238L Upright Fridge/Freezer
Model: EUF268W
Ready? Let’s get started.
QSG V1.0
First Use Temperture Control
Size (mm) / 595W × 632D × 1722H
Energy Rting / Fridge: 3.5 Strs / Freezer: 2.5 Strs
Wrrnty / 2 Yers
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Instlltion Tips
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When strting up for the rst time, keep the
refrigertor still for two hours before connecting
it to power supply.
Before putting ny fresh or frozen foods in the
fridge, ensure the fridge hs run for 2–3 hours,
or for t lest 4 hours in summer when the
mbient temperture is high.
The temperture controls re locted on the
outside of the fridge. This unit cn operte s
fridge or freezer. To lternte between fridge
or freezer mode, hold the Fridge/Freezer mode
button for 3 seconds.
For further Operting Instructions, refer to the
user mnul pges 13–15.
• Two person instlltion: Use two or more people to move nd instll the pplince.
Filure to do so cn result in bck or other injury.
• Freestnding design: This pplince is designed to be freestnding only, nd should not be
recessed or built-in.
• Plcement: This pplince must be properly positioned on dry, sturdy, level surfce tht is
strong enough to support it when it is fully loded. It should be plced in n indoor re tht is
well ventilted nd wy from direct sunlight.
• Ambient temperture: The mbient tempertures must correspond to the climte clss ( T)
indicted on the rting plte of the pplince.
• Clernces: Ensure tht ir cn circulte freely round the bck of the cbinet, which is
necessry to cool the compressor nd condenser. Allow t lest 10cm cler spce t the bck,
10cm t the sides of the unit nd 30cm between the top nd ny surfce bove.
Note: For further instlltion instructions plese refer to the user mnul pges 8–11.