Light Kit Installation: New Concrete Mixer (T) Frame
1) Open light kit and remove extra wire harness that connects to vehicle, and set it aside.
2) Locate the connector on the main wire harness and cut the WHITE wire on it to a length
of 16”.
3) Cut a separate piece of wire to approximately 9”. (Side marker wire)
4) Cut a separate GROUND WIRE to 36”.
5) Make a small hook from stiff wire.
6) Make a larger, longer hook from stiff wire
or use any available tool.
7) Drill a small hole or 2 under the spine of the frame.
(To drain any water that collects in the frame)
8) Drill a hole 6 ½” up from the hitch pipe, on the frontal leg.
9) Drill a hole inside the front post, as close to the front of the post
as possible.