Domo DO908DV Owner's manual

Owner's manual
LINEA 2000 - Dompel 9 - 2200 Herentals Belgium - Tel 014/21.71.91 - Fax : 014/21.54.63
Wij hanteren een garantietermijn van 2 jaar vanaf de datum van aankoop. Gedurende de
garantieperiode zal de distributeur volledige verantwoording op zich nemen voor gebreken,
die aanwijsbaar berusten op materiaal- of constructiefouten. Wanneer dergelijke gebreken
voorkomen, zal het apparaat indien nodig vervangen of gerepareerd worden. Het recht op
garantie vervalt wanneer de gebreken zijn ontstaan door hardhandig gebruik, het niet in
acht nemen van de gebruiksaanwijzing of ingreep door derden. De garantie wordt verleend
op basis van het originele kassaticket. Alle onderdelen die aan slijtage onderhevig zijn,
vallen buiten de garantie. Indien je apparaat defect is binnen de garantietermijn van 2 jaar,
dan mag je het toestel samen met het originele kassaticket binnenbrengen in de winkel
waar je het toestel hebt aangekocht.
Nous accordons une garantie de 2 ans sur ce produit à partir de la date d’achat.
Pendant la durée de la garantie, le distributeur prendra à sa charge la réparation des vices
de fabrication ou de matières, en se réservant le droit de décider si certaines pièces doivent
être réparées ou échangées, ou si l’appareil lui-même doit être échangé. Les dommages
occasionnés par une utilisation inadéquate (branchement continu, erreur de voltage, prise
inappropriée, choc, etc...), l’usure normale ne portant préjudice ni au bon fonctionnement
ni à la valeur de l’appareil, excluent toute prétention à la garantie. La garantie devient
caduque si des réparations ont été effectuées par des personnes non agréées. La garantie est
accordée sur la base du ticket de caisse original.Toutes les pièces détachées non résistantes
et par conséquent sujettes à l‘usure, ne sont pas sous garantie. Dans le cas où votre
appareil est défectueux pendant la période de garantie de 2 ans, vous pouvez ramener votre
appareil, ainsi que votre ticket de caisse, au magasin où vous l’avez acheté.
Die Garantie für dieses Gerät beträgt 2 Jahr ab dem Kaufdatum. Während dieser
zweijärigen Garantie trägt der Verteiler die Verantwortung für Mangel, die eindeutig
auf Material- oder Konstruktionsfehler zurückzuführen sind. Wenn es solche mangel
gibt, wird das Gerät, wenn notwendig, ersetzt oder repariert. Das Recht auf Garantie
erlischt, wenn die Mängel auf eine unangemessene Anwendung, die Nichtbefolgung der
Gebrauchsanleitungen oder eine Reparatur von einer dritten Partei zurückzuführen sind.
Die Garantie wird auf der Grundlage des originalen Kassenbons gewährt. Alle Teile, dem
Verschleiß ausgesetzt sein, sind nicht in der Garantie eingeschlossen. Wenn Ihr Gerät
innerhalb der Garantiefrist von zwei Jahren defekt ist, können Sie das Gerät zusammen mit
Ihrem Kassenbon in das Geschäft zurückbringen, in dem Sie des gekauft haben.
This appliance has a two year warranty period. During this period the manufacturer is
responsible for any failures that are the direct result of construction failure. When these
failures occur the appliance will be repaired or replaced if necessary. The warranty will
not be valid when the damage to the appliance is caused by wrong use, not following the
instructions or repairs executed by a third party. The guarantee is issued with the original
till receipt. All parts, which are subject to wear, are excluded from the warranty.
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not
be treated as household waste. Instead it must be brought
to the applicable collection point for recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is
disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health, which
could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of
this product. For more detailed information about recycling
of this product, please contact your local city ofce, your
household waste disposal service or the shop where you
purchased the product.
