Before starting any maintenance work, please read the
Maintenance Manual completely as it contains important
safety relevant information. Failure to do so may result
in personal injuries including death. Consult the orginal
equipment manufacturers handbook for additional inst-
These technical data and the information embodied therein
are the property of BRP-Rotax GmbH & CO KG, Austria, acc,
BGBI 1984 no. 448, and shall not, without prior written per-
mission of BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG, be disclosed in whole
or in part to third parties. This legend shall be included on
any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part. The Manu-
al must remain with the engine/aircraft in case of sale.
ROTAX® is a trade mark of BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG. In the
following document the short form of BRP-Rotax GmbH &
Co KG = BRP-Rotax is used.
Other product names in this documentation are used purely
for ease of identification and may be trademarks of the res-
pective company or owner.
Copyright 2023 © - all rights reserved.
Translation into other languages might be performed in
the course of language localization but does not lie within
ROTAX® scope of responsibility.
In any case the original text in English language and the me-
tric units are authoritative.