Haier HWR24VC5 User manual

User manual
Thank You Forbuying a dependable, energy saving and easy to operate
HAJERroom air conditioner This manuaJcontains useful information for
you to maintain, operate, install and safely useyour room air condifianer_
Your air conditioner deans, coals and dehumidifies the air in your room to
provide you with the ultimate bvel of comfort.
Pleaseread instructions carefully before using the producL Also, do not
forget to fiHout and mail the Product Registration Card.
Record Your ModeUand SeHaUNumberĀ°
For all your service calls during the warranty period the bHowing
information will be needed. Affach the sales receipt to this guide and keep
for future reference. This information can be obtained from the serial pJate,
which is on your air conditioner: This is either on the cabinet (side or back)
or you may have to remove the front grille to Jocateit.
1) Air conditioner mustbe connectedto proper electrical outlet with the
correct electrical supply. (seetabJe)
_. 2) Proper grounding mustbe ensuredto reducethe risk of shockand fire.
not have a three-prong electricreceptacleoutlet in thewall, have a certified
electrician install the proper receptacle. Thewall receptacleMUSTbe
properly grounded.
3) Do not use if power cord isfrayed or otherwise damaged. Also avoid
using it if there are cracks or abrasion damage along the length, plug or
5) When installing your air conditioner in a window, make surethewindow
is strong enoughto hold the weight of the air conditioner. Youalso want to
secureand correctly install your air conditioner properly to prevent it from
falling. Extra brackets and or support may be required depending
on your window.
6) Do not block airflow inside or outside the air conditioner with blinds,
drapes, protective covers,shrubs or bushes.
7) Becareful of sharp edgeson thefront and rear fins of the unit that could
cut and cause seriousinjury.
8) Becareful when lifting the air conditioner to install or remove the unit.
Always usetwo or more people for this.
9) Always unplug theair conditioner before servicing it or moving it.
A Word From Haler 1
P_duct Registration 1
Safely/Precautions 2
Warnings 4
ElectricaJSafely/ 4
Tips 5
Energy Saving Guide 5
FeQtures G-7
@peratlng Gulde 8-14
Normal Operating Sounds 8
Operating instructions 8-14
JnstaJJatians 15- 22
Parts ] 6
Tools ] G
Installing Unit into A Window ] 7-22
Clean and Care Gulde 23-24
TroubUeshaoting 24- 25
Warran_ Jnfarmatian 2G
Following the safety messagesis very important.
Thesemessagescan save you from being injured or killed.
Warning symboRsalert you to be carefuRand means Danger. AJways
follow instructions to be safe and reduce chancesof injury or deatk
Warning and Danger signswill precede safety messages.
Grounding: This room air conditioner must be grounded.
Grounding reduces the risk oFenectricshock by
providing an escape wire for the electric current.
The power cord has a grounding wire with a
grounding pJug. PJugif into an outlet that is
properly installed and grounded.
mmproperuseof the grounding
pJugcan resuJtin a risk of electric shock.
Coil a qualified electrician if you don't understand
the grounding instructions or if you are not
sureif the air conditioner is properly grounded.
mfthe wall eJectricaJoutlet is not grounded, please contact an
eJectricianto have it repJacedwith a properly
grounded outJet.
DO nOtr Under Qny Ā¢_rcu_st_nĀ¢esr CUt or re_ove t_e
thlrd (ground) prong from the power Ā¢or_.
Adapter PUug: We strongly advise against using an adapter plug.
Ā®Air Conditioners are designed for use in a douHe hung window or
through the wall installation only (As appJicable in your model)
Ā®While installing unit be sureto tilt air conditioner _/4 inch ouhvard to
havethe water drip outside the house.
s_k o mnstanlthe unit on the north side as normanlythat is the shaded side This
winJenhance the operation of your unit.
Window has to be strong for installation. Extra brackets and or support
may be required depending on your window.
ā€¢ Measure the window before installing, if the window is too big Forthe
unit you may require professional installation.
_'_ Usecorrect electric voJfageand proper ampere for the unit to run
,_Ā® Only let a certified eledrician do any modifications fo your eledricol
o When installing your air conditioner make sure to seaJaHareas where
there is a possibiJify of air Jeakage.
Airflow should not be bJocked inside either by curtains, drapes or
furniture or outside by shrubs or bushes
Do not needJessJyuse an eJectricaJJightor other appliances that
produce heat
Keep the ventdosed on the air conditioner when in the cooling function.
Keep the bJindsand the drapes drawn on all the other windows.
o While cooking usean exhaust fan in the kitchen to remove the excess
heat produced.
Always usethe correct BTUsize air conditioner to cool the room to
attain optimum efficiency.
