ Touch Power Level.
[]Enter the power level.
_J TouchStart/Enter.
When the cook time isover,four beepswill
sound ond COOKENDwill displog.
Seethe CookingGuidefor Lower PowerLevels
on the next poge.
3 0 0
Cook 1
I PowerLevel 1
Cooking with More Than One
Cook Cgcle
Forbest results,some recipes coilfor one
Power Levelfor o certoin length of time, ond
onother Power Levelfor onother length of
time.Your oven con be set to chonge from
one to onother outomoticollg, for up to three
cgcles ifthe first heoting cgcle isdefrost.
Example (cooking food for 3 minutes
at 100% power and then 70% power
for 7minutes 30 seconds):
[]Enter the first cooktime.
F_ Touch Time Cook,
[]Enter the secondcook time.
_J TouchPower Level.
_j Enterthe power level.
r_ TouchStart/Enter.
When the cook time isover,four beepswill
sound ond COOKENDwill displog.
About microwave oven functions.
Cooking Guide for Lower Power Levels
The10 power levelsin addition to HIGHallow you to choosethe best power levelfor the food you are cooking. Beloware listed
all the power levels,examplesof foods best cooked at each leveland the amount of microwave power you are using.
ii _i_ii_ _!!_ _ i i Microwave Output Use
9 .
: 8 :
7 70%
6 60%
Cookfishond poultry.
Reheot meot slices quickly.
Soute onions,celery ond green pepper.
All reheoting.
Cook scrambled eggs.
Cook breads and cereal products.
Cook cheesedishes,veal.
Cook cakes,muffins, brownies,cupcakes.
Cook pasta.
Cook meats, whole poultry.
Cook custard.
Cookwhole chicken,turkey, spare ribs,rib roast,
sirloin roast.
Cook less tender cuts of meat.
Reheatfrozen conveniencefoods.
30% :Thaw meat, poultry and seafood.
Cook small quantities of food.
,1 Finishcooking casseroles,stew and some sauces.
20% Soften butter and cream cheese.
,1 Heat small amounts of food.
10% Soften ice cream.
,1 Raiseyeast dough.
0% ,1Standing time.
About the sensor microwave features,
Humidity Sensor
What happens when using the SensorFeatures:
TheSensorFeaturesdetect the increasing humiditg releasedduring cooking.Theoven
outomoticollg adjusts the cooking time to various tgpes and amounts of food.
Donot usethe SensorFeaturestwice in successionon the some food portion-it mog result in
severelgovercooked or burnt food. Iffood isundercooked after the countdown, use Time Cook
for additional cooking time.
NOTE:Sensorfeatureswill not operate when the ovenishot. If one of thesensor cooking
pads istouched when the temperature insidetheoven isgreater than 200°F,"OVENTOO
automaticollg changeto cookbg time (follow the directionsin the displog)or once theoven
iscoolenough,the sensorfeatureswill function normallg.
The proper containers and covers ore essentialfor best sensor cooking.
i Always usemicrowave-safe containers and cover them with lidsor vented plastic wrap,
Never usetight sealing plastic containers-theg can prevent steam from escaping and
cause food to overcook.
Besurethe outside of the cooking containers and the insideof the microwave oven
ore drg before placing food inthe oven. Beadsof moisture turning into steam con mislead
the sensor.
Dryoffdishessothey don't mislead
(Cook 1
Sensor Cook
UsingSensor Cook lets gou heat common
microwave-prepared foods without needing
to program times and Cook Powers.Sensor
Cook has preset Cook Powerfor 7food
Example (cooking rice):
Touch Cook.
F_ Choosethe food cotegorg,
Sensor Cook Chart
Touch Pod
Number Amount
1 i-4 each
2 i-4 cups
3 1-4 cups
4 1-4 cups
5 1-4 cups
6 1/2-2 cups
7 10-21oz.
When the cook time isover,four beepswill
sound and COOKENDwill displog.