The packaging is recyclable. Please treat package
El símbolo en el producto o el embalaje indica que este
producto no puede ser tratado como residuo doméstico. Los
residuos de aparatos tienen que ser depositados en un punto
de recogida destinado al reciclaje de aparatos eléctricos y
electrónicos. Eliminando este producto de manera correcta,
se puede evitar las consecuencias negativas posibles para
el hombre y el medio ambiente en caso de un tratamiento
de residuos incorrecto. Si desea obtener más información sobre el reciclaje de este
producto, pónganse en contacto con la ocina municipal, la empresa o el servicio de
recogida de residuos domésticos correspondiente o con el establecimiento dónde ha
adquirido el producto.
El material de embalaje es reciclable. Trate el embalaje de manera ecológica.
Symbol na přístroji či na jeho obalu znamená, že s tímto výrobkem není možno
nakládat jako s běžným domovním odpadem, nýbrž musí být odevzdán na místech
určených ke sběru a likvidaci elektrických a elektronických zařízení. Dodržením
tohoto doporučení chráníte životní prostředí a zdraví spoluobčanů. Více informací o
možnostech likvidace nebezpečného odpadu obdržíte na obecních nebo městských
úřadech, sběrných dvorech nebo v prodejně, kde jste přístroj zakoupili. Obalové
materiály jsou recyklovatelné, nakládejte s nimi podle předpisů pro životní prostředí.
This appliance may be used by children from the age of
8 and up, and also by persons with a physical or sensorly
limitation, as well as mentally limited persons or persons
with a lack of experience and knowledge. But only on the
condition that these persons have received the necessary
instructions on how to use this appliance in a safe way
and know the dangers that can occur by using this
Children cannot be allowed to play with the appliance.
Maintenance and cleaning of the appliance may not be
done by children, unless they are older than 8 years old
and are under supervision. Keep the appliance out of
reach of children younger than 8 years old.
This appliance is suitable to be used in a household
environment and in similar surroundings such as:
Kitchen for personnel of shops, ofces or other
similar professional surroundings
Hotel or motel rooms and other surroundings with a
residential character
Guest rooms or similar
Attention: This appliance cannot be used with an external
timer or a separate remote control.
always follow the basic safety precautions when using
an electrical appliance, including the following:
Read all instructions before use and save this
instruction manual.
Before use, check if the voltage indicated on the
appliance corresponds with the voltage of your power
Do not let the cord hang on a hot surface or over the
edge of a table or counter top.
Never use the appliance when the cord or plug is
damaged, after malfunction of the appliance or when
the appliance is damaged. In that case, take the
appliance to the nearest qualied service center for
check-up and repair. Never try to repair the appliance
Strict supervision is necessary when the appliance is
used near or by children.
The use of accessories that are not recommended by
the manufacturer could cause re, electrical shock or
Unplug the appliance when it is not in use, before
assembling or disassembling any parts and before
cleaning. Unplug by pulling the plug itself. Never pull
the electrical cord to remove the plug from the socket.
Never place this appliance on or near a gas or
electrical stove or in a place where it may come into
contact with a warm appliance.
Do not use the appliance outdoors.
Only use the appliance for the purpose for which it is
Before the rst use, remove all packaging materials
and any promotional stickers.
This appliance is heavy. Be careful when moving it.
Do not make any adjustments to this appliance, this
could be dangerous.
If there is electrical work that needs to be carried out
when installing the appliance, this should be done by a
qualied electrician or skilled person.
Only store edible foods into the freezer.
1. Housing
2. Removable wire shelf
3. Thermostat knob (at the back)
4. Adjustable legs
5. Cover for door hinge
6. Door
7. Gasket
8. Temperature sensor
Ice cube tray
Make sure that the appliance does not stand on the electrical cord.
Parts that become warm should not be exposed. If possible, place the back of
the freezer close to a wall, but do keep the required distance for ventilation, as
indicated with the pin at the back of the appliance.
After installation, leave the freezer for 12 hours before turning it on. This way the
refrigerant can settle.
This appliance is designed to function in ambient temperatures between 16°C and
32°C. Should the room temperature exceed this reach, the appliance will not function
correctly. The food may spoil.
