Dear Parents:
We believe your children should have the opportunity to enjoy the
POLARIS riding experience along with you. We encourage you to teach
your children to ride safely, and to help ensure the future of recreational
sports, please teach them to show respect for our environment and for
the rights of others while operating the vehicle.
This vehicle is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. We've
provided this owner’s manual and an instructional video to help you and
your children learn about the safe operation and care of your new
POLARIS vehicle. Before your children drive or ride in the vehicle,
please read and make sure they read this owner’s manual. Watch the
instructional video with them. Make sure all operators and passengers
understand and follow all of the instructions and warnings contained in
this owner’s manual and video. Make sure they understand that the
vehicle must be used under adult supervision at all times.
After reading this owner’s manual and watching the video, help your
child practice the New Operator Driving Procedures on pages 42-43.
Never allow a child under age 10 to operate or ride as a passenger in
this vehicle. Children differ in skills, physical abilities and judgement.
Please supervise the use of the vehicle at all times. Permit continued use
only if you determine that your child has the ability and maturity to
operate safely.
For your child’s safety, be sure your child can reach and operate all
RZR 170 controls, including steering wheel, accelerator and brake
pedals, and ignition switch. Make sure your child is not too tall to ride
safely in this vehicle. See page 12.
The vehicle’s speed control system allows adults to limit vehicle speed
for new and inexperienced operators. Please see page 35 for more
The preventive maintenance program outlined in this manual is
designed to ensure that all critical components on your child's vehicle
are thoroughly inspected at specific intervals. Always follow all of the
instructions and recommendations in this manual to ensure the vehicle
remains in safe operating condition at all times.
This POLARIS vehicle is not designed for adult use. Serious damage
may occur if the maximum weight capacity is exceeded. Refer to
vehicle labels and to the specifications section beginning on page 92 for
the maximum weight capacity.