(4)î€ î€ î€ Equalizer CONTROLSî€ î€ (R11-R18)
(5)î€ î€ Noiseî€ Gateî€ î€ Onî€ /î€ Offî€ Switchî€ (S2)
(6)î€ î€ Noiseî€ Gateî€ LEDî€ (LED1)
These slide potentiometers work only whenî€ theî€ Equalizer On/Off
Switch S3î€ is inî€ theî€ onî€ position. Theî€ potentiometers control
theî€ outputî€ ofî€ 8î€ bandpass filters. Theî€ center frequency ofî€ these
filters areî€ 50î€ Hz, 100î€ Hz, 200î€ Hz, 400î€ Hz, 800î€ Hz, 1600î€ Hz,
2400î€ Hz andî€ 3200î€ HZ. Theî€ scale,î€ forî€ setting these potentiometers,
is calibrated betweenî€ -16î€ db.î€ toî€ +î€ 16î€ dB.î€ Pushing aî€ potentiometer
forwardî€ (up)î€ willî€ increaseî€ theî€ outputî€ ofî€ theî€ equalizer withinî€ the
bandpass ofî€ theî€ filterî€ whose slide potentiometerî€ is changed.
Pushing aî€ potentiometerî€ backwardî€ (down)î€ willî€ decreaseî€ the
outputî€ ofî€ theî€ equalizer withinî€ theî€ bandpass ofî€ theî€ filterî€ whose
slide potentiometerî€ is changed. Settingî€ allî€ 8î€ potentiometers atî€ the
zero marking willî€ produce audioî€ atî€ aboutî€ theî€ same outputî€ level
as whenî€ theî€ Equalizer On/Offî€ Switch S3î€ (3)î€ is inî€ theî€ offî€ position.
Adjusting theî€ equalizer 50î€ Hz, 100î€ Hz andî€ 200î€ Hz slide pots
affects theî€ heaviness /î€ weightî€ ofî€ theî€ audio. Adjusting theî€ equalizer
400î€ Hz andî€ î€ 800î€ Hz slide pots affects theî€ warmthî€ ofî€ theî€ audio.
Adjusting theî€ equalizer 1600î€ Hz, 2400î€ Hz andî€ 3200î€ Hz slide
pots affects theî€ clarity andî€ presenceî€ ofî€ theî€ audio.
This switchî€ turns theî€ noise gateî€ onî€ andî€ off.î€ Whenî€ theî€ noise
gateî€ is offî€ changing theî€ gateî€ delay orî€ level controls has
noî€ effect onî€ theî€ audio.î€ Whenî€ theî€ noise gateî€ is offî€ audioî€ is
always beingî€ passedî€ (gated)î€ throughî€ theî€ noise gateî€ î€ toî€ theî€ output.
This LEDî€ is used toî€ helpî€ properly adjust theî€ noise gateî€ level
control andî€ toî€ indicate whenî€ audioî€ is beingî€ sent (gated)î€ toî€ the
output. Theî€ LEDî€ beingî€ onî€ (green)î€ indicates thatî€ audioî€ is being
gatedî€ throughî€ theî€ unitî€ toî€ theî€ output. Theî€ LEDî€ beingî€ offî€ indicates
thatî€ audioî€ î€ is notî€ beingî€ passedî€ (gated)î€ throughî€ toî€ theî€ output.
Whenî€ theî€ Noise Gateî€ Onî€ /î€ Offî€ Switch (5)î€ is inî€ theî€ offî€ position the
noise gateî€ LEDî€ is on.
