1 Viscosity vs. temperature, No. 2 fuel oil .......... 1
2 "viscosityconversion, Centistokes vs. Saybolt
Universal Seconds............................................. 1
3 Combustion products by weight and volume,
1lb. fuel oil, 0% excess air...............................3
4 Combustion products by weight and volume,
1lb. fuel oil, 50% excess air............................. 3
5 Relationship between excess air and CO2 .......4
6 Effect of excess air on CO2 ..............................5
7 Effect of excess air on combustion gas
temperature ........................................................ 5
8 Smoke & efficiency vs. excess air curve ..........6
9 Typical oilheat system components ..................7
10 Underground tank ............................................. 7
11 Above ground tank ............................................7
12 Indoor tank ........................................................ 8
13 Typical oil burner components ....................... 10
14 Burner air patterns ........................................... 10
15 Burner flame configurations ........................... 11
16 Cutaway view of a fuel oil nozzle .................. 12
17 Beckett Multi-Purpose Gauge ......................... 13
18 Nozzle spray patterns ...................................... !3
19 Combustion chamber design .......................... 14
20 Air tube insertion ............................................ 15
21 Soft fiber refractory combustion
chambers ......................................................... 16
22 Combustion chamber sizing data.................... t7
23 Recommended minimum inside dimensions
of refractory-type combustion chambers........ 17
24 Heat exchanger designs .................................. !8
25 Oil furnace heat exchanger ............................. 19
26 Condensing furnace heat exchanger ............... 19
27 Approximate relationship of % excess air
with flame temperature and volume of
combustion cases ............................................ 19
28 Outside air combustion ...................................20
29 Tjernlund Combustion Air In-ForcerTM .......... 21
30 Draft changes in a chimney ............................ 22
31 Field draft controls ..........................................23
32 Common chimney sizes vs. Btu input ............ 24
33 Multiple appliances vented separately ............ 24
34 Square inch area of flue collars ......................25
35 Tapered manifold vent system ........................ 25
36 Constant sized manifold vent system ............. 25
37 Barometric damper locations when venting
multiple appliances ......................................... 26
Power chimney venting system ..................... 26
Efficiency vs. net stack temperature ............... 26
Common chimney troubles and
theircorrections ............................................... 27
41 Power side-wall venting.................................. 28
42 Field power venter .......................................... 28
43 Sealed combustion furnace and boiler ............ 28
44 Outdoor appliance installation ........................ 29
45 Distribution of heat as determined by the
stack loss method ............................................ 32
46 Theoretical combustion relationship between
CO2 and 0 2 for No. 2 heating oil .................. 33
47 CO2 gas analyzer ............................................ 34
48 Graph of heating appliance efficiency ............ 34
49 No. 2 fuel oil efficiency table ......................... 35
50 Construction of CO2 analyzer ........................ 36
51 Lynn Model 6500 Combustion Efficiency
Analyzer .......................................................... 38
52 Testo 342 Combustion Analyzer .....................38
53 Bacharach CA 40H Combustion
Analyzer .......................................................... 39
54 Flue gas thermometers .................................... 39
55 Bacharach smoke spot tester ........................... 40
56 Oil burner smoke scale.................................... 41
57 Draft measurement devices .............................41
58 Lynn Model 7400 Carbon Monoxide
Analyzer .......................................................... 42
59 CO level standards ..........................................43
60 Flue pipe sampling hole locations ..................44
61 Correlation of percent of CO2, 02 and
excess air ......................................................... 45
62 Typical smoke vs, CO2 percent ......................46
63 Test report form............................................... 49
64 Name retention combustion heads ................. 52
65 Non-flame retention and flame retention
combustion ...................................................... 53
66 Recommended firing rates for Beckett AF
andAFG burners ............................................. 53
67 Beckett AF II air tube combination and
firing rate chart ................................................ 54
68 Air tube/head combinations for wet base
and wet leg boilers .......................................... 54
69 Name retention heads for furnaces,
dry base boilers, and water heaters ................. 55
70 Outdoor winter design temperatures............... 56
7t Nozzle manufacturers, spray patterns,
and capacities .................................................. 58