Security Function Ver. 1.02 Jun. 2011 7. Enhancing the security function
bizhub 423/363/283/223/7822
7.2.3 Functions disabled by the setting of Enhanced Security Mode
• Note that setting Enhanced Security Mode to “ON” disables the following functions.
(1) Terminal Debug (forcibly prohibited when Enhanced Security Mode is set to
(2) Print Data Capture (forcibly prohibited when Enhanced Security Mode is set to
(3) In CS Remote Care, the following operation is prohibited.
Rewriting instructions of firmware, communication of the account track counter
information, the setting renewal of the machine
(4) Firmware upgrading through Internet ISW (When the Enhanced Security Mode is
set to ON, the setting of this function cannot be changed from “OFF.”)
7.2.4 Functions whose settings are changed by Enhanced Security Mode
•Setting the Enhanced Security Mode to [ON] changes the setting values of the following
Function Name Default Setting When Enhanced Security mode is set to
Password Rules
• To apply the password rule to
enhance security.
Invalid Enable (not to be changed)
Prohibit Functions When Auth.
• To set the function for prohibit-
ing Authentication operation in
order to prevent the unautho-
rized access.
Mode 1
Mode 2 (not to be changed): Three times is
* The number of times can be changed to
once, twice, or three times. (It is twice, four
or six times for WebDAV server password.)
Secure Document Access
• To display the status of the
Authentication system on the
control panel for the Confiden-
tial document access.
Mode 2 (not to be changed)
* In association with Prohibit Functions
When Auth. Error, the method is changed
from authentication using Secure Document
ID and password (Mode 1) to that using the
password with the Secure Document first
narrowed down by Secure Document ID
(Mode 2).
Public User Access
• To permit use by a public user
having no user registration if
user authentication setting has
been made.
Restrict Restrict (not to be changed)
User List
• To display the list key for User
names on User Authentication
OFF OFF (not to be changed)
Print without Authentication
• To allow or restrict printing
which user and account are not
Restrict Restrict (not to be changed)
User Box Admin. Setting
• To set whether to allow or
restrict the Box Administrator to
use the system.
Restrict Restrict (not to be changed)