Jenn-Air JXT8136ADS Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

Model Number:
Manufacturer Number:
J×T8136ADS J×T8142ADS
S98M90S S98E42S
35-3/8" (gU c_ 42 _'
Satet', Instructions .................................................... 1
Controls & Features ............................................... 2-4
Maintenance ......................................................... 5-b
Warranty .................................................................. 7
Form No. A/04/03 Part No. US9800-0303A _)2004 May_ag Apl_lian(::es Sales (o. litho U.S.A.
Theinstallationin thismanuarisintendedforquarifiedinstallers,servicetechniciansor persons
resurtfrominstallingtheunitdueto rackofappropriateerectricalandtechnicalbackground.
Air erectricarwiring must be properly instarled, insulated and grounded. Overly accumulated
greasein old duct work should becleaned out or duct work should be replaced if necessary to
avoid the possibility of a grease fire. Checkall ioints on duct work to insure proper connection
andall ioints should be properly taped.
Readall instructions in this manual before operating theappliance. Savethese instructions for
future reference.
Always leave safety grills and filters in place.Without these components, operating blowers
could catch on to hair,fingers and looseclothing.
NEVERdisposecigarette ashes, ignitable substances,or any foreign obiectsinto blowers.
NEVERleavecooking unattended.When frying, oil in the pan can easilyoverheat andcatch fire.
The risk of self combustion is higher when the oil has been usedseveraltimes.
The saturation of greasy residue in the blower and filters may cause increased flammability.
Keepunit clean andfree of greaseand residue build-up at all times to prevent possiblefires.
Filters must be cleaned periodically and kept free from accumulation of cooking residue (see
cleaning instructions inside).Oldand worn filters must bereplaced immediately. Donot operate
blowers when filters are removed.Neverdisassembleparts toclean without properinstructions.
Disassemblyisrecommended to be performedby qualified personnelonly. Callourservice ceno
ter for removal instructions. 1-800-JENNAIR(1-800-536-6247)
The manufacturer declines all responsibility in the event of failure to observe the instrucz
tions given here for installation, maintenance and suitable use of the product. Themanufacz
turer further declines all responsibility for injury due to negligence and the warranty of the
unit automatically expires dueto improper maintenance.
* Please check for latest specification revisions before any custom work or cutouts.
0 Blower On!Off
Disp!ay (Speedlevel,DelayOffIndicator,FilterClean!Change)
Q Lights On/Off/Hold to Dim
Adjust 6 Speed Levels _} 15 Min Delay Off
Bypressing_), thebHowerisswitchedOnandOff.Whenswitchedon,theWowerstartsuponspeedmevel3.
Speed Selection
The6 speedlevelsareselectedbypressing (_) to decreaseand (_ to increasespeedlevel Thedisplay
Thisis usedfor programmedshut downof brewerand lights 15minutesafter the functionisactivated.
Press _) once,a dotflashes inthelower righthandsideof display (_ indicatingthe functionis on.
Thehoodwilmcompmetelyshut down in15 minutes.
SwitchmightsOnandOff bypressingkey _) once. To dimmights,pressand herod_) for 2 seconds.
Advance Display Functiens
Filter CleanReminder(Metal):
After every30 hoursofuse,the displaywill startflashingan Iv_j _ remindingyoutoclean themetalfilters
for residueandpossibleclogs.
Filter Change Reminder (Carbon, if fitted):
When your hood is installed as a 'Purifying' (Ductless Recimu[ating)unit, it is fitted with a set of
CarbonFHtersto purify exhaust and fumes from cooking, then re-circulate the air within the home=
These CarbonFHtersare required to be replaced after every120 hours of use=The Filter Change
Reminder function in the microprocessor needsto beswitched on=The microprocessor in the
controls when set, will elapse andcount usage time and indicate bya flashing _- when carbon
filter replacement is needed=
Setting the Filter Change Reminder:
When Off, hold _) forapprox=5 seconds.
The display will change from _}
(exhaust mode)to @, (purifying mode/
carbon filters used)this indicates that the
elapse timer function is switched on and
CarbonFilters are used.
FiJter Replace indicator:
When the display _ starts flashing, the
CarbonFilters require r' ep[acement
Re-setting Function:
Oncefilters are replaced, with hood off,
pressand hold _, the display will appear;
hold for approximately 5 seconds until
on display disappears 0 =The Filter
ChangeReminderis now re-set and anew
120 hours elapsecycle is initiated=
hdd 5 sees. display from <-o> to <C>
disp_> flashes
hdd 5 sees, display from <C> to < >
¢ @
Filter Clean Reminder (Standard [_letal Filters fitted)
Whether your hood is installed as an Exhaustor Purifying unit,a set of meta! filters are
fitted by the factory.These Meta! Filtersare intendedto filter out residue from cooking.
They need not bereplaced on a regular basis but are required to be keptdean. TheFj_r Change
Reminder function in the microprocessorwill automatically indicate bya flashing _,R_
when the metal filters need to be cbaned after every 30 hrs=of use.
Filterscan be cbaned byhand with non-abrasive soapor in a dishwasher.Heavily soibd
filters shouldalso be soaked in grease cutting detergent such as Formula '409' or its equivalent,
prior to cbaning=
Filter Clean Reminder:
When _ flashes on display,the metal
filters ins_lled are required to be cleaned.
