AC S.A. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized copying, reproduction, publishing, dissemination, disclosing or other use of information presented herein, in whole or as part, particularly photographs,
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1. Principle of operation ................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Installation instructions .............................................................................................................................. 2
3. Description of terminals ............................................................................................................................. 3
4. Using the software ...................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Examples of engine power curves and emulation maps ......................................................................... 6
1. Principle of operation
The signal from the MAP sensor is read by the STAG TUNING module and transmitted to the ECU with a
reduced value as set in the software, e.g. if the max. pressure signal is 3V and it is reduced on the
application map by 0.5V, the ECU unit tries to reach 3V and the resulting MAP value will be approx. 3.5V.
The STAG TUNING kit can work with two MAP sensors at the same time. Most cars are provided with only
one sensor of that type, but there are vehicles with two sensors. Channels to be emulated are selected in the
STAG TUNING is a safe device provided that the user uses it reasonably and does not overload the engine
continously.It should be noted that excessive overloading the vehicle can cause damage to mechanical
components of the engine and the drive system.
2. Installation instructions
Terminals of the STAG TUNING module should be connected to the MAP sensor or fuel pressure sensor on
the Common Rail. For dedicated harness types it is only required to disconnect the sensor plug and replace it
with a corresponding tuning module connector.