Regarding Modifications
Blue Bird Body Co. offers many items as standard and optional equipment to
meet regulatory specifications and individual customer requirements. This includes,
but is not necessarily limited to, stop arms, crossing guards, warning lights, warning
light monitors, mirrors, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, warning reflectors, fuses, di-
rectional and brake lights, warning buzzers, security/vandal locks, emergency exits,
and seat belts.
Emergency equipment must be checked daily for proper operation. It is the driv-
er’s responsibility to report any damage to qualified service technicians, and that the
condition be corrected before transporting passengers.
Those interested in modification of this vehicle should consult with the Blue Bird
Authorized Dealer for a more complete understanding of the vehicle.
[WARNING] Vehicle alterations may cause non-conformance with emission
control and/or government standards, are expressly not authorized by Blue
Bird. It is the responsibility of the entity performing any modification of this
product to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations. Any modifica-
tions are the responsibility of the entity making those modifications. Modifica-
tion must be accomplished in accordance with all applicable government
standards. The entity completing modification of this product must certify
that all applicable regulations are met. To certify a modified vehicle, the entity
must be a licensed vehicle manufacturer, or obtain the services of a licensed
vehicle manufacturer for that purpose. Specifically, Blue Bird does not autho-
rize the following modifications.
nent of those items
the fuel tank(s), rotating components or “jounce” movement of driveline com-
• Do not install any equipment or component that will obstruct the flow of air
into, around, or from the cooling system
• Do not install any equipment, components, including flooring and/or carpet-
ing, which will obstruct the functioning of the brake and accelerator pedals