Thermo Fisher Scientific Xcalibur 2.0 Creating and Searching Libraries User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Xcalibur Getting Productive user manual and I understand that it provides instructions on creating, editing, and searching spectral libraries within the Xcalibur software. This includes managing MS, MS/MS, and MSn spectral data, attaching chemical structures, and customizing reports. I'm ready to help you with any questions regarding library creation, management, or search within Xcalibur, feel free to ask me!
  • How can I create a custom library entry?
    Can I attach a chemical structure to a library entry?
    How can I search libraries automatically?
For Research Use Only
Not for use in Diagnostic Procedures
Getting Productive:
Creating and Searching Libraries
XCALI-97102 Revision C June 2006
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Thermo Electron Corporation Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries v
Preface ............................................................................................vii
About This Guide .....................................................................vii
Related Documentation ............................................................vii
Safety and Special Notices........................................................viii
Contacting Us..........................................................................viii
Changes to the Manual and Online Help................................ix
Chapter 1 Overview of Library Browser............................................................1
Quick Reference Guide...............................................................2
Specifying the Peak Detection Algorithm....................................4
Chapter 2 Managing Libraries ............................................................................7
Creating a Library Entry with
Spectral Data............................................................................8
Opening a Raw Data File (.raw) in Qual Browser ....................8
Viewing a Spectrum in Qual Browser.....................................10
Subtracting Background Spectra ............................................12
Exporting a Spectrum to Library Browser ..............................14
Editing a User Library...............................................................16
Editing Spectrum Information ...............................................16
Adding an Entry to and Naming a Library.............................18
Attaching a Chemical Structure to a Library Entry.................19
Appending Additional Compounds to the User Library.........27
Managing the NIST Libraries ...................................................34
Adding a Library ....................................................................35
Deleting a Library ..................................................................36
Copying a Library ..................................................................36
Converting Libraries to Another Format ...................................37
vi Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries Thermo Electron Corporation
Chapter 3 Searching Libraries ......................................................................... 41
Setting Up to Search Libraries Automatically ............................42
Specifying Search Parameters in the Qual View......................42
Specifying Report Options for Library Searches .....................46
Specifying Raw Data Files in Sequence Setup.........................52
Reprocessing Raw Files and Printing Reports............................55
Initiating a Library Search from Qual Browser..........................58
Searching a Library by Using Library Browser...........................62
Customizing the Library Browser Layout ..................................68
Appendix A Example Reports............................................................................... 69
Reports from a Library Search Using Sequence Setup ...............70
Report from a Library Search Using Qual Browser....................80
Report from a Library Search Using Library Browser ................81
Index ................................................................................................... 83
Thermo Electron Corporation Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries vii
About This Guide Welcome to Xcalibur®, the Thermo Electron mass spectrometry data
system. Xcalibur includes all the software needed to create, search, and
edit libraries.
This Xcalibur Getting Productive manual guides you through the following
How to create and edit custom libraries for MS, MS/MS, or MSn
How to search multiple libraries
How to print library search results in custom-designed reports
In addition to this guide, Thermo Electron provides the following
documents for Xcalibur 2.0:
Administrators Guide: Configuring Xcalibur Software for Compliance with
Getting Productive: Processing Setup and the Analysis of Quantitation Data
Getting Productive: Qualitative Analysis
Getting Productive: Quantitative Analysis
Getting Productive: Creating and Searching Libraries
Getting Productive: Xreports
Help available from within the software
viii Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries Thermo Electron Corporation
Safety and Special
Make sure you follow the precautionary statements presented in this guide.
The safety and other special notices appear in boxes.
Safety and special notices include the following:
Contacting Us There are several ways to contact Thermo Electron.
Assistance For new product updates, technical support, and ordering information,
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Each CAUTION notice is accompanied by an appropriate CAUTION
IMPORTANT Highlights information necessary to avoid damage to
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optimal performance of the system.
Note Highlights information of general interest.
Tip Helpful information that can make a task easier.
Thermo Electron Corporation Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries ix
Changes to the Manual
and Online Help
To suggest changes to this guide or to the Help, use either of the following
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Thermo Electron Corporation Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries 1
Chapter 1 Overview of Library Browser
The Library Browser is part of Xcalibur®, the Thermo Electron mass
spectrometry data system.
This chapter gives you an overview of the library tools in Xcalibur and how
to use them to create and use personally customized libraries. The
introduction describes the basic features of Library Browser and outlines
what is covered in this manual. A Quick Reference Guide summarizes the
steps for creating, editing, and searching custom libraries and printing
reports of the results.
