A DAilGER: Pailure to lollow tlre dangerg waming and calrtions in ftis mnual nay rsqrlt in serious bodily iniury or death, or in r fitt or an oxploeim
causirq damags to property.
A lhis appliance is for outdoor ute only, and shall ll0T be usod in a
building, garago or any ofier encloecd area.
A Do NOT uso tris ontdoor fireplaco for indoor heating. I0XIC cafton
monoxide fumes can accumulate and cause asphyriation.
A Ihis antdoor fircplace is tl0T lor commercial use.
A lhis outdoor fireplace is l{0T to be operated by childmn.
A 0o ll0T operate,light or use thb appliance within len (10) fost (3.05 m)
of wallq strlrclures or buildings.
A Do il0T stors or uso gasoline or other flammablo uapors or liquids
within 25 fest ft.62 m) in the vicinity of this or any other applianca.
A Do ll0T use in an erplcivo atmcplptr. Xeep outdoor fireCace
area clear and tree lrom cornbustiblo materials, gasoline and oher
flammable liquids.
A Agannent lhrollsrsi Chock with runagement to leam the mquinmontr
and firs codee tor using an outdoor firephcs in your apartnent complox.
lf alloiled, tse outsida on tie ground ioor with a ten (10) lmt (3.05 m)
dearanca lrorn walls or rails. 0o not use on or under balconiea
A Always use in accordance with all applicabh local, state and national
codea Contact your local fire departnent for detaile on outdmr burning
A Whon ueing tiis oudoor firaCace, exercise the same prmutions you
would with any open fire.
A This outdoor fireplace is tl0T to be used in or on boate or recroationat
A Do ll0T uso hig ostdoor fireplace under any ortrhoad ot noar any
unprotected combustible construtions. Avoid ueing near or under
overhanging rees and shrub.
A Do NOT use thig outdoor fireplace without reading he entire "0wns/c
A This outdoor fimplacs is for uso with dry, soasoncd hadwood. lt will
bum hotter, mora completely and croato less srmks.
A Do l{0T bum charcoal hiquets, lump charcoal, manufactumd logo,
driftwood, tsash, leayag, paper, cadboard, plyvvood, painted' gtained or
pressure treated wood. Avoid using softmods stdt as pine or cedar
which can throw sparks"
A Do NOT use gasoline, kerosono, di€col fusl, lighter lluid or alcoftol to
light or relighl fires.
A Do t{OT alter this outdoor fireplace in any mannor. Any alleration will
void your warranty.
A Do tl0T use lhie uddmr lireplaca until it is C0ilR-gfEtY aasombled and
all parts aro rcumly fastened and lighton€d.
A lho use of alcolrol, prescdptidl or non-prescription drugB may impair ,
tfie consumgr's ability to propsdy assemble and/ol salely op€reb this '
onldoor fircplace.
A Do ll0T use lhig outdoor fireplace mar automobiles. trudts, vanc or
recreational whides.
A Always uso this ouldoor firoplace on a hard, level, non-combuetible
surfacs erch a concrsls. rock or ctme. An asphall c bhctlop anrface
msy not be acceptabh lor thb puncc. Di, ll0T ua on wooden dockg.
A Do NOT wear flammable or loce dolhinC when operating tltis outdoor
A Do ll0T use in windy condilions.
A Do NOT lean over this outdoor lireplace wtron lighting or while in uso.
A 0o NOT uee thb outdoor freplace unless sDart guards are securdy
in placa
A Keep all electrical cords away lmm a hot fitoplaco.
A Nl surfacc of this outdmr lirepbe ars hot when in operation. To avoid
buns, do NOT lorich fireplaco until il has complebly cooled (about 45
minutes) unless you are waaring protestiue geal (potholders, Cloves,
880 rrittem, hot padr & etc.). llewr toudt aCro or coale to too if ttey
an hot
A 0o NOT leave a lit oridoefinplace unatbnded, otpocially arcund
ohildlsn and pote.
A Alwaye empty this olftdoor fireplace beforp eadr uso.
A 0o l|fi atbmpt to mova or stono this oudoor litep|ac? until all aghee
and coals als completely extingublpd.
A 0o MIT ranoyo arhes or coalg until they am complebly and fully
extinguished and the outdoor fireplace has cotnplelely cooled (about
.'15 mlnubr).
A 0o ]OT place wood diructy into botlom ol 0te outdoor fimplace. Placo
wood only m the wood grate provided.
A 0o ll0T ovedoad lhe liraplaco. 0o not add additimal ftrervood until ths
fire bumg down.ll0TlCE: lf any gortion of tlp bowl, lid or +alt guards
ol thie oudoor fireplaca are glowing rsd it is orsdmded
A 0o ll0T placo a hot apark gurrd or hot finplace toob onto combustlbh
eurfacc eudr ar g(ags, wooden deck or fumiture.
A Ayoid breafting nmka frsn th fim and avoid getling il into
your ore8.
A This crtdoor fireda droutd bo thoroughly inrpecbd and deaned on a
rogular basis.
A Aftgf a pedod of storage andor non-uso, check laaigns of damage
and cmosob build-up. Do ll0T ogerate until nocossary repaim and/or
dcanup aru crsrbd.
A 0o ll0l ucs oyen dcaner or abraeiye doaners ae hsy will damags this
A Do tlfi dean any pan of this outdoor finplace in a eelf deaning oyofl
ag il mry damaso the finish.
A Uro hsat-reistant gloye or hot pads when contacting handhc.
A Uee long, sturdy firoplaco tools when adding or moving logs.
A Ura protcctw gloves whcn as:cmbling thir product
A Do not td€o Frts togethsr as this can re$lt in psrsmal injury or
damaga to tfrc prcduct
A theftq ssriour iniury or damagc to propct0 may octur if tho above ir
not follorred oxacdy.