EtchArc Plasma Marker
Introduction Page 5
2 Introduction
2.1 Overview
The EtchArc Plasma Marker is a constricted arc
plasma torch marking device. The plasma marker
is a low amperage plasma torch designed for high
accuracy line marking on metal plate. It produces
high quality, durable marks at speeds between 100
and 500 inches per minute. It can greatly enhance
production by performing plate layout and marking
with computer controlled accuracy and speed.
The plasma marking process is similar to the
plasma cutting process. However, rather than
making a cut into the plate, the low amperage
plasma arc merely marks the plate in the pattern
produced by the machine motion. Voltage height
control maintains a constant torch standoff for
consistent marking. This allows for high speed,
highly accurate pattern layout.
When the EtchArc Plasma Marker is used in
conjunction with ESAB’s Vision CNC, Dynamic
Current Control is used to precisely control width
and depth of marks by proportionally ramping
current up and down as the machine accellerates
and decelerates. This minimizes cratering or pitting
on starts, in corners, and at the end of the mark.
The Plasma Marker system is intended to be used
during an automatic cutting cycle. Accurate
positioning of the layout lines and marks depends
on using the automatic marker offsets executed by
the CNC during Automatic Mode. However, the
marker can be used manually for the purpose of
testing and setup.
For automatic operation the control will execute the
necessary steps, according to the part program, to
offset the torch, turn on the Automatic Height
Control, fire the torch, and begin marking.
For manual operation, all of these steps must be
performed by the operator.