This chapter also provides information about how to choose a peak
detection algorithm for Xcalibur to use when performing library searches.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Quick Reference Guide
Specifying the Peak Detection Algorithm
Note Throughout this manual, the term Library Browser is used
synonymously with the term NIST MS Search to refer to the NIST MS
Search desktop.
1 Overview of Library Browser
Quick Reference Guide
2Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries Thermo Electron Corporation
Quick Reference
Figure 1 is a Quick Reference Guide that provides a one-page summary of
the steps you perform to create, edit, and search libraries and to print reports
by using Xcalibur.
First, create a custom user library of MS/MS or MSn spectra, one entry at a
time. To include a spectrum in a library entry, display a (qualitative) .raw
file data in Qual Browser. In Qual Browser, you can enhance a spectrum by
averaging several scans and by subtracting background scans. Then export
the enhanced spectrum to Library Browser. See “Creating a Library Entry
with Spectral Dataon page 8 for more information on this process.
Second, when the spectrum is exported to Library Browser, you can edit the
spectrum information. For example, you can change the name of the entry
or specify the molecular weight or the CAS (Chemical Abstract Service)
registry number. You can even attach a chemical structure to the library
entry. You can also select which mass-to-charge ratios to include in the
entry. See “Editing a User Libraryon page 16 for more information.
Finally, Xcalibur provides three ways to search libraries and print custom
Automatically, by using raw (.raw) or result (.rst) files in Sequence Setup
Manually, by using a single spectrum in Qual Browser
Manually, by using a single spectrum exported to Library Browser
Refer to “Setting Up to Search Libraries Automaticallyon page 42,
“Initiating a Library Search from Qual Browseron page 58, and
“Searching a Library by Using Library Browseron page 62 for more
information on searching.
Use the Qual view options in the Processing Setup window to specify a
processing method to print reports automatically. Then reference this
processing method to specify a sequence of files in Sequence Setup. When
you reprocess a sequence, Xcalibur prints the reports.
If you manually search for search results that match a single spectrum, print
the results by using the command File > Print either in Qual Browser or in
Library Browser.
Note For MS/MS and MSn spectra, however, be careful to delete none
of the masses that Xcalibur detected because the presence of a particular
mass-to-charge ratio, rather than its intensity, is an essential criterion for
identification of a compound.
1 Overview of Library Browser
Quick Reference Guide
Thermo Electron Corporation Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries 3
Figure 1. Quick Reference Guide
Create a Library Spectrum
Create the Library Entry
Search Libraries and Print Reports
Automatically, using .raw or .rst files
Manually, using a single spectrum
Collected Printed Reports
Open a raw
file in Qual
Display a
spectrum to
Library Browser
Specify entry
name, CAS#,
MW, in Library
Name the
Attach a
Append other
spectra to
Specify search
parameters in
Processing Setup
Specify sequence
in Sequence
Batch reprocess:
choose to print
Open a .raw file
in Qual Browser,
and display the
spectrum Export spectrum
to Library Browser
Specify library
options; search
Specify library
options; search Print report
Print reports
1 Overview of Library Browser
Specifying the Peak Detection Algorithm
4Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries Thermo Electron Corporation
Specifying the Peak
Detection Algorithm
Specify how Xcalibur finds and processes chromatogram peaks by choosing
one of three algorithms: ICIS, Genesis, or Avalon. The ICIS peak detection
algorithm has been designed for MS data and has superior peak detection
efficiency at low MS signal levels. This is the Xcalibur default peak detection
algorithm. The Genesis peak detection algorithm is the original Xcalibur
peak detection algorithm. This algorithm has been provided for backward
compatibility with Xcalibur 1.0 studies. The Avalon peak detection
algorithm supports detectors other than MS and detects negative
chromatographic peaks and shoulders more accurately than Genesis or
For the examples in this manual, specify the ICIS algorithm:
1. Open Qual Browser from the Roadmap view of Xcalibur Home Page.
2. Open a .raw file and click the pin in the Chromatogram view to select
3. Right-click the Chromatogram view and choose Peak Detection and
then either Set Peak Detection Algorithm and Detect in this Plot or
Set Peak Detection Algorithm and Detect in all Plots (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Chromatogram view
1 Overview of Library Browser
Specifying the Peak Detection Algorithm
Thermo Electron Corporation Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries 5
4. Select the ICIS peak detection algorithm. Xcalibur automatically
integrates the peak using the ICIS algorithm.