In order to obtain a correct operation, the appliance should be installed:
in a dry area
out of direct sunlight
away from extreme temperatures (this also means away from a stove or other heat
on a strong, stable oor
Above the freezer, there should be a free, empty space of 50 mm.
If it is not possible to keep a free space above the freezer, then keep a free, empty
space of 25 mm at both sides of the freezer.
The freezer needs to be placed completely upright and level, so that it will not rock.
Check if the 2 adjustable legs are rmly on the ground when the freezer is completely
upright and level.
If not, adjust the legs by screwing or them in or out the freezer.
Caution: This appliance is heave. Be careful.
Reversing the door
The freezer is built with the door hinges on the right side. If you want to switch the
direction in which the door opens, follow the following instructions:
1. Remove the cover of the upper hinge (6).
2. Remove the 2 screws (1) that attach the upper hinge (5) to the freezer. Remove
the upper hinge.
3. Lift the door and place it on a soft surface so that it does not get damaged.
4. Remove the 2 screws (8) that attach the lower hinge (2) to the freezer. Remove
the lower hinge.
5. Remove the left front leg (4) and move it to the right side of the freezer.
6. Replace the cover plate (7) to the right side.
7. Before placing the lower hinge (2), remove the bolt (the right leg) (9) en reverse
the direction of the lower hinge. Install the lower hinge at the bottom left of the
freezer with the 2 screws (8).
8. Screw the bolt (9) back into the lower hinge (2).
9. Place the door in its place, on the lower hinge (2).
10. Close the door and hold it in position while you attach the upper hinge (5) to the
upper left corner of the freezer with the 2 screws (1). Make sure that the door is
straight before fastening the screws.
11. Place the cover (6) onto the upper hinge.
Remove all packaging materials and any promotional stickers before use.
Clean the inside of the appliance with lukewarm water and some bicarbonate or soda
(5ml for 0,5l water). Do not use any soap or detergent, as the smell may linger. Dry
Temperature control
The thermostat is located at the back of the freezer and can be set to MIN. (cold),
NORMAL (colder) or MAX (coldest).
The temperature can be inuenced by:
The room temperature
How often the door is opened
How may food there is in the freezer
The position of the appliance
1. Wait 12 hours after installation to turn on the freezer.
2. Put the plug into the socket.
3. Turn the thermostat to the desired temperature setting.
4. Wait approximately 4 hours until the desired temperature is reached, before
putting food into the freezer.
Do not freeze food again after it has been defrosted already.
Do not place carbonated liquids such as zzy drinks into the freezer.
Be careful when consuming ice lollies straight from the freezer to avoid freeze
Do not take anything out of the freezer with wet hands.
The freezer produces sounds when the compressor pumps the refrigerant around.
This is normal.
Do not place any hot foods into the freezer.
Make sure that all food in the freezer is covered.
Do not press together the food. The air should be able to circulate around the
Do not leave the door open for too long. Also make sure that the door is always
properly closed.
Label the food with the date to be able to check the expiration in the freezer.
Always unplug the freezer before cleaning it.
Clean the inside and the accessories with warm water and bicarbonate or soda.
Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Do not use detergents, abrasive powders, perfumed cleaning products, wax
polishes or cleaning products containing bleach or alcohol.
Clean the outside with warm soapy water.
Do not use any abrasive products.
Be careful around the sharp edges at the bottom of the freezer.
Once or twice a year, remove the dust from the compressor at the back using a
brush or vacuum cleaner, as an accumulation of dust will affect the performance
and the energy consumption of the appliance.
1. Empty the freezer.
2. Unplug the appliance.
3. Open the door.
4. Place a suitable container to collect the defrost water.
5. After defrosting, thoroughly clean and dry the inside.
6. Plug in the appliance.
Caution: Do not use any sharp objects to scrape the ice from the freezer walls.
Not in use
When the appliance is not used for a long period of time: unplug, empty the freezer,
defrost and leave the door ajar to prevent unpleasant smells.
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Domo DO908DV Owner's manual

Owner's manual

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