Comon Washing Problems
results,follcmthese_stic_s prmvidedbyTheSoapandDetergentAssociaticn.
B_S_ •Eeterg_qt orliquid fabric softener •If causedb_/detergent, m_x i c_] (240 i_ ) •Add detergent before wash load. Then star t
didnotdissolveordlsperse, whitevlnegarwithlquart (.95L) water _n washer.
a plastic container. Soak it_ i hour. Rinse.
•Ifceusedby fabrlc softenet, l_b stmu19 with •Dilute fabrlc softener withwater.
bar soap. Wash.
•Not enough detergent. •Rewash with collect amount of detergent •Sozz items by soll level and color.
• Wash water temperature too low. and hottest water safe for fabric. Add •Use correct amount of detergent, hottest
• Irro_ct sc_tir_, bleachsafe for fahr±c, water and bleach safe for fabric.
_e_, (_lysta_ •Not _gh detergent. •Treat withprewash staln r_ sDver or 1lquid •Use correct a!_Duntof detergent and
•[kdllutedliquid fabric softener deter_, hottest water safe for fabric.
psureddli_ct ]y c_ fabric. • I_lcrease detergent _t water t e_perature. •DO not _ llquld fabriQ SO ftepee
Rewash. dlrectly_ fa_c. See package chrections
•Rub fabric softener stalls withbar soap. or W_h_ _z_ for proper diluting.
_es, tears, _ • Incorrectuse ofchlorine ble_ch. •Maybe irreversable if rips,tears and seams •Never psur chlorine bleach di_ct ]yon fabric
• _]f astemed zippems, hooks, buckles, cabot be mended. • C_eck co_]ition of item_ be fore washing.
• Rips, tears _]d broken t_£_. See _ _S for preparing
•Overloading the washer, and loachng the wash load.
• Ee_raJationof fabric.
• Ir_rJ_y_ctscrtir_. ,Reduce load size. Rewashusing correct •See Washi_ Proce_ for sorting and
• Tissl_s left inpocket _ water temperature, water level, and preparLng the wash load.
•Overloadir_ the washer, arsDuntof deterg_]t. •Do not overload washer.
•Not enoughdetergent. 0;_idncnpreclpltatlngwaterc(xxlitioner to •Use co_:cectan_mlntof detergent, water
•i_xlissolveddetercsentbinsleft wash water, te_rature ar_ water level.
reeld]9_ •Aid llquid fabricsof_r to f9_i rinse.
• Staticcli_isatts_rdr_lint. .Dry lead _ldryer.
•Load washed too long. •R_Dve lint_±th lintbzushor roller.
(Fihersb_ekef f,hall
up asd cling to
•Pillingis_o_mlwith syntheticm_
_t pressfabrics.Tklsisdue
toabrasionfr_ _o_@l wear,
•Usea l_ntbrushor sh_verto_%_r7_epills.
• Use fabric softener in the washer to lubricatl
•_%eni_i!zg, usespraystarchor fabrlc
finish@_col]a_ andcuffs.
•'rumitemsinsideoutto reduceabrasion_
Residueor powder
Yellow buildup o£
•Adddissolveddetergentto tab.Rewash
•Mixl c_p (24011d)whitevinegar tol
gallon(3.8L)wa_water inplastic
container.Soakit_m Rir_em_Irewash.
• Incre3se water temperature using hottest
water safe for fabric.
•Do not overload washer.
•Use llgaid detergent or use nonprecipitating
water conditioner w_th nenphospbat e
granular detergent.
•Do not overloadwasher.
•Remsve items fromwasher as soon as cycle
• L_e llqUid fabric softener.
•Agltaticn time tt_Ds_r t.
•Wash water temperature too low.
•Not enough detergent.
con_ enzv_s.
•Or,tteat w_h color re_over.
• Iron or manganese in water supply,
water pipes, or water heater.
•TO restore dlsoOlored Iced ofwhites, use
rustremover safe forfabric.
DO not use chlorlme bleach to
_. x_i_
•Use nonpreclpltat ir_ water softenet,
•Before washing, ru_lhot water for a few
minutes toclear lines_
•Drain water heater occasicrmlly _
•For an enzoir_problem, nnstall an iron filter
inyour water supply system.