Measurements and result displays
16User Manual 1173.9270.02 ─ 31
Single frequency measurements
In all graphical result displays, the horizontal axis represents a chronological order of
measurement results for the frequency you are testing. The axis has no unit, but is
made up out of several index values that represent time. Each index value represents
one measurement point and therefore one measurement on the single frequency you
are analyzing. The size of the index (and thus number of results) depends on the num-
ber of (Measurement) Points that you have defined. Because the application only
measures at certain points in time, it connects the results to draw a trace.
The right diagram border represents the present (index = 0), values to the left repre-
sent past measurement results (index = -<x>). As soon as the application finishes a
single measurement, the measurement points are moved to the left, the new result is
added on the right. All other measurement points are moved down one position with
the most obsolete result falling out of the diagram (like in the roll mode of an oscillo-
Selecting the result display
►Select the icon in the toolbar or press [MEAS].
The application enters the SmartGrid configuration mode.
For more information on the SmartGrid functionality, see the FSW Getting Started.
Noise Figure..................................................................................................................16
ENR Measured..............................................................................................................19
Level (Hot).....................................................................................................................20
Level (Cold)...................................................................................................................20
Cal Y-Factor.................................................................................................................. 21
Cal Level (Hot).............................................................................................................. 22
Cal Level (Cold)............................................................................................................ 22
P Hot............................................................................................................................. 23
P Cold........................................................................................................................... 23
Result Table.................................................................................................................. 24
Current Values...............................................................................................................24
Marker Table................................................................................................................. 24
Noise Figure
Shows the "Noise Figure" of the DUT.
The "Noise Figure" is the ratio of the signal-to-noise ratio at the DUT input to the sig-
nal-to-noise ratio at the DUT output.
The vertical axis shows the level of the "Noise Figure" in dB. The scale depends on the
settings in the "Display Configuration" dialog box.