5. Specify mass tolerance and mass precision (see Figure 3).
a. Select Display > Mass Options. The Global Mass Options dialog
box appears.
b. Specify a mass tolerance bandwidth in the Mass Tolerance box to
calculate spectrum averages, to add and subtract spectra, and to
convert profile data to centroid data. Specify the units of mass
tolerance as mmu or ppm.
c. Specify a mass precision number from 0 to 5 in the Decimals box.
Xcalibur applies a number of decimal places to mass intensity values
for data processing calculations. Click OK.
Note For new processing methods only, you can choose either the ICIS,
Genesis, or Avalon Xcalibur peak detection algorithm as the default
setting for each type of detector. From the Roadmap view of the Home
Page, choose Tools > Configuration and select the appropriate default
option on the Peak Detection page.
Figure 3. Global Mass Options dialog box
1 Overview of Library Browser
Specifying the Peak Detection Algorithm
6Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries Thermo Electron Corporation
6. Specify the relative scale (see Figure 4).
a. Select the chromatogram view, right-click the view, and choose
Display Options.
b. Click the Axis tab to display the Axis page.
c. Under the Y-axis Units area, select the Relative option. (Xcalibur
uses the Relative scale to calculate mass spectral data and the
Absolute scale to calculate UV/PDA/other data.) Click OK.
Figure 4. Display Options dialog box - Chromatogram Axis page
Thermo Electron Corporation Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries 7
Chapter 2 Managing Libraries
Use the Xcalibur data system to create a custom library of MS/MS spectra.
The Xcalibur data system includes a subset of the NIST mass spectral library
called nistdemo. The NIST/EPA/NIH Main Library contains more than
100,000 compounds whose MS-type spectra were obtained primarily in
electron ionization (EI) scan mode. You might want to create a custom
library that includes MS/MS spectra or spectra of MSn analyses.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Creating a Library Entry with Spectral Data
Editing a User Library
Managing the NIST Libraries
Converting Libraries to Another Format
Note Refer to the online Help for more information: Choose Help on
the menu bar in any Xcalibur window. For assistance with Library
Browser specifically, choose Help > Help Topics on the Library Browser
menu bar.
2 Managing Libraries
Creating a Library Entry with Spectral Data
8Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries Thermo Electron Corporation
Creating a Library
Entry with
Spectral Data
To create a library entry with MS or MS/MS (or MSn) spectral data, use the
Qual Browser window. creating a library entry with your spectral data
The procedure in this section uses steroid data. The raw data files are
included with the Xcalibur data system in the C:\Xcalibur\examples\data
To create a library entry, complete the following tasks detailed in this
Opening a Raw Data File (.raw) in Qual Browser
Viewing a Spectrum in Qual Browser
Subtracting Background Spectra
Exporting a Spectrum to Library Browser
Opening a Raw Data File
(.raw) in Qual Browser
To view MS/MS raw data, use the Qual Browser window. Open a data file
to expand the Qual Browser menu bar.
To display the raw data of a steroids data file
1. Display the Xcalibur Home Page from the Microsoft®Windows®
Desktop in either of the following ways:
Click Start > Programs > Xcalibur > Xcalibur.
Double-click the Xcalibur shortcut on the desktop.
2. Click the Qual Browser button on the Xcalibur Home Page to display
the Qual Browser window.
3. Choose File > Open or click the Open button in the toolbar to display
the Open Raw File dialog box.
2 Managing Libraries
Creating a Library Entry with Spectral Data
Thermo Electron Corporation Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries 9
4. Browse to the Xcalibur\examples\data\steroids14.raw file (see Figure 5).
5. Select the Add: Window option button and click Open to display the
data for the steroids (see Figure 5).
Leave the Qual Browser window open, and go on to the next section,
“Viewing a Spectrum in Qual Browser.
Figure 5. Open Raw File dialog box, showing the selection of
2 Managing Libraries
Creating a Library Entry with Spectral Data
10 Xcalibur: Getting Productive with Libraries Thermo Electron Corporation
Viewing a Spectrum in
Qual Browser
To view a mass spectrum, use the interactive cells of the Qual Browser
window. This procedure continues from the previous section, “Opening a
Raw Data File (.raw) in Qual Browseron page 8.
To display a mass spectrum of the raw data in a window containing four
1. Confirm that Xcalibur displays the Chromatogram view as shown in
Figure 6. If it does not, do the following:
a. Choose View > Info Bar to hide the Information bar.
b. Click the Maximize button in the upper right corner of the window
to enlarge the window display area.
c. Choose Grid > Delete > All Cells to display a single cell.
d. Choose View > Chromatogram to display only the chromatogram
in the cell.
Figure 6. Qual Browser window, showing the Chromatogram view of steroids14.raw