Kistler Group
Eulachstraße 22
8408 Winterthur, Switzerland
Tel. +41 52 224 11 11
info@kistler.com www.kistler.com
9239BA_012-037e-01.23 © 2023 Kistler Group
5. Installing sensor
• Ensure all sensor hole and threads are clean
• Radii in the duct and at transitions prevent cable
8. Functional test
On completion of mold assembly, test sensor insulation and
• Ensure that connector is dry
• Use cleaning spray Type 1003
8.1 Insulation test
Use insulation tester Type 5493 to check sensor insulation.
Resistance >1012 Ω.
9. Service and repair
Piezoelectric pressure sensors are maintenance-free. Insulation
and sensitivity of the installed sensor should, however, be
checked after each molding run.
9.1 Sensor removal
Unscrew the mounting nipple with the socket wrench. Then
screw the extraction tool Type1358A onto the sensor and
carefully remove the sensor from the mounting hole.
• Do not pull on the cable
• Cover the installation hole during cleaning work or
keep it clean
9.2 Single-wire repair
Slightly damaged cables can be repaired using the Repair Kit
Type 1207. If single-wire cables have been severed, solder
ends, slide over Teflon tube and cover with shrink tubing.
• Do not overheat sensor and cable when using hot
air blower
9.3 Repairs at Kistler
Factory repairs at Kistler are arranged by the local sales office.
Information: www.kistler.com
9.7 Disposal instructions for electrical and electronic
Do not discard old electronic instruments in
municipal trash. For disposal at end of life,
please return this product to an authorized
local electronic waste disposal service or
contact the nearest Kistler Instrument sales
office for return instructions.
5.1 Sensor installation with mounting nipple Type
9497A1 and socket wrench Type 1300A169
Connect the connection cable to the sensor and pre-assemble
it with the mounting nipple. The nut of the mounting nipple
must point upwards (see picture).
Coat the face of the sensor (ø 2.5 mm) with grease.
Connect the sensor to a charge amplifier (e.g. Preload Tester
Type 5991) and carefully preload it using the socket wrench Type
1300A169 until it delivers the specified charge of -10.200 pC
(corresponds to 360 N).
6. Installing cable and connector
• Check again that there are no sharp edges in the
cable hole and duct
• Provide open channels with cover plate
• Fasten cover and cover plug
6.1 Single-wire technology
• Single-wire cable must be completely enclosed in
the mold
• Single-wire cable may not be routed with power
• Ensure that all contact surfaces and threads are clean
and dry
6.1.1 Cut & grip connection
Cut the single-wire cable to length and do not strip the
insulation. Loosen the knurled connector by hand without
removing the rear section.
6.1.2 Installing single-wire connector
Install connector and mounting plate in recess. Attach cap
using one of the screws. Place cap on open connector.
Installation of connector Type 1839 and mounting plate
Installation of multichannel connector
Example: Type 1708B0
Mounting bore with sensor
Montagenippel Typ 9497A1
7. Installing identification plate
Rivet plate to side of mold or fit with four M2,5 screws.