6. Measure from shoulder on
base plate (32) (or shoulder on
intermediate rail guides if
used) to elevation at top of
basin. Cut two (Simplex) or
four (Duplex) pieces of 3/4”
or 1-1/2” standard galvanized
steel pipe to about 1-1/2”
less than this length for a
Hydromatic Simplex split
basin cover or 3/8” less for
a Hydromatic Duplex basin
cover. If upper rails will be
supported from side of basin,
cut rails about 12” less than
this length. If angle iron
framed steel hatch is being
used, cut guide pipes to suit.
Slip bottom of these pipes over
round bar on base plate (32) or
intermediate guides (43) (44).
7. Place the stationary portion of
the basin cover (50) (Simplex)
or hinged cover (27) (Duplex)
on top of the basin so that
the round bars of the top rail
supports are inserted into the
guide rails. Make sure the rails
are plumb and on 12 inch
centers. Mark the cover
mounting holes on the top of
basin. Remove cover and drill
holes for masonry anchors.
Install cover with cap screws
provided. Repeat for Simplex
removable cover (27).
8. If upper rails are to be
supported from the side of the
basin, insert round bars of the
top side rail guides (37) into
top ends of pipe. With the rails
plumb and on correct center
distance, mark top side rail
braces (41) to proper length
and saw to length. Drill 5/16”
holes in proper position and
fasten top side rail guides (37)
to top side rail braces (41) with
cap screws (38), flat washers
(40), and nuts (49) provided.
A float hanger strap (34) is
assembled together with the
top side rail guides (37) on
Simplex units. If system is
Duplex, assemble top center
rail guide (39) and top center
rail brace (42) in the center.
Make sure guide rails are kept
plumb and on correct center
distance when this work is
being done.
9. If intermediate rail guides
have been used, install these
rail braces (41) (42) as above.
Make sure guide rails are
plumb and on correct center
10. Using chain, lower pump into
basin on guide rails until it
rests on base plate (32).
11. Install discharge pipe (by
others) into side of basin so
that it lines up with check
valve. Slip the sealing flange
and gate valve assembly
(31) through the guide ears
on the check valve. The face
of the sealing flange should
be approximately 1/16” from
sealing flange gasket on
check valve when the gate
valve is screwed onto the
discharge pipe furnished by
others. Make sure gate valve
handwheel is turned up.
12. If the centerline of discharge
is greater than 12 ft. from
the top of the basin, a gate
valve extension (30) and
support (36) must be installed.
If the gate valve extension
(30) is longer than 10’-0”, an
intermediate support brace
(33) must be used.
13. Place intermediate gate
valve extension brace (33)
at approximately half the
distance between the gate
valve handwheel and one foot
below the top of the basin.
The hole for the gate valve
extension should line up with
the centerline of the gate valve
handwheel. Mark the holes for
the brace and drill the holes
for 3/8” expansion anchors.
Fasten brace to basin with 3/8”
cap screws.
14. Place gate valve extension
support (36) so that the top
of the brace is approximately
one foot below the top of the
basin and the hole for the gate
valve extension lines up with
centerline of gate valve
handwheel. Mark and drill
holes for 3/8” anchors. Fasten
brace to basin with 3/8” cap
15. Unscrew handle from gate
valve extension (30) and
insert the rod up through the
grommet in the brace. Set the
other end of the extension onto
the gate valve handwheel and
lock into position with the
cotter pin (48). Thread the nut
and then the handle back onto
the top end of the gate valve
extension (30).
16. Lower floats (15) into basin,
clamp strain relief bushings
around float cable, then insert
bushings into bracket. The
floats will be adjusted later in
Starting the System.
17. Repeat steps 12 through 17
under Installing Simplex and
Duplex Hydr-O-Rail Systems.
Installing the Simplex
and Duplex Suspended
Systems factory built
or component (Models FBSSG,
Referring to fig. 5 or 6,
assemble and install in the
following sequence:
1. Install the basin (1) and
connect inlet pipe to the side.
If the basin is concrete, set the
basin cover (2) on top of the
basin, mark the holes, remove
the basin cover (2) and drill