- 8 -
1. Fit a tip suitable for the model of PIPETMAN M that you
are using (preferably use PIPETMAN TIPS for assurance of
2. Click push-button to aspirate total
volume. The volume aspirated will be
a little bit more than required (extra
volume). The extra volume is necessary
to ensure equal operating conditions
for each dispensed aliquot.
3. To dispense: click the push-button.
DISCARD appears on the screen. Dis-
card the extra volume and continue
dispensing the aliquots. PIPETMAN
M distributes the aliquot volume each
time you click the push-button. The
number of aliquots left to dispense is
displayed on the screen.
A warning beep indicates the last aliquot!
4. Topurge:Pressthepushbutton,PURGE appears on the screen, click again to purge and reset the
piston. Keep your thumb pressing the push-button until the end of the purge: the piston reset
takes place after you release the push-button again. This feature enables you to remove the tip
from the liquid, without aspirating anything.
5. Eject tip by pressing the ejection button.
MIX Mode
This is the classic pipette mode (forward pipetting) followed by a mixing
phase, composed of repeatedly aspirating and dispensing, as well as an
optional forward pipetting step.
Application note: The Mode MIX can be used to prepare a PCR master mix, enzyme restriction mix, protein solution, oligo-
nucleotide dilution and to mix samples with gel loading buffer and so on…you can mix two different solutions or homogenize
one solution. If you work with higher viscosity than water (e.g. restriction enzyme) you may change the aspiration speed
(refer to chapter 7). If you work with genomic DNA you should always pipette very carefully to avoid shearing and nicking.
• PressMode-buttontoaccessmenu,whereyoucanchoosebetweendierentpipettemodes.Select
• Settherstvolume,namedVOLUME 1: click the push-button, set the volume by turning the push-
Set the second volume, named VOLUME2: click the push-button, you can now set the second
You can set the VOLUME 1 or VOLUME 2= 0 µL the step will not appear. If you set the VOLUME 1 and 2 = 0 µL the
cycle will start directly with the MIX step.
• SettheMIXvolume:clickthepush-button,setthevolumebyturningthepush-button.Conrm
your settings by a simple click. It is the volume which will be aspirated and dispensed repeatedly.
“MIX” as long as you press the push-button.
You must always fit a tip
before using any pipette!
START button Optional STOP
V (+ extra vol)*
Start Purge
V (vol)
Click to Purge