Wiring mustco13formto National Electrical Codes. You
can get a copy ot the National Electrical Code, ANS1/
NFPANo.70-LatestEdition by writing:
National Fire Protection Association
Batte~march Park
Quincy, MA 02269
Werecommendthat you havethe electrical wiring and
hookupof your counter unit doneby aqualified electri-
cian. Atter installation,
havetheelectrician show you
where your main disconnect is located.
The range connection wires are approved for copper
wire connection only, and if you have aluminum house
wiring, you must use special UL approved
joining copper to aiuminum.
You must use a threemwire, A.C. 60 Hetiz electrical
system. Either
a208Y/120Voltor af 20/240Volt eiectri=
cal system maybeused for all models.
Useaminimum wire sizeof No.8copperwareprotected
with a 40 Amp. fuse or circuit breaker.
The following minimum clearance dimensions and ali
dimensions marked min. In Fig. 2 and 3 must be
~ 30” minimum clearance between the top of the
cooking surface
andthe bottomofan unprotected
wood or metalcabinet, or
o 24” minimumclearance when bottom of wood or
meta!overheadcabinet Esprotected by not less
thick frameresistant millboardcoveredwith not
iess than No. 28 MSG sheet metai, 0.015°’thick
a!uminum or 0.020”thick copper.
base cabinets 30”span, and be sure they are
plumb and level before aitaching the Countetiop.
Layoutthecutout openingonthecountetiop perFig.
2. (Countetiop cutout shown in Fig. 2 assumesa
standard installation In a 25:’deep counter with
rangefront sidetrims andcontrolpaneiendcaps
wiil extend Bntothe 30’$cutout. if the ~verhang is
greaterthan 1‘o,agap betweenthe cabinet faceand
therangefront sidetrims wii!existaAmolding maybe
fitted to provide amore custom appearance.Before
cutting, check for dimension markedmin. (Fig.2).[f
these dimensions are not met, the product can b~
moved fomard on the countetiop. (Decreaseth~
cutout dimensions 2213/t6° & 11/8”by the amount
of the foward movement.)This wiii make the end
caps extend forward in front of the countetiop and
maycreatea gapbetweenthe.rangefront trims and
thecabinetface.Ifthis occurs, fit molding asabove.
If the countetiop has a form@, raised front (“bui!
nose”), the
countermustbefiat atthe back edgeof
thenotch. Ifitis notflatatthebackeefgeofthenotch,
the raisedareamust befiled or cut away
Makecutout. If the countetiop is not t t/2”’ thick,
lnstail reinforcing braces under the countehop
Shownonpage 1,
Fig. 1.
Instaiithewiring Junctionboxinanadjoining cabinet
or under the floor. Cuta 1fl/2°dia.holeto bring the
electrical cabie from the range to the junction box.
Thejunction box must be located so that therewi!i
beenoughslack intheconnected cabieto a!iow’the
rangetobepuliedforward severalinchesfor semice
If necessary.