3. Configure the LAN IP address of your router.
You can leave the LAN IP address as-is or change it. Generally the LAN IP address will end in a
.1 or a .254. Examples are or Search “private network” on Wikipedia to
learn more about various private IP address schemes.
Confi gure LAN IP Address
Once the router is confi gured with an IP address, you need to confi gure your wireless
network. In the Quick Setup page, scroll to the Wireless Settings 2.4GHz Frequency and
Wireless Settings 5GHz Frequency sections.
1. Configure the 2.4GHz network.
Change Network Name (SSID) to something simple. Best practice is one word with
no spaces or special characters. This will be most compatible with all devices.
Change your Security Mode to secure your network. WPA2 is recommended.
Leave Encryption set to AES.
Enter the Passphrase. This is the password clients will use to join the Wi-Fi network.
The passphrase must be at least 8 characters in length and the following characters are
not allowed: # & / \ | ’ ” `
Select a Channel or leave it at the default value of 6. See note below.
Confi gure 2.4GHz Frequency
n NOTE: The 2.4GHz network defaults to channel 6. You can leave it there,
or if you have completed a wireless scan and know that channel 6 is crowded with
other networks, change the channel to 1 or 11. Use only channels 1, 6, or 11
whenever possible.