Bodum 11195-16 User manual

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Visionary innovation
for more than 70 years!
BODUM®’s history dates back to 1944,
when Peter Bodum launched the
company in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Renowned for its iconic French Press
coeemaker and signature Scandi-
navian design aesthetic, BODUM®
has grown into a global housewares
brand, with distribution in more
than 55 countries. Headquartered in
Switzerland, the company continues
to develop all products in-house
under its core principle that good
design should be both functional
and aordable. The range of products
extends from coee, tea and
glassware to kitchen electrics and
gadgets. A family-owned company,
the brand is directed today by
the founder’s son, Jørgen Bodum.
This yer mrks 70 yers since BODUM® ws founded in 1944 by my Fther,
Peter Bodum. He ws born in 1910, in  smll Dnish town clled Hderslev.
Occupied since 1864, there ws no wy for him to know if his town would
remin occupied for the rest of his dys s it ws for mny of his fmily
members. Lucky for him, he ws fortunte enough to obtin n import
license. He hd little money nd lso discovered tht there ws scrce
vilbility of products. He imported everything he could get hold of from
the UK, Germny nd surrounding countries.
Due to this lck of vilbility, he soon decided to produce items on his
own. The irst of which ws the vcuum coee mker, MOCCA, in 3 sizes.
The second ws the SANTOS (now renmed PEBO in his honour) which
is still  celebrted item in our collection tody. PEBO is the product tht
not only chnged the compny but the wy every Scndinvin household
drnk coee. The PEBO ws wildly populr nd soon becme  common
ixture in most households. BODUM® continued to produce vrious vcuum
coee mker models throughout the 1950’s nd up until his untimely
deth in 1966. Britt Bodum, my Mother, then took over running the com-
pny herself until I took over in 1974.
Since then, BODUM®, together with its’ design tem, hs developed
mny products. At our core, we will lwys remin focused on coee nd
hve since lso expnded our rnge into  brod kitchen collection which
includes our wrd winning e-BODUM® electric collection. e-BODUM® oers
the must hve items such s energy eicient wter kettles nd grinders
to complete your coee brewing process nd well s other well designed
smll kitchen pplinces. Wht you will not ind in the collection is  cp-
sule or ny type of ‘redy-mde conveniences.’ For me, tht is like cooking
in  microwve. Sure it’s quick nd esy but fr from  fresh cup of coee
or te. We hve lwys remined committed to our roots nd core vlues.
This is why we re so hevily focused on mnufcturing more nd more
products ourselves. We explin more bout our BODUM® fctory on p.8.
BODUM® Portugues llows us to control our entire product development
cycle nd mke certin tht not only is our product qulity top notch but
so re conditions for both the fctory workers s well s our environment.
Im very proud of our ccomplishments in running such  socilly nd
environmentlly friendly fcility.
In honour of our 70th yer nniversry, we hve re-introduced mny
of our originl designs in nniversry colors nd re oering t their origi-
nl prices! And s lwys, we hope you lso enjoy the new dditions to
the ssortment this yer. We hope you ind them to be simple, user-friendly
nd well designed.
4 70 yers of Visionry Innovtion
8 BODUM®’s Portugues
13 Coee
16 Coee Mker Comprison
17 Coee Brewing Methods
22 Coee-House Style Drinks
36 Prts of The French Press Coee Mker
37 Guide to Spre Bekers nd Filter Prts
53 Te
56 Te Presses nd Te Infusers Comprison
57 Te Brewing Methods
59 Prts of The Te Press
60 Vrieties of Te
75 Drinkwre
77 Usge & Cre
89 Kitchen
111 Grill
117 e-BODUM®
154 BODUM® Stores nd Shop-in-Shops
157 BODUM® Oices
70 yers of
Visionry Innovtion
BODUM® Timeline
1958 BODUM® introduces its
irst product, the SANTOS
Vcuum Coee Mker. Intern-
tionlly cclimed for its unique
design, it remins one of the
most populr coee mkers.
1992 BODUM® enters the
ield of electricl household
products. The IBIS Wter Kettle
ws the irst in  line of simple,
sophisticted electricl
kitchen tools including juicers,
coee grinders, nd more.
2002 BODUM® premiers
its line of double wll glsses.
The inventive design nd
timeless style mde them
n instnt clssic.
1944 Peter Bodum strts 
new compny in Copenhgen,
Denmrk following World
WrII, nd estblishes the
brnd’s core philosophy tht
form should follow function.
