3.3.3. Setting up a Netatmo weather station
GreenIQ supports the use of Netatmo in two modes:
Personal mode: Your Netatmo personal weather station is installed on site and enabled in
the GreenIQ application. GreenIQ collects weather information from the private weather
station, and calculates the weather factor based on the data received.
Public mode: If Netatmo is enabled but no account credentials are provided, GreenIQ gathers
weather information from private stations in the vicinity and makes an adjusted calculation of
the weather factor. Public weather information is also considered in this calculation.
To set up a Netatmo weather station:
1. Connect it to the hub and install it on the garden pipe line.
2. On the Sensors screen, expand Netatmo.
3. Enter your Netatmo username and password in the designated fields.
4. Set the Use Netatmo switch to Yes.
Note: If this switch is set to Yes and account credentials are not provided, Netatmo is used in
Public mode.
5. Click Save Sensors.
3.3.4. Setting up a moisture sensor
Parrot and Plantlink are soil moisture sensors that provide information about specific locations in
the garden. The user associates each zone with one sensor, enabling the decisions about program
irrigations on that zone to be made based on the associated sensor information.
The moisture sensor collects data and uploads it to your user account in the cloud (not GreenIQ
account). GreenIQ fetches this data and for each irrigation cycle implements an internal algorithm
to determine whether to skip an irrigation cycle.
Note: The Parrot Flower Power sensor requires a Bluetooth connection to your mobile device. It
then uploads the data from your device to the cloud. If you are not at home or Bluetooth is not
enabled, the data will not be uploaded to the cloud. GreenIQ will identify that there is no valid data
and will ignore sensor’s information.
To set up a moisture sensor:
1. Install the moisture sensor in your garden and connect it to the hub (as described in the
installation guide).
2. On the Sensors screen, expand the entry for the relevant moisture sensor (Parrot FlowerPower
or Plantlink).
3. Enter your username and password for the sensor in the designated fields.