• Keepyourpuppyinthecratewhileunsupervised.Thisisnotcruel;infacttheytypicallyenjoythesafetyand
security it provides. It is in their deep rooted history to seek out secure dens.
• Doyourbesttopredictwhentheyneedtogopotty.Watchforsigns,andsetaschedulerelativetotheireating,
playing, and sleeping patterns.
• Whenyouletthemout,putaleashonyourdog,andleadthemontothePorchPotty.
• Givethecommand,“GoPotty”.
• WhenheorsheusesthePorchPottycorrectly,immediatelypraise,praise,praiseandofferasmalltreatyou
have nearby.
• Thenleadyourpuppybackintothecrate,ortakeafewminutestoplay.
• BesuretocleanupanypoopthatmayhavebeenleftonthePorchPotty.Dogsliketohaveacleansurfacefor
next time. You can use disposable ‘Poop Bags’, or simply tissue paper if you want to flush it down the toilet.
What if she has an accident in the house?
act. If you catch her having an accident in the house, quickly clap loud, yell no, and pick her up. Then place her
her attention with clapping, and loud noises. There is no reason to hit or spank your dog. This is especially true,
if you found the accident without catching them in the act. As hard is it may seem, your puppy will not associate
your hitting them after the fact with the accident they made earlier. Be sure to clean up the mess to remove the
scent from the spot. If you leave the scent in the carpet, she may be attracted to going there again. Use an odor
neutralizer spray.
Tricks and Tips
There are a few tricks we have found help make training your dog faster and easier. You can use some or all of
these tips. If you have any tips of your own, please let all the other Porch Potty customers know by visiting the
forums at