1991 The ASSAM Tepot is
developed for the British
Te Council. With the ASSAM,
BODUM® reinvented te
brewing by pplying the sme
principles from the French
press coee mker.
1974 Jørgen Bodum, the
founder’s son, tkes over
s CEO of the compny. In
the sme yer he introduced
BODUM®’s irst French press
coee mker, the BISTRO.
2010 BODUM® introduces
e-BODUM®,  line of electric
kitchen tools. Avilble in 
vriety of colors, e-BODUM®
products mke  modern,
decortive sttement in ny
Tody Since 1974, BODUM®
hs produced more thn 120
million of French press coee
mkers nd 30million tepots,
nd the compny continues
to broden its collection of
beutifully designed products.
2011 BODUM® opens irst “lb”
shop in Pris feturing product
demonstrtions nd multi-medi
presenttions to give shoppers
hnds-on time with BODUM®’s
growing product ssortment.
1978 The compny home
service nd design center is
relocted to Switzerlnd.
1980 BODUM®’s design unit,
Pi-Design AG is estblished.
This in-house tem of designers,
engineers, grphic designers,
nd rchitects, develops ll
of BODUM®’s products; focusing
on functionlity, qulity nd
Visionry innovtion
for more thn 70 yers!
CAFFETTIERA tkes its iconic styling from
the clssic CHAMBORD coee press nd
hs become n iconic BODUM® product.
We re plesed to celebrte our nniversry
by oering  selection of signture items
in n ssortment of limited edition colors.
ASSAM Te Press
Designed in 1991
BISTRO Coee Mker
Designed in 1974
Designed in 1995
Designed in 1984
PEBO Vcuum Coee Mker
Designed in 1958
BISTRO Stirrer
Designed in 1974
IBIS Wter Kettle
Designed in 1992
BISTRO Coee Mug
Designed in 1974
OTTONI Wter Kettle
Designed in 1986
BODUM®’s Portugues
Since the beginning of BODUM® Portugues,
environment hs been  driving force nd  mjor
concern in our ctivity. During lmost 30 yers
of production, BODUM® Portugues ssumed
 responsible position towrds the surrounding
environment but lso to the internl working condi-
tions nd sfety nd well-being of the workers.
By hving production processes tht
re mjorly focused in trnsforming
metl nd pplying surfce tret-
ments to metls,  lot of “environment
unfriendly” unitry processes re
used nd required such s stmping
or welding, but the most concerning
re those connected to the plting line
nd degresing processes.
Trining to workers in operting, control
nd contin processes.
Reducing the number or quntity of
hzrdous nd dngerous mterils.
Equipment nd process good-keeping
by internl mintennce procedures.
Optimiztion of opertionl conditions
nd control of processes.
Reduction of re-processing needs.
Project nd built processes nd fcilities
prevent nd contin pollution in its source.
Good storge of mterils to prevent
ccidents with environmentl impct.
Good storge of mterils nd production
prts to prevent its deteriortion.
Instlling continment tnks nd isolted
loors in risk res.
Sving energy in power sources nd mke
the processes energy eicient.
Introduction of therml isoltion in
the whole building nd process tnk wlls
to void het loss.
Isoltion of equipments to void the noise
Sving wter.
This ws done by dopting
the best vilble techniques (BAT)
s preventive t the source of the
pollution emission:
These production processes consume
nturl resources, BODUM® works to
minimize the impcts in:
Emission of greenhouse gses
Becuse it is impossible to contin
ll pollutnt in its sources, BODUM®
Portugues hs instlled end pro-
cesses to tret, reduce or eliminte
the pollution chrge in its elu-
ents nd wstes. On these, we cn
1 – Wste Wter Tretment Plnt
All liquid eluents re seprted
ccording to their chrcteristics nd
treted s in btches
All pre-tretments nd inl tretments
re permnently monitored until the
dmissible vlues of dischrge re
The dischrge of BODUM® lines re
connected to  municipl wste wter
tretment plnt tht complements the
inl tretment.
The sludge generted in the wter tret-
ment re de-wtered by using recycled
ir of the pressed ir equipments.
2 – Wste Clssifiction nd Seprtion
All wstes generted in the plnt
re submitted to  proper seprtion,
clssiiction, hndling nd storge
until there re sent to the destintion.
All wste mngement is outsourced
to licensed entities, mening the proper
destintion hs s priority the recyclbility
of the wstes. Only two of the wstes
generted t Bodum must be eliminted
becuse the recycling limittions in
the mrket.
