How to install Applications(.apk file) into the device
Method 1.
1. Connect the device with internet. See above [1.Wireless & networks] in order to connect internet.
2. Run “Play Store” and search the applications you want to install.
3. Follow the instruction on the screen for installation.
Method 2.
1. With your computer, search application file(.apk) that you want to install into the device.
2. Download the file(.apk) into your computer.
3. Connect the device with your computer.
See above [How to connect/disconnect the device with/from the computer.]
4. Copy and paste .apk file into the device and disconnect it from your computer.
5. Run “File browser” and .apk file that was copied into the device.
6. Press the file to install and follow the instruction on the screen.
You may only download adult applications if you are at least 18 years of age, or at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction where
you reside or from which you download adult applications. If you do not meet these requirements, then you do not have permission
to download adult applications.
In case of any problems including legal issues from the breach by end-user’s own decision, the manufacturer shall not be