*î€ Partsî€ mountedî€ onî€ pinî€ sideî€ ofî€ P.S.î€ Board
C1,C3,î€ C4,C6,C14,î€ C25-C28,î€ C33î€ 4.7î€ uFî€ radialî€ electrolytic
C7*,î€ C13*,î€ C16,î€ C17,î€ C32î€ .1î€ uFî€ ceramicî€ monolithic
C8î€ -î€ 22î€ uFî€ radialî€ electrolytic
C9,î€ C29î€ -î€ 4.7î€ uFî€ nonî€ polarizedî€ radialî€ electrolytic
C10,î€ C11,î€ C12,î€ C15,î€ C31î€ î€ -î€ 100î€ uFî€ radialî€ electrolytic
C2,î€ î€ -î€ 10î€ uFî€ radialî€ electrolytic
C4î€ -î€ 1î€ uFî€ radialî€ electrolytic
C18î€ -î€ C20î€ î€ -î€ .1î€ uFî€ mylar
C5î€ -î€ .033î€ uFî€ mylar
C23î€ -î€ C24î€ î€ î€ -î€ î€ 470î€ uFî€ radialî€ electrolytic
C21,î€ C34î€ -î€ .01î€ uFî€ mylar
C36î€ î€ -î€ 120î€ pfî€ ceramic
C22,î€ C35î€ -î€ .001î€ uFî€ mylar
D1,î€ D2î€ -î€ 1N914
D3î€ -î€ 1N4001
LED1î€ -î€ Greenî€ LED;î€ LED2î€ -î€ Redî€ LED;î€ LED3î€ - Amber
Q1î€ -î€ 2N3417
REGî€ 1î€ -î€ 7805î€ withî€ heatî€ sink
Rfc1î€ -î€ 470î€ uHî€ R.F.î€ choke
R1,î€ R2,î€ R22î€ -î€ 10Kî€ ohmî€ î€ î€ 5î€ Resistorî€ 10î€ pinî€ SIP
R3î€ -î€ 100î€ ohmî€ î€ 5î€ Resistorî€ 10î€ pinî€ SIP
R4î€ -î€ 1Kî€ ohmî€ 5î€ Resistorî€ 10î€ Pinî€ SIP
R5,î€ R6,î€ R27,î€ R30î€ -î€ 10î€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ 5%î€ Resistor
R7,î€ -î€ 6.8Kî€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ 5%î€ Resistor
R8,î€ R9î€ -î€ 5.6Kî€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ 5%î€ Resistor
R10î€ -î€ 10Kî€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ Resistor
R11î€ -î€ 2.2Kî€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ Resistor
R12î€ -î€ 100Kî€ ohmî€ horizontalî€ Potî€ mountedî€ onî€ PCî€ board
R13î€ -î€ 20Kî€ ohmî€ horizontalî€ Potî€ mountedî€ onî€ PCî€ board
R19î€ -î€ 33Kî€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ 5%î€ Resistor
R14î€ -î€ 75Kî€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ 5%î€ Resistor
R15*î€ -î€ R17*î€ -î€ 25Kî€ ohmî€ Slideî€ Pot
R18*î€ -î€ 5Kî€ ohmî€ Slideî€ Pot
R21î€ -î€ 680î€ ohmî€ 5î€ Resistorî€ 10î€ Pinî€ SIP
R23î€ -î€ 200î€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ 5%î€ Resistor
R20,î€ R24,î€ R25,î€ R33*.î€ R34*î€ -î€ 47Kî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ 5%î€ Resistor
R26î€ -î€ 0î€ Ohmsî€ (Pieceî€ ofî€ wire)
R28î€ -î€ 22Kî€ ohmî€ 5î€ Resistorî€ 10î€ pinî€ SIP
R29*î€ -î€ 10Kî€ Potî€ withî€ Switchî€ î€ (Usedî€ forî€ volumeî€ control)
R31î€ -î€ 1Kî€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ Resistor
R32î€ -î€ 33Kî€ ohmî€ ÂĽî€ wattî€ 5%î€ resistor
U1,î€ U5î€ - Tl074î€ orî€ JRC2060;î€ U2î€ -î€ 74HC00;
U3î€ -î€ 74LS123;U4-î€ 74HC4053;î€ U6î€ -î€ LMî€ 386-1