
E×pkmation of GraphicN Symbols
The [ighming tlash xGIh mox_hcad s?mboL
xGfl_ill m eq uila_eial _liall_le, i hllend_'d Io delt
\OL__o _he pl _s_'Dce o[ UDi[/S[IJa_ XI da_?_e_ou
_oha_e" willdn lhe pl oducFs enc[o_,ure Iha_
may be of suUicient m tglfitude to constitute a
risk of electric shock to pelsolls
The !xc[amalion poilll _hhill m equiIa_iil Ili-
angl_ is im _nded lo dell you _o lhe presellce of
il_lpollaD_ opera,big _lld inaiD_e[/ IDC _ (sel'\'_c
big inslluclions ill Ihe [heJatme accomp raying
tile appliance,
1 Retd lllstluctlolls All the sa%ty alld opel ltillg
hmtluctions should be read belole tile product is opelated•
2 Retaill ]llstl uctiolls --Tile sMety and opelatillg insl_ uctions
should be _etaMe I 1or futme _eh'wnce.
3 Heed Wan/blgs All warnings on the ploduct md hi tile
opel ttmg instluctions shotlld be adheled to.
4 Fol[o_ ]l_stmctions All operating and use instluctlons
should be k41o_ed,
S Cleanhlg --- Ullplug this ploduct fl'om the _xall outlet betble
clealfillg. Do not rise [iqtlid cleanels of aeloso[ cleanels, Use
i damp cloth h_1 clealling,
6 Attachments -- Do not use attachments not lecommellded
by tile ploduct mallula_cmrel as they may cause hazalds,
7 Watel alld Moisture Do not t_se this ploduct Ileal _aatel
k>r example, heal a bath rob. v, ash bo_x1, kitchen sink. oi
[aull& T tub_ ill a wet b lsement; or heal a sv, ilmnlng pool;
and tile like,
8 Accessories -- Do _3ot place this pl oduct oil ill unstable
cal t. stand. _ripod. bracket, ol t tble, Tile ploduct may laH.
caush_g selious Jl\}ury to a child (>l aduh. and selious dam-
age to the pl oduct, Use ollly v,hh I cart. stand, tl ipod, black-
er, ol table lvcommended by tile n/anuhctmel, o_ sold with
the ploduct,
Any moulltillg of the product sllould li4loxx the mal]ula_cmr-
e_'s iDstltlctiolls. ;l_d should use a motu]til3g lcce soly _ec-
oHllne[/ded by the Hla_t]lactttlel •
9 A product slid calt combil]atlon should be
moved _Gth care, @tick stops, excessive
lolce. Ilia unevell stu_aces m_y cause the
p_oduct alld calt col_]biDat_oH to oveutH_/.
10 Ventikltlon Slots and openhlgs hi the cab-
hlet ;m" p_ ovided h>r ventilatlol* and to ellsm'e _vliable ope*_
atiol] of the product slid to protect it from (>vex}]eatlllg, and
these opelllngs must l]ot be blocked ol coveled, The opel]-
ings should nevel be bk>cked by placing tile prodt_ct oil I
bed. soM. lug, ol othel shnilal stMklce.
