4. If you have a problem
If a minor problem occurs, it usually can be solved quiteeasily when the cause is Found by
using the check list below.
Cleaner won't run
Cleaner won't
pick up
Cleaner hard to
Cleaning tools
won't pick up
Visible dirt leaking
through final filter
No voltage in wall plug Check fuse or breaker
Thermal protector activated !Allow cleaner to cool [or 30 minutes (this
will resel the therma! protector)
_r:Oke_i_f-_6;n;:_e]:_i:,: :: _::::' " ................ ........... '
IAgitalor brush roll worn Rcplace brush roll
[ ::..... : :.: : =., : .. =.:... • ...... :: : : • - ._ _., ',:.v! ;' •.... "..... :,, .... •
:Dirt c_ut_!:_O!l::!:...::; i ::i :: : Empty' :dif.t..eup ;:::: : :: '::.:: :
hlcorrecl carpet height Move nozzle control knob to lower setting
HEPAcartridge filter
_. Q]J:; _:::,;-_ 2 _ _' !... ! _ :.-: :_ -i_i _:.:."_,_. _,:::.=:::.:
Dirt cup not properly
installed and latched
Filter assembly not
assembled properly
Cleaner handle not in
upright position
Filter assembly not installed
Clean HEPA cartridge filter by either
tapping the side of the dirt cup or
removing the cartridge filter as described
,n the "Filter assembly" section.
Position dirt cup properly and lock latch
_ _J_t:_i3:_::_ :;/3;,_;.._F_._:;::,:;_:_(}:.;i;,,i;,;.:_::--_;.,:._.:'LI_-;.:-_=:_::?
Ensure that filter assembly is positioned
Properly (Fic_s. 3-4 to 3-6).
':.'=] _'::';'%i_5:_:,__)17_,_..:i_::_:!_:::_i . : "_::_i;'!,,:i :_._"J _• :. ; :' _:_=:_.
Ensure that cleaner handle is locked in
upright posffion.
Remove fi]ter assembly from dirt cup and
ensure that HEPA cartridge Filter is prop-
erly attached to pre-filter screen and that
entire filter assembly is properly reposi-
tioned inside dirt cup. [Figs. 3-I through
Dirt inside dirt p ........... , ..... _................. Note_,.._ e_-. _ ._ ._a •S_le 1 _ th_:SB:l_, ,
CU ::::=: "-: ":;L::L; ::' :; ";::: :: ;: " ' ' :=:?" :"*;: ::: _::_""_'_";_="!_¢"":;:_"_: :' " " " .......
stops spin ning .::; :-.!/:_i::;i:::::_6i_-.:_,_:_!'r][_'.a.]_]_:_i-_.._,e.fi "thiS:.d:_t:_::' :.
_:"__': ::_" : :":'.........':::_:.:7::::' ;.:_;': .f_ m::S_i_i_i_ilt..aEF6;_:ti:n ' _l!ea_rii:hg::
': ] ' " : = ::. :! "-:.:: :i;:3 :::. t6 be Os_:d]:e_._i_ ::::_!_e:_li:i_:fi:S::fi[c_.is_pin_i:_ig:
3::3 .':. :::: :::i _.3i ] insi:ci_it_e:di_i;(_:_iii[_:" :i::i:i 7 : : :::
: ". " : _ " _: -.' . .::=; :L :7] " :_.:_;_;7"q:;'_" _1_°-:. • ;::: - , ."= ::_
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