Instructions for safety and environment
5/43 EN
Refrigerator / User Manual
le. If they are not, call a qualfed
electrcan and plumber to have the
necessary arrangements made.
Otherwse, there s the rsk of elect-
rc shock, fre, problems wth the
product, or njury!
• Pror to nstallaton, check f the
product has any defects on t. If the
product s damaged, do not have t
• Place the product on a clean, flat
and sold surface and balance t wth
adjustable feet. Otherwse, the pro-
duct may tp over and cause njures.
• The nstallaton locaton must be
dry and well ventlated. Do not place
carpets, rugs or smlar covers under
the product. Insuffcent ventlaton
causes the rsk of fre!
• Do not cover or block the ventla-
ton openngs. Otherwse, power
consumpton ncreases and your
product may get damaged.
• Product must not be connected to
supply systems such as solar power
supples. Otherwse, your product
may get damaged due to sudden
voltage changes!
• The more refrgerant a refrgerator
contans, the larger the nstallaton
locaton must be. If the nstallaton
locaton s too small, flammable ref-
rgerant and ar mxture wll accu-
mulate n cases of refrgerant leaka-
ge n coolng system. The requred
space for each 8 gr of refrgerant s
1 m mnmum. The amount of ref-
rgerant n your product s ndcated
on the Type Label.
• Product must not be nstalled n pla-
ces exposed to drect sunlght and t
must be kept away from heat sour-
ces such as hobs, radators, etc.
If t s nevtable to nstall the product
close to a heat source, a sutable nsu-
laton plate must be used n between
and the followng mnmum dstances
must be kept to the heat source:
- Mnmum 30 cm away from heat
sources such as hobs, ovens, heater
unts or stoves,
- Mnmum 5 cm away from elect-
rc ovens.
• Protecton class of your product s
Type I. Plug the product n a gro-
unded socket that conforms the
voltage, current and frequency
values stated on the type label of
the product. The socket must be
equpped wth a 10 A – 16 A crcut
breaker. Our company shall not be
lable for any damages that wll
arse when the product s used
wthout groundng and electrcal
connecton n accordance wth the
local and natonal regulatons.
• Product must not be plugged n
durng nstallaton. Otherwse,
there s the rsk of electrc shock
and njury!
• Do not plug the product n sockets
that are loose, dslocated, broken,
drty, greasy or bear the rsk of
gettng n contact wth water.
• Route the power cable and hoses
(f any) of the product n a way
that they do not cause rsk of trp-
png over.
• Exposng the lve parts or power
cable to humdty may cause short
crcut. Therefore, do not nstall
the product n places such as ga-
rages or laundry rooms where hu-
mdty s hgh or water may splash.
If the refrgerator gets wet wth
water, unplug t and call the aut-
horsed servce agent.
• Never connect your refrgerator
to energy savng devces. Such
systems are harmful to your pro-