Boating is becoming more popular each and every year.
ere are numerous types of recreational vessels on our
waterways today involved in an every growing number
of activities. erefore, as a Regal boat owner it is of the
highest priority to learn about general boating practices
before operating your vessel.
Your Regal dealer will answer many questions and provide
valuable “hands on” information during the completion
of the new boat delivery process. In addition, your dealer
has received special factory training on the product line
and his services should be employed to solve any technical
problems and periodic maintenance beyond the scope of
this manual. Your Regal dealer carries a line of factory
approved parts and accessories.
Your Regal dealer can provide information regarding
national training organizations such as the U.S. Power
Squadron and United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Along
with other organizations and literature, they can help build
your “boating savvy” by developing the necessary skills
and awareness to be a safe and con dent skipper.
Also, your local library can assist in providing recommended
boating literature such as Chapman Piloting Seamanship
& Boat Handling by Elbert S. Maloney.
Also, boating information is available on the internet.
Remember, waterway conditions can change in a
heartbeat. Knowing how to react quickly comes from
experience and knowledge which can be gained through
boating education. Welcome aboard!
It is important that you read the engine operator’s manual
carefully and become completely familiar with the
operation as well as required maintenance procedures on
the engines and related propulsion systems. Also, read
the auxiliary equipment manuals found in the owner’s
information packet.
Note that select information in this manual is shared by
both stern drive and outboard vessels. ere is a special
section in chapter 5 that addresses the OBX outboard
More detailed outboard information is found in the
outboard vendors operation manual and this document
must be read and understood before attempting to operate
the OBX.