This ploduct shouM not be placed in a built-ill instal[atiol/
stlch is a bookcase ol rock U_][6SSp_opel ventilation is p_ovid-
ed o_ the i_/a_/ulglc[[_\'l's il/struct[o_/s have bees adhered to
1 I Po_xel Somces This ploduct should be operated ol]ly
horn file _)pe of powel s(>u_ve illdicated on the malking la-
bel [1 yoll air not Stile OI _[]e type of po_el supply to yore
hol_le, collstlk yotl_ ploduct dealer (>1local po_el co133pally•
Fo* products h_tended to opel ate lrom ba*te_y posx e_. o_ oth-
e_ sot]ices. _ei_q to Ihe opelatblg ins_l uctions
12 GIomldMg o_ Polalization This product lnay be eqtlipped
whh a polarized ahe_ati_g cm_nt line plug (a plug having
one blade _ ider than the other), Tiffs pk_g _ill fi_ into the
po_ el ¸outlet ol]ly one way, This is a salty _atuE_, If you
a_ _mable to h3sel_ the phlg fully illto file outlet, try levis _
ing the plug, If the plug should still _il to fit. contact your
electlicial] to repklce your obsolete outlet¸ Do not de,at tile
salty purpose of the polarized plug,
13 Po_ er-Cord P_ectio_ Power_supply co_ds should be
routed so that they a_ not llkely to be \_ alked on or pinched
by hems placed upon ol ¸against them, payblg particular a_
tentloll to cords at plugs, collveniellce receptacles, and the
poillt where they exit fl_m tile product¸
14 Lighmh_g For a&led protection %_ this product duri_g a
liglltl]il_g stoml, ol _ hen it i_ left _lla_teJ3(le(l and _mused _1 ¸
lollg periods of time. ul]plug it flora the wall outlet alld dis-
connect the alltenna ol¸cable system, This v, ill pl_vel]t dam-
age to tile product due to lightnillg slid po_ _ qille sulge_,
]_ Power Lilies An outside antelma syslem should l]ot be k>
cared in the vlcilllty of overhead power llnes or other electric
light ol¸ po\_ el ¸circuits, or where it can _ll ii]to such power
[i_]e_ or ch cults, When i_]s_aH_ng an outside anaemia system.
extreme care should be taken to keep flora touchi_]g such
power lh]es ol ¸chcults as contact _ it[] them might be fatal
16 Overk_adh_g Do not overload _ all outlets, exte_sio_
cords, or in_eg_ al conven_e_]ce leceptacle_ a_ this can _sult
in a risk of fire or electric shock,
17 Obiect and Liquid Entry Never push obiects of a_y kh_d
into this pl oduct through openings a_ they ma_ touch (lall_
gerol_s voltage poil]ts ol stlolt-o_l_ parts that could resuk ill
a fire oE"electi ic shock, Never spill liquid of a_y kind on the
lg Servicing Do not attempt to s_ vice thls product yourself
as openb]g or _emovh_g covers may expose you to danger-
ous vohage or ofl_er hazards¸ Rear all se_-vici_g to qualified
sel¥1ce pe_som]ek
19 Damage Reqtfiring Service Unph_g thls product flora the
wall outlet and rear servlcb_g to qualified service personnel
a) When the po_ e_-supply cord o_ plug is damaged,
b} If liquid has been spilled, or obiects have _llen i_t(_the
c) If the product has been exposed to laill or _ a_ ¸.
d) K the product does not operate nomlally by %11o_ big
the operating insmlctlol]s, A([iust ol]ly those colltrols
thai are covered by the (_peEatl_]g l_]stluction_ as an _m_
proper adiustmel3t of other controls may le_ult i_]dam_
age aM will often require extensive work by a q_lalified
technician to _esto_ the product to its _](_lma[ opel aIl(_n.
e) If the product has been d_opped or damaged in any
way, and
1) When the product exhibits a di_fil]ct change h3pel fo_-
malice - this h_dicates a need %r service,
21) Replacemen_ Parts When _q_l_lce_]ei/t parts al_ l_q!_il_d.
be stn_ tile sel vice techl]iclal] has used repklcement parts
specified by _he manu_cturer or have tile same charac_elis _
tics a_ tile orlgh_al part, Unauthorized substitutions may re-
sul_ b_ fire. electric shock, or other hazai ds
21 Sa_y Check -- Upo_ completio_ of _my service or _vpairs
to this plodt_ct, ask the service technician to per_)lm safew
checks to determine that the product is h3 proper opelath_g
22 Wall o_ Ceiling Mo_til_g The u_h should be mortared to
a \_ all or ceiling oMy as _commended by the manuh_cture_
23 Hea -- The product should be situated av, ay from heat
sore ces such as radiators, heat registers, s_oves, o_¸other
products (inch_dh_g ampllfie_ s) that produce heat,