OPERATIONS (Continued) ........
l)Pma the MENU Imtmnso that the menu
_lflly aptera on _:TV scvee_
I)_ theCH(arm¢/],&f' "
"V-CHIP SET UP". [ [m_s_ ue,_t
Therhimss _ 1"¢_c_s_r_,
VOL(ume)• b_ao.._
3) Usethettumberbut-
toustce.omrn-di#t [ _
0000. If you havenot
r,= upyour permn=J
ecc=_ €ode.you r.bmddU_ 0000.
4)Pr--s_theCH(aanel)A f
Thea, Fe" tbu |
VOl..(=ne)A b_tou. L
_ P.m._ _e CH(mneO A ( -'- 1
or• _t_ to_oin,toI="_ r_
your des;red item. | am-n r_avl
VOL(_) • buuou I x
m_ [BLOCK]or[vww].
.cS.dleet/_ cRadq _eegot7
. O: O=umdA_ace
• _: Pa:_ttl O.i_ tul_e_ted.
• NC-I?_ Nome tm_"17=endued
• When :mu sele_ the raringcamgory and'ram
it to [BLOCK]. thehigher ratingwl]l mm
• _2 =et_ndca._y. A_o, _, lower ru-
ing willmm |VIEW| _mtom_-._ly.
•Wbea you nun "0" m [BLOCK.] or {VieW].
the all ratingswillaun to [BLOCK] or
• [VJ_W] Itutotaltd_riJy.
• "Whenyou mm "X" to [V[15W], then=dlra-
h_ will mrn ta |VIEW| autam=ieally.
1)Press the MBNU buttonso that the menu
• ._ay appcLn; on r)u:TV .w.reea.
2) press llte Cl._annd) A r , •
"v-oitP SST UP". [ 1_,m.._._ =s_,_a./
• Y0L(um¢) • button. L , )
_) Usethe number buttons to er_r 4-di,gk
0000, If you have not
set upyour persona|
ac_r.._ code.you
4)Pm_stheCH[mmet)k t- - ]
"TVRATING. | _uco_
Then,press the J
VOL[umc) • buttou, t
_)PmsstheCH(atmeO•/- " ]
_nt to _"Tv.v F_t_,_l
or • btuton to p_ lib W-Wl _ I'at'_l
your desired | w_ _v,1
ftermThea, press _¢ | _*{ ) _ewl
VOL(Lune)• but]onto[ _q ) IVae_
=elect [BLOCK] or [VIEW].
•TV.YT: _k_Au_k_cc'4'P_z_d_tetoechild,=a_=w:=endJ
T_/._TV,P_ Ptm_d ¢_sk_uteem_ 1
• TV.I4: Um_tablefro.=hlldemunder14
•TV_MA: E_uu:e.e_/e._=uonly , J
• When yOUs_ tim rating categot__td runl
[t to [BLOCKJ, the hlgh=r fating will mm
[BLOCK] auroma_cagy.Also, thelower rat.
|ng will mm |VIEW| automarically.
• When you aua "TV-Y_ to [BLOCK] or
|VIEW.|. th_ all radn_ will nun to
[BLOCK] or |VIEW| tutorn,u;cally.
• Wl_n you mm WV-MA" to [V]._H], then
all ruinSs will mm to (VI.EW] automatically
Whm you sete_tTV-YT, TV-PO, TV-]4, or
TV-MA _ you prem=theYOl_ume) • but-
ton, th_ s.b-ntdngs wU) appear oa _T'¢
PG_ an_ mm itto t'BLOCKI o_|VIEW],the
submlngs (exem#e: V fo_ V1_e) will mm
[BLOCK] or [VI_WJ luwmadcally.
You canr_t the sub-ratlt_s to]BLOCK} or
[VLSW] individually when flu=radn_category
isst to [BLOCK]. To se_the sub-radnSsIndl-
vidually, follow the steps below,
. When you select [TV-YT]:
Press the CH(_nad) • or • button to select
"FV" (Fantasy ' '
Vbk:_=¢), 'D_en,_ W.w _t.O_<l
the VOL(ume) A but-
Ionto seinc¢ [BLOCK] =,,ev le_o_gl
er [VIEW].
• Wb_m youselect[TV- • J
PO},[TV-14] ar_TW
MA]: tv._ [a_._g]'
Pro= th= CH(_P-J) • ,e (_o_gll
or • button to select t BL_K
Dialog), "L"(Coarse , .
Lan._age), "S"(Sexua[ r '
Simudon), or "V" p-w.y b'l_q
w.w t )trawl
(V;ol_co),Then,pros | _ ,=to=<
thevOL(ume)• but- ] _._a_m_v_l_
_o.to,=1==[STOCK]/ _L¶P,_,_
or[Vl_Wl. t ,,---two,.._.
Note:W'a_ you_ D'V-.MA],"D" doe*
nocappe_ ou theTV _n_a.
• Tiussub-ratingswhichu_ m _aLO0(]
aFFetrnut to tharuing camg_Win d_'IV
6)Pt_a thebLF__Uburton to exk themenu.
I)B Ill I I I tJ_.TI[M _k'%'1[_|] IJ.
To chmag_theaom_ e.de. renew the.mu_ps.
l)Pre_ th_ MEIqU but- € 't
tcnto_v.cmr, J _ _ /
SETUP.Pressthe t )
VOL(_,.c) • bu!t_ to _.
2)Pre._ the oumhe_ but- ( ]
t_ to emer your olri | _..e_ _e
,=e. coO=Uyou J
h='/t_w.r m upyoe, |
_rs_,laec_code, [
3)Pro.theCH(amd)• ( .
or• bu._ m eckct | _
CHANG_ CODF_ }.- _ ecot
Then,ptm the J
VOL(.r_)A buttontot,
4.)U_ tl_a',mg_e_buttoos r -
toenteryourde_h'ed [ Nm._,€o_
coDe )
Tl_a,enterrilesame [.
codein the CONF1RM
CODE spaco.Your new a_ss r_xleIs_t.
you ',rill renmnto the "V-CHIP Sb-TUP'.
ff_ code_ntheCONF]RIvl_0DI__pecc
doesnotmatch the t:ode ir_the NEW CODE
space, n:_.at stop 4..making sure you e,mct the
aarncnew code _ac_ly in the CONFIRM
CODE space.
• U'a power failure OUcu_ the degaultcod=,
00_0, wfl/bu the_.dve ecmk,a uxJeagain.
• If you €on:u_: tha power €ord to an AC out-
let that is controlled by a wall switch, your
personalaccesscode will be erased every
you turn offthe power at th_ wa)J
swilch.The defaultcod_will bethe acdve
you _hould:e.uoeetheacce&_r.odetodefault
€o_, 0000, To restoreO000.tt your_enonal
leouu code. tmping the TV s porter mrd for
10,_ _ plugitka=gala.