IM05805008K Page 3
Effective November 2006
2.4 Operation
2.4.1 Lamp Test Button
Each remote alarm panel is equipped with a
Lamp Test button that fully tests all lights and
audible alarm buzzer when pressed. Operating
the lamp test button will not change the state of
the internal output relays
2.4.2 Supervisory and Backup Supply Voltage
The remote alarm panels will accept both 120
volt 50/60Hz and 240 volt 50/60Hz power
supply on either of the supervisory and backup
source inputs. If the supervisory source of
supply is lost, the panel will automatically
switch to the backup source. Both the
supervisory and backup sources must be
independent of each other.
2.4.3 Audible Alarm
When any alarm conditions are present, the
audible alarm will sound. It will continue to
sound until either the silence pushbutton is
pressed, or the alarm condition is satisfied.
2.4.4 Silence Pushbutton
An audible alarm silencing pushbutton is
provided that silences all active alarms when
pressed. Pressing the button has no effect on
the associated alarm light(s). Should a second
alarm condition occur after the silence
pushbutton has been pressed, the audible alarm
will re-sound until the silence pushbutton is
pressed again, or the alarm condition has been
2.4.5 Supervisory Power Normal Light
The supervisory power normal light indicates when
supervisory power is available and will turn off
when the controller switches to the backup power
source. An audible alarm will sound when
supervisory power is not available and will remain
ON until supervisory power is restored, or the
silence pushbutton is pressed.
2.4.6 Output Contacts
The FDAP-M electric remote alarm panel has five
alarm outputs to indicate supervisory power normal,
pump operating, phase reversal, phase failure and
common alarm. The DFDAP-M diesel remote
alarm panel also has five alarm outputs that indicate
supervisory power normal, engine running, engine
trouble, pump room trouble and controller in OFF
mode. An additional Common Alarm relay output
consisting of two Form-C contacts, is provided that
energizes under any alarm condition. Three
additional alarm outputs are provided to indicate
specific alarm conditions within the fire pump
2.4.7 Output Relays
The alarm panel relays are printed circuit board
style that plug into sockets mounted on the alarm
panel main circuit board. They are rated for 8 amps
/ 250VAC. They are de-energized under normal
conditions regardless of input status selected.
2.4.7 Alarm Inputs
Each controller is equipped with seven user
selectable alarm inputs. Each can be selected as
normally open (N.O.) or normally closed (N.C.) by
the use of jumpers on the microprocessor board.