_uUo_ ...........................3
_ore Operat_n .............................. 7
Int_uction ..................................... 8
Sym_ Used in this Manual ........8
Features ........................................ 8
El_l Safety................................9
Exte_n Cod ............................ 11
Wi_ Requir_e_ .................12
Size ...............................................12
Of ................................. 13
P_lon of C_sis ............... 14
Unit !n_!a_ ............................ 15
ope_ I_m_ons ...................17
_rr_te C_ol _erations ........ 17
Air Di_on ............................... t9
V_ Co_trol ............................. 19
_in Pipe .................................. 20
Rem_l _m Widow ............... 20
Ab Fiffer ..................................... 21
Cl_ing] the _r _d_oner .....21
How to _ove
FrontGdtle ................................. 22
Com_ Prol:_s and
Sol_s ....................................... 23
TroutY_ti_ ............................ 24
Write _e modeland ser_ r_s here:
_el #
Ser_ #
_ can findthe num_ on a I_el on the sid_ o| the
D_ PumPed
• Stap_ _r r_ipt _ this pa_ in _ ,Erver.__ need it
to prove_ of purch_e o,rfor wa_ iss_so
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_ntaJn yourair co_i_!" pro_dy, Ju= a _i_ pr_tive
cam on _ur pa_ _n sa_ _u a g_t dee! of ti_ and
_J over_ life of yourair _io_er.
Y_'I_ flr_ _'_y an_ _ c_n pt'o_JemJs in the _att
oftrou_h_g _ps. ff you re_,d_ our_
_u_es_ng _1_ fl_ _ may _ ne_ to c_ll _
_ at all
• _nta_ an _ho_ Service Ce_ for mp_r
mai_.ce of:this un_. Ca!! 1_77-755_7932 m
• This air cond_er _ n_ i_ for use _ _ung
_i_ren ot _ _ _ _peF¢l_n.
•Young i_i_ren _uld _ su_rvi_ to en_m _
,.If t_ p_ _ mq_res _cement, have
A,Jt_ _i_er irmtalil_n exact imp__ part.
• Installetl. P_ _ be _orm_ In _rdsnce
w_ the N_ionel El_c C_ by quailed a_
aut_ _nne! only,
Room Air Con