This will occur after every30 hours of use.
display <A> flashes
Re-setting Function:
Resetthe FilterClean Remindertimer when
filters arecleaned and re-installed=Press
andhold _) for approx. 5 seconds, the
display wil! appear; hold for approximately
5seconds until _ on display disappears
0 =The Filter Clean Reminderfunction
is now re-set and a new 30 hours elapse
cycle is initiated.
hold 5 eecs. display from <C> to < >
Surface I_laintenance:
Clean periodically with hot soapy water and clean cotton cloth=Do notuse corrosive or abrasive
detergent (e=g=Cometpowder scrub, EZoOffoven cleaner),or steel wool/scouring padswhich wi[[
scratch anddamage surface=
For heaviersoil use liquid degreaser such as"Formula 409" or "Fantastic" brandcleaner=
After cleaning, you may use non-abrasivestainless steel polish/cleaners such as3M or ZEP,to
polish and buff out the stainless luster and grain. Always scrub lightly,with clean cotton cloth, and
with the grain. Do notuse any product containing chlorine bleach. Donot use "orange" c[eanera
Metal Filters
The Metal Filtersfitted by the factory are
intended to filter out residue and grease
from cooking.They need not be replacedon a
regular basisbut are required to be keptclean.
Filters should be cleanedafter every 30
hours of use. Usethe Filter Clean
Reminderfunction on the controls to
determine when filters require cleaning.
Removeand clean by handor in
dishwasher.Spray 'Formula 409' or
equivalent degreasingdetergent and leave
to soak if heavily soiled.
Dry filters and re-install before using hood.
Replacing Metal Filters
Should filters wear out due to age and
prolonged use, replacewith following part
Hood Model: Part No, Filters in pkg.
JXT8136ADS 49001001 3
JXT8142ADS 49001001 3
Metal Filter Dimensions:
16.14 in x 9.17 in x 0.35 in
410 mmx 233 minx 9 mm
Also replace any damagedfilter that has
punctured or broken mesh, bentor broken frame.
Replacing Lightgulhs
Make sureaHpower is turned off and
burbsare cool
Removeby turning burbcounter
rf burbsare difficurt to turn due to
prorongeduse, firmry attach a glass
suction cup approx,the diameter of the
burband turn. Usea rubber gripper or
rubber grovesto removeburb.
Repracementburbs areavailable at
specialty righting stores. Purchasetype
GUIO120V50W harogenburbs.
Orto order burbs,pleasecall our service
center:1-800-JENNAIR (1-800-536-6247)
Full OneYearWarranty =Partsand Labor
Forone (1)yearfrom theoriginalretailpur-
chasedate, any part which fairs in normar
homeusewill berepairedor replacedfreeof
Limited Warranty =Parts Only
Second Year = After the first year from the
originarpurchasedate, parts which fail in nor°
realhome usewill be repairedor repracedfree
of charge for the part itserf, with the owner
payingarl other costs, incrudinglabor,mileage
Canadian Residents
Theabovewarranties only coveran appriance
installed in Canadathat has been certified or
listed byappropriate test agencies for complio
anceto a National Standard of Canadaunless
the appliancewas brought into Canadadue to
transfer of residencefrom the United Statesto
Tbespecific warrantiesexpressedaboveam the
ONLYwarrantiesprodded by the manufacturer
you may alsohave otherrigbtswhirl7 varyfrom
What is Net Cevered By These Warranties:
1. Conditionsand damages resulting from any of the following:
a. Improper installation, delivery,or maintenance.
b.Any repair,modification, alteration, or adiustment not authorized
bythe manufacturer or an authorized servicer.
c. Misuse,abuse,accidents, or unreasonableuse.
d. Incorrect electric current, voltage, or supply.
e. Improper setting of any control
2.Warranties are void if the original serial numbers have been removed,
altered, or cannot be readilydetermined.
3=Light bulbs.
4.Productspurchasedforcommercialor industrialuse.
5.Thecostofserviceor servicecallto:
c.Transporttheapplianceto theservicer.
6. Consequentialor incidental damagessustained by any personas a
result of any breach of these warranties. Some states do not allow the
exclusionor limitation of consequential or incidental damages, sothe
aboveexclusion may not apply.
if Yen Need Service
Callthe dealerfrom whom your appliance was purchased or call
Maytag ServicessM,Jennair CustomerAssistance at 1-800-JENNAIR
(1-800-536-6247) USAand CANADAto locate an authorized servicer
Be sureto retain proof of purchase to verify warranty status. Referto
WARRANTYfor further information on owner's responsibilities for warranty
If the dealer or service company cannot resolvethe problem, write to
Maytag ServicessM,Attn:CAIR®Center,RO.Box2370, Cleveland,TN
37320-2370, or call I=800=JENNAJR(1-800-536-6247) USAandCANADA.
U.S.customers usingTTYfor deaf, hearing impaired or speech
impaired, call 1-800-688-2080.
NOTE: When writing or calling about a service problem, please include the
following information:
aaYourname, addressand telephone number;
b. Model number and serial number;
CaNameand addressof your dealer or servicer;
d.A clear description of the problem you are having;
e. Proofof purchase(salesreceipt)
User'sguides,service manuals and parts information areavailable from
Maytag ServicessM,Jennair CustomerAssistance.
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Jenn-Air JXT8136ADS Owner's manual

Owner's manual
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