About the sensor and auto microwave features.
Sensor Reheat
UsingSensor Reheat lets you heat common
microwave-prepared foods without needing
to program times and power levels.
Example (reheating 2 slices ofpizza):
B Touch Reheat.
[]Choose the food category.
Sensor ReheatChart
Touch Pad
Number Amount
Pizza Slice 1 1-3 slices
Dinner Plate 2 1-2 servings
Soup/Sauce 3 1-4cups
Casserole 4 1-4 cups
When the reheat time isover,four beepswill
sound and COOK ENDwill displag.
Theoven useslow power to cook poultry
(chickenwings, chicken nuggets,Spicy
chicken and Mexicanchicken).Seethe
Example (cooking 6 oz. chicken wings):
B TouchChicken.
F_ Choosethe food category, Touch I for
[]Choose the amount by touching
I for 6 oz,
_J TouchStart/Enter.
Chicken Chart
ChickenWings 1
ChickenNuggets 2
SpicgChicken 3
MexicanChicken 4
When the cook time isover,four beepswill
sound and COOK ENDwill displag.
NOTE: See recipes on page 19.
Useonlywith prepackagedmicrowave
popcornweighing1.75to 3.5ounces.
NOTE:Do notuse this feature twice
in successioneelthe samefood
portion--it may resultin severely
overcookedor burntfood.
Popcorn (Donotusetherackwhenmicrowave
d commerciallgpackagedmicrowavepopcorn.
Poponlgonepackageata time.Ifgouareusinga
TouchthePopcornpad.Whenthecooktime is
over,fourbeepswillsoundandCOOK ENDwill
Recommended amounts: 3.0-3.5oz.
Tocook a snack sizebag (1.75oz.)place
the bag in the oven.Setthe oven to cook for
2minutes at full power.LISTENfor the popping
to slow down. When the popping slows to one
pop per second, stop the oven.Make a note
of how much time it took and usethat setting
in the future.
removethe rackfromtheoven.Donotplacethe
bagof microwavepopcornontherackor under
I Soften !
Theoven useslow power to soften foods
(butter,icecream, cream cheese and frozen
juice).Seethe Soften Churt.
Example (softeninga quart of icecream):
I_Touch Soften.
Soften Chart
Touch Pad
Number Amount
Butter ..... 1 1,2,5 sticks
Ice Cream ...... 2 Pint,Quart,
I_ Choosethe food category. Touch 2 for
Ice cream.
I_]1 Choosethe amount. Touch 2for quart.
I_ TouchStart/Enter.
Half Gallon
Cream Cheese 3 3,8 oz.
FrozenJuice 4 6, 12,16 oz.
When the heating time isover,four beepswill
sound and COOKENDwill display.
I Melt )
_ Enter _
Theoven useslow power to melt
foods (butter or margarine, chocolate,
mGrshmGIIowsor processedcheesefood).
Seethe Melt Chart.
Example (melting 8 oz.ofchocolate):
I_ TouchMelt.
Choosethe food category. Touch 2 for
Choosethe amount. Touch 2for 8 oz.
Melt Chart
Butter/Margarine 1 1,2,3sticks
Chocolate 2 4,8oz.
Cheese..... 3 8,16oz.
Marshmallows 4 5,10oz.
When the heGtingtime isover,four beepswill
sound and COOKENDwill display.
About the sensor and auto microwave features.
SensorCook Chart
Baked Potato
i i
i i
Pierce each potato with a fork and place on the oven tray
around the edge, at least one inch apart.
Prepare as desired, wash and leave residual water
on the vegetables. Place in an appropriatelg sized microwave
container, cover with plastic wrap and vent.
Remove from package, rinse off frost under running water.
Place in an appropriatelg sized microwave container, cover
with plastic wrap and vent.
Remove from the outer displag can. Place in an appropriatelg
sized microwave container, cover with plastic wrap and vent.
After cooking, stir and allow to stand for 5 minutes.
