_.Selection ef Slitches ....................... 5
2. Handy Reference Cha_ 6
3 Accessories .................................. 7
4 Needle Informa_er ........................ 7
5, Pnnc pal Parts ............................. 8
6. How tO Open Leoeer Cover .................9
7. Pr_ne pal Parts Behind Loooer Cover .... 9
8oPreparationPriortoSewing ............... 9
9 Preparation for Threading ................ 10
,,Settin _ up me thread guide holder ......... 10
I0.How to Remove and InsertNeedles .......... 11
• To remove needle_s} ................. 11
•To insertneedle_s)....................... 11
11.Threading the Machine ....................... 12
-Threadin_diag_am ....................... 12
•Understandingthecolorcode................. 12
• To thread (he machine correctly ............ 12
1_Threading Ihe upper looper (Orange) ........ t2
2) Threading the lower _oeper (Yellow}. 14
3) Threading the right needle (Green) ..... 16
4} Threading lhe let! needte (B/uel ........ I8
, m po_tantthreadingw_formabon............. 19
12 How to Change Threads Tie on M_thod ....... 20
13.Hew toAdjustthe SlitchLength ...............21
14. HOW tO Adfus! the Seam Widih 21
,W_dtn aG uslme_t by changing needte p_smen . 21
,Width adjustmentwithadjustmentknob ........21
15. How _oA@ust the Presser Feet Press_ re.......
I_6.Different_a_ Feed .......................... 23
_Gathered everedge ..................... 23
• Stretch overedge .......................... 24
17 How io Disengage Movable Upper Knite 25
18 ConveMing tRe upper _ooDer rote _reade_ 26
!9 Free Arm Sewing _Tubular Work_ ........ 27
20 S_andard Overedge and Roiled Hem Sli_chmg -- 28
To sew standardoveredge ................. 28
,To sew reliedhem ...........................28
21. Chainingelf and Test Sewing .................29
22 Suggested Tension Se_ing ...................... 30
I ) 2othread wrapped edge overlook ........ 30
2) 24hread :standard rolled _m _ite_ng ..... 3t
3) 3 Thread Ovedock ....................... 32
4) 3-Thread Fiatlock 33
5) 3-Thread Wrap_d Edge Ouerloc_........ 34
6) 4.Thread Ultra Stretch Mock Satey S_i_ch........ 35
2& How to Sew a Reied Hem .................
} 24hread wrapped edge overlook 37
24hread standard rolled _m stitcNng .... 37
2) 34bread standard roiled hem st tch ng ..... 38
34hread upper ioope_ thread wrapped
relied hem slitching 38
24. S ilcl_ Variations and Sewing Techniques ....... 40
-How to sew s flatlock decorative seam .......... 40
• Hew to sew an ovedock b_ind hem ....... 42
• How to sew pin tucks 42
• T_ming square comer& .......... 43
• Pin placement
,,Securing _he thread chain .....
",How to reinforce a seam ................ 45
_,Brading by' cha ning elf 45
25 Machine Ma ntenance 46
• C/caning the machine ................ 46
• Oilieg the roach ne .....................................46
-How to replace _he stationary kn#e .................47
,How to exchange light bulb 48
26 Troublesh_ting Chatl...........................49
27 Relationship between Cloth, Thread and Needle .... 50
28 Specificatie_ .............. 51