Welcome and Important Notices
I. Assembling
1.1 Unpack
1.2 Charge the battery
1.3 Install the memory card
II. Getting started
2.1 Turn your device on and off
tuoyal eciveD 2.2
2.3 Home screen
2.4 Add items to the home screen
2.5 Task bar
2.6 panel
2.7 Auto rotation
neercs eht kcolnu & kcoL 8.2
2.9 Enter text
2.10 Customize your device
2.11 Manage applications
2.12 Security.
2.13 Reset tablet
III. Web
3.1 Email
3.2 Gmail
3.3 Browser....................................................11
3.4 App Store
IV. Entertainment
4.1 Super-HD Player
4.2 Music
4.3 Camera
V. Tools
5.1 Calendar
5.2 Alarm
5.3 File Manager
5.4 Calculator
VI. Connectivity
6.1 USB Connection
6.2 Wi-Fi
VII. Safety Precautions
VIII. Care & Maintenance
..............................................................21IX. Specifications
N o t i f i c a t i o n
.................................................19 6.3