Assemble the ingredients per the recipe in a 1-2 quart
casserole. Cook with plastic wrap and vent. After cooking,
stir and allow to stand for 5 minutes
Add twice the amount of water as rice. Use a microwave
container large enough to prevent water from boiling over dish.
Cover with plastic wrap or lid.
Remove from outer display package. Slit cover. If not in
microwave-safe container, place on plate, cover with plastic
wrap and vent.
1-4 medium approx.
8-10 oz. each
1-4 cups
1-4 cups
1-4 cups
1-4 cups
1/2-2 cups
10-21 oz.
Sensor Reheat Chart
Pizza Slice ............
k ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
k ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
This is a reheat function for leftover pizza,
Place on a paper towel on a microwave-safe plate.
Place on o low plate.
Cover with vented plastic wrap.
Let stand 3 minutes.
Place in a shallow microwavable casserole.
Cover with vented plastic wrap.
After cooking, stir and let stand S minutes.
Cover the dish containing the casserole with plastic wrap
and vent. After cooking, stir and allow to stand for S minutes.
1-3 slices
(]-5 oz. each)
1-2 servings
i-4 cups
i-4 cups
: ,i__ / Direction Amount
Chicken Wings Place in o single layer around the edge of o dinner plate 6 or 12 oz.
(frozen, precooked) or serving plotter.
Chicken Nuggets Place in o single lager around the edge of o dinner plate. /4or 8 oz.
(frozen, precooked)
2 or/4 servings
i i
Mexican Chicken
- 2 servings (double the ingredients for/4 servings)
1V2pounds skinless chicken pieces
1 teaspoon cogenne pepper
1V2tablespoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup hot sauce or 1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce
1/2 cup barbecue sauce of choice
Mix evergthing in on 8 X 8-inch gloss dish or similar dish
and cover with plastic wrap. Cook on Spicy chicken.
Stir and serve as is or place under o broiler for o few minutes
for additional browning.
- 2 servings (double the ingredients for/4 servings)
1/2 medium onion, chopped
1/2 green bell pepper, diced
1/2cup frozenpeas
1/2 cup long grain rice
1 cup water
1/2cup salsa
i teaspooncumin
Saltand peppertotaste
1/2cup greenolivesw/pimentos
Placeonionsand peppersinon 8 X8-inchglassdishorsimilar
containerand microwavefor3minutes.Add peas,rice,water,
salsa,chickenand cumin.Seasonwithsaltand pepper.Cover
withplasticwrap and cookon Mexicanchicken.Stirintheolives
and serveasisorplaceundero broilerforo few minutestoodd
2 or/4 servings
About the sensor and auto microwave features.
Soften Chart
Ice Cream
Cream Cheese ......
Frozen Juice
Unwrap and place in a microwavable container. Butter will be
at room temperature and ready for use in the recipe.
Place the container in the oven. Ice cream will be soft enough
to make scooping easier.
Unwrap and place in a microwavable container. Cream cheese
will be at room temperature and ready for use in the recipe.
Remove the top. Place in the oven. Frozenjuice will be soft
enough to mix easily with water.
1,2 or 3 sticks
Pint, Quart,
Half Gallon
3 or 8 oz.
6, 12 or 16 oz.
Melt Chart
_i Direction Amount
' Butter or Margarine ' 1,2 or 3 sticks
Unwrap and place in a microwavable container. No need to cover
the butter. Stir at the end of cooking to complete melting.
Chocolate chips or squares of baking chocolate may be used.
Unwrap the squares and place in a microwavable container.
Stir at the end of the cycle to complete melting.
Use processed cheese food only. Cut into cubes. Place in a single
layer in a microwavable container. Stir at the end of cooking
to complete melting.
Large or miniature marshmallows may be used.
Place in a microwavable container. Stir at the end of the cycle
to complete melting.
A or 8 oz.
8 or 16 oz.
5 or 10 oz.
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GE JVM2052 Owner's manual

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