Pelco, the Pelco logo, and other trademarks associated with Pelco products referred to in this publication are trademarks of Pelco, Inc. or its affiliates. © Copyright 2014, Pelco, Inc.
ONVIF and the ONVIF logo are trademarks of ONVIF Inc. All other product names and services are the property of their respective companies. All rights reserved.
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Installing the Controller
While wearing an ESD wrist strap, perform the following:
1. Ensure the correct sized PCI slot bracket is installed on the new RAID controller card.
2. Ensure controller card and battery are properly seated into original slot locations and secure in place with PCI slot screws.
3. Reconnect the two controller card cables top and bottom as previously marked.
4. Reconnect battery pack connector.
5. Apply chassis cover and tighten down screws (2x).
6. If you see an error when restarting the unit, contact Pelco technical support at www.pelco.com/support or call 1-800-289-9100.