Warnng and safety nformaton
Electrcal Safety
The dshwasher should only be
operated on the voltage specfed.
For electrcal safety, only earthed
plugs and sockets should be used.
Always use the fused plug provded
wth the applance. The user s
responsble for meetng these basc
safety requrements. The lfe of your
machne and your safety depend on
you usng an electrcal nstallaton
complant to standards.
Do not use an extenson cable.
When dsconnectng your machne
from the mans supply, always pull
from the plug. Never pull the cord
Chldren’s Safety
Never allow your chldren to play wth
your dshwasher.
Dshwasher detergents contan
rrtants and abrasves. These
ngredents mght have caustc
eects n the eyes, mouth and throat.
They can be extremely dangerous f
swallowed. Avod contact wth skn
and eyes. Check that the detergent
receptacle s empty after completon
of the wash cycle.
Keep detergents out of chldren’s
reach and do not put detergent n the
machne untl rght before you start
the washng programme.
The water n your dshwasher s not
sutable for drnkng, for ths reason
do not allow your chldren near your
machne when the front door s open.
Never allow your chldren to play on or
st onto the front door when the front
door s open.
After unpackng your machne, keep
the packng materal out of chldren’s
Warnng !
Long cutlery, such as ladles and
long knves, etc must be placed
horzontally on top of the full
cutlery basket or on the racks to
prevent accdental njury.
Ths dshwasher has been desgned to
clean your drty dshes at home.
Never use chemcal solvents n your
machne; ths may lead to exploson
Never use materals other than
specally produced softenng salts n
the salt dspenser of your machne.
Never use materals other than
specally produced detergents and
rnse-ads n the detergent and rnse
ad dspensers of your machne.
Please dspose of the packagng
materal and old applances carefully.
Please ensure old machnes do not
become a threat to chld safety. It s
known that chldren lock themselves
n unused machnes. To avod such a
problem t s advsed that you cut the
mans cable o and break the door
latch so t does not lock.
The door of your machne s desgned
to support the weght of a full basket
when the lower basket s pulled all the