3 – Air Aspirtion System
The ir spirtion system is connected
to ll the pollution sources voiding
the pollutnts spred inside the plnt.
These systems ilter the ir before its
relese to the tmosphere.
In the plting line, besides the iltrtion, ll
the ir is wshed with wter in scrubbers.
In 2008, BODUM® Portugues hd
its recognition for ll the eorts
mde nd processes developed nd
implemented long the lst decdes,
by hving the Environmentl Permit
issued by the Portuguese Environment
The permit is mndtory nd directly
comes from the EC Directive 2008/1/EC
of Jnury 15 (IPPC).
According to this permit, BODUM® must
hve  permnent monitoring of the envi-
ronmentl indictors nd vlues so; it is
the gurntee of the legisltion fulilling,
good prctices nd procedures.
Sving wter
Recycling wter – only 20% of the totl
consume is fresh wter.
Consume control by introducing utomtic
vlves nd volume controllers.
Reducing drg-outs nd introduce
cscde rinsing between processes.
Extend the liquid bths life nd processes
to prevent the tretment need by using
iltrtion, evportion, ionic exchnge
Renderings of the new BODUM® Portugues plnt.
BODUM® ws founded in 1944 by Peter Bodum. Lunching 
new business during the wr wsn’t esy, nd jobs were scrce,
but my fther sensed it ws time to venture out on his own.
He ws incredibly fortunte to be grnted n import license,
nd by the lte 1940s he hd chieved gret success. As he
looked to grow the business, he found new interest in coee
mkers. The compny’s first vcuum coee mker, MOCCA,
ws introduced in the erly fifties, but it wsn’t until 1958 with
the production of the SANTOS Vcuum Coee mker tht
BODUM® becme  household nme for qulity coee products,
nd coee hs been the mjor product group for BODUM®
ever since.
In the 1970s we introduced the now iconic French press,
which continues to be BODUM®’s most populr item. Tody, the
mjority of BODUM® coee mkers re produced t our fctory
in Portugl, where producing the highest qulity products s
well s environmentl responsibility nd sfe working conditions
re of the utmost importnce.
In the yers to come we re focused on expnding BODUM®’s
fctory in Portugl nd moving more nd more BODUM® products
there, this move will mke the entire process from design to
mnufcturing  fmily opertion. Another importnt prt
of the BODUM® line is our collection of electric products tht hve
been introduced over the pst few yers. Centered round coee,
from boiling wter to grinding bens to the perfect utomtic
brew produced by our BISTRO b.over, the collection encompsses
everything the modern kitchen might need.
But no mtter how much we grow, we will lwys reflect on our
core vlue tht form should follow function.
No pper
Double wll
Ptented locking-lid
Stinless steel
body or frme
Plstic frme
Stinless steel plunger
Plstic plunger
Borosilicte glss
Avilble in
dierent sizes
Mde in Europe
Coee Mker Comprison
French Press
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Coee Mker
Pour Over
Coee Mker
Coee Brewing Methods
The French press coee mker is
the simplest of ll brewing systems,
where corsely ground bens meet
hot wter right o the boil. The right
temperture (9296°C, 195205°F)
brings the optiml extrction power
for the essentil oils in the bens to
develop their full lvor proile in just
four minutes. An esy press on the
plunger locks the grinds t the bottom
of the glss crfe nd stops the
brewing process.
Note: For the French press brewing method,
BODUM® recommends  corse grind.
The French Press
STEP 4 – Enjoy!
Press the plunger using your ingertips. Before
pressing, mke sure tht the sfety lid is turned
into the “sfe” position, so no splshing occurs.
Pressing down on the rod seprtes the grounds
from the wter nd stops the brewing process.
Voil! Your perfect cup of coee, brewed
“the BODUM® wy,” is redy to be served.
STEP 1 – Coee
Add 1 scoop (0.25oz/7gr) of BODUM® corse
ground coee per cup (4oz/0.12l) of wter.
Alwys use corse ground coee when using
 BODUM® French press coee mker.
STEP 3 – Press
Let the coee brew for 4 minutes. Plce the lid
on the pot with the plunger in the rised position.
Do not push the plunger down yet.
STEP 2 – Wter
To rech the perfect temperture of 195205°F/
9096°C, bring the wter to  full boil nd then
llow it to rest for 30 seconds before pouring.
Use  wooden or plstic utensil to crefully stir
the coee once you hve dded the wter. Mke
sure tht ll of the grounds re submerged.