PC-Cooling GmbH | Eichenallee 3 | D-24589 Nortorf | Fon: +49 (0) 4392 91 61 65 | Fax: +49 (0) 4392 9161 14
Material Average change of weight
Copper (SF Cu) – 0.1 g/m
So solder (L Sn 30) – 0.1 g/m
Brass (MS 63) ± 0.0 g/m
Steel (HI) ± 0.0 g/m
Cast Iron (GG) ± 0.0 g/m
Cast Aluminium (G-AlSi6Cu4) – 0.4 g/m
The outstanding ancorrosion properes of mixtures of
CoolForce 1 and water have also been demonstrated in
high-temperature corrosion tests on cast iron GG 25 and cast
aluminium G-AlSi10Mg subjected to the ow and heat-transfer
condions relang to wa densies up to 40 W/cm
In order to maintain eecve protecon from corrosion, the
concentraon of CoolForce 1 must not be allowed to fall
below 20 percent by volume. This content corresponds to a
freezing point of -9 °C. Concentraons lower than 20 percent
by volume are insucient and increase the risk of corrosion.
If CoolForce 1 is run to exisng installaons in which only
water has previously been circulated, it should be noted that
the rust in these systems greatly increases the eecve area of
contact with the heat-transfer uid.
It thus binds the corrosion inhibitors contained in CoolForce 1,
with the consequence that their eecve concentraon may
be reduced to such an extent that the protecon against
corrosion is impaired. For this reason, the rust in these instal-
laons should be ushed out to the utmost extent before the
lling. In parcularly severe cases, pickling with subsequent
neutralisaon of the acid is recommended.
Aer they have been emped, installaons that have been
run temporarily with CoolForce 1must be thoroughly ushed
several mes to ensure that all residual traces of the product
are removed, because any product residues may give rise to
increased corrosion.
Compability with Sealing Materials CoolForce 1 / water
mixtures do not aack the sealings that are nor mally used in
heang and cooling systems. The following table of sealants,
elastomers and plascs that are resistant to CoolForce 1 /
water mixtures has been compiled from experimental results,
experience, and from literature data:
Butyl rubber IIR
Chloroprene CR
Ethylene-propylene-diene-rubber EPDM
Fluorocarbon elastomers FPM
Natural rubber below 80 °C NR
Nitrile rubber NBR
Polyacetal POM
Polyamides below 115 °C PA
Polybutene PB
Polyethylene, so, hard PE-LD/HD
Polyethylene, crosslinked PE-X
Polypropylene PP
Polytetrauorethylene PTFE
Polyvinylchloride, rigid PVC h
Silicone rubber Si
Styrene butadiene rubber below 100 °C SBR
Unsaturated polyester resins UP
Phenolic and urea resins, plascized PVC, and polyurethane
elastomers are not resistant.
An important point to note is that the performance of elasto-
mers is not only governed by the properes of the rubber
itself, e.g. EPDM, but also by the nature and amount of the
constuent addives and the vulcanisaon condions. For this
reason, it is recommended that their resistance to CoolForce 1
/ water mixtures is checked by performance tests before these
elastomers are taken into use for the rst me. This applies in
parcular to elastomers intended as membranes for expansi-
on vessels as described in DIN EN 12828 and DIN 4807 Part 2,
The low surface tension of CoolForce 1 / water mixtures in
some cases may be the reason for leakage if the sealing strips
have been produced from polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE).
Likewise, the addion of CoolForce 1 in heang systems may
allow latent leaks to be detected, because the resulng Cool-
Force 1 / water mixture possesses higher weng power than
neat water.
If the leakage cannot be prevented by ghtening the connec-
ons, the system must be drained. The sealings must then be
replaced, and the connecon must be rechecked to ensure
that there is no leakage.
It is important that all connecons with renewed sealings are
reghtened aer the system has been restarted and brought
to the maximum operang temperature.
The procedure for lling in stallaons with forced circulaon
is to run in about two-thirds of the requisite amount of water
rst of all. CoolForce 1 should then be added and the system
topped up with the remainder of the water. The uids become
completely mixed aer the circulaon pump has been run
for several hours. CoolForce 1 and water must be completely
mixed together before they are lled into systems with natural
Applicaon Guidelines
In view of the specic properes of CoolForce 1 , the following
instrucons must be observed to ensure long-term protecon
for the installaons.
Installaons must be designed as closed circuits, as otherwise
the contact with atmospheric oxygen will accelerate the cons
umpon of inhibitors.
Flexible-membrane expansion tanks must con-form to DIN EN
12828 and DIN 4807 Part 2, resp.
Silver or copper brazing solders are preferably to be used on
joints. Fluxes used in combinaon with so solder usually
contain chlorides. Their residues must be removed from the
system by thorough ushing. Otherwise, an increased content
of chlorides in the heat-transfer uid may lead for example to
ping corrosion on stainless steel.