[otlvers -"_-.
easy ac( ess _'_-'_"
1. Thermostat
This allows you to adjust the temperature of the air
The lower the seffing the cooler the air temperature
with this you can set the temperature fo your
desired comfort level You can setthe temperature
between 61" F and 86" F
2. Fan Speed
With this you can control the fan speed as well as
the A/C {cooling) speed
You have 3 levels of A/C Speed for you to set at
your desired bvd LO will cimdate alr at the
lowest vdoci_y, MED at medium velocity and HUGH
will circulate at the maximum
You have 2 levels of Fan Speed to setat your
desired comfort level MED and LO
Auto Fan allows the room temperature to setthe fan
speed When the function is set, fan speed is to be
determined according to the difterence between the
s_ttemperature and the temperature inside the
room Once the settemperature is reached the fan
will run at the LO Setting
3. Fuectlon.
Your air conditioner has 3 Functions
a) A/C,
Here the air conditioner will operate the corrJpressor
and the desired fan spe_d set to give you chilled
cold air for your comfort
b) Dehumid
This enables your air conditioner to operate as a
dehumidifier as well Jtwill remove the excess
moisture from the air to keep your room at a
combrtabb dry stage You can use this feature
alone in case you do not desire to use the air
c) Fan Only
You can run the fan only on not so hot days The
fan can be set to run at 2 speeds (reed fan, low fan)
as desired by you
4. Eeergy Saver
When turned "ON" the fan will shut off 3 minutes
after the compressor cycle off, This will not only
save you electrical and energy costs but also shuts
off the unnecessary noise of the fan motor running
In the "OFF" position the fan will not shut off when
the compressor cycles off The fan will keep running
at the setlevel
5. Timer
Your air conditioner can be setto go on or off at
your desire This can be done up to 12 hours in
6. Vent
The Fresh Air Vent aJlov,'sthe air col_di{Jol_erto
recircu_ate iltside ail',draw fiesh ail i_to dketooth
and exhattst stale ail' to the otltside.
7. 4 Way Air FJew
These air directional Jouverslet you contrd the
direction of the air_low in your required direction
The airflow can be directed
up - down - right side - left side
8, SJide Out Ā¢has._is
Your Air Conditioner Becomesmore versatile with
this feature You have the option to install the unit in
a window or the wall
g, Wind@_ instil R:Jt
Enables you to install the air conditioner in a
double hung window Extra Bracketsor sugport
may Be needed depending or_your window
10. Remote Cor_w'oJ
This full functional "wirelessremote allows you to
operate your air conditioner from a d_stance You
need not have to get up to change the seitings, the
functions or to turn the unit on or off
11 o LED DJspJay EJectrorlic ConJ'_| Panel
The 4 function LEDdisplays Room1}_mperature,
Temperature Se_ting,Timer Setting and Time
Ren_aining to Stop / Start the unit Electr'onic
Control Panel letsyou setthe temperature to the
Exact ]emperature you desire
12o Sleep
When activated, this feature automatically setsan 8
hour shut off timer The unit will shut off in 8 hours
lller l @le tlHg Se ds
The folowing sounds are normally heard during the operation of an air conditioner,
o Cod airflow movement as didated by the set fan speed.
Water sounds. Thisis normaJas your air conditioner acts as a
dehumidifier aJso.Thusyou wil hear water sounds from water drops
faling on the condenser.
As the refrigerant tows through the inner sealed tubing a rushing noise
may be heard.
Railing or vibrating noises may be heard due to poor wal
or window instalafion.
* High pitch compressor sound may be heard.
@pe ethsg Ins truĀ¢lieHs
Folowing are the operating instructions of your electronic air conditioner.
After instaling your air conditioner pJug it in to the proper dectricaJ outJet
in the wal Keepthe vent in the closed position. Now set the air
conditioner at your comfort bye[ This ful functional wireJessremote alows
you to operate your air conditioner without having to get up and go to the
unit. The ful function feature alows you to change the settings and turn the
unit on or off from the remote itseJf.This controJpad works the same as
the control pad on the air conditioner.
(See Fig # ])
Fig. # 1
Remote Ā¢@ntr@J
After you pJugin the unit it wi[[ perform a self test. A[[ the dispJaytights
will turn on for 3 seconds. The LED display will read "88". If any dispnay
light fails to turn on you may need service on the unit. After the 3 seconds
self test the unit will automatically go to the stand by mode. Now all lights
will be off and you wilt have to turn "ON" by pressing the On/Off key
After pressing "On/Off", the unit #arts to work and enters the status of
"Fan Only" with low seffing. You will haveto press the (+} or (o} key on the
TempiTime to set the fern _erature af your desired comfort. You can choose
bebveen 61 Ā°F and 86Ā°R Once the temperature is set you can raise or
lower it by pressing the (+) or (o) keys. (Only when the unit is cooling or
dehumidifying, can the temperature seffing be adiusted.} (See Fig, # 2)
Having setthetemperatureyou will setthefunctionof theair conditionen
mfyou want to cooltheroom presstheA/C function,mfyou needtoonly
removethe moisturepresstheDehumidfunction. Ifyou lustneedto usethe
fan only, presstheFanfunction.(SeeFig. # 3)
Fig. # 3
Ā¢ontro) Pane(Ā°
Fig. # 4
Once the function mode is decided you wi(( hove to set the fan speed_ ({:
you choose the A/C mode you can run the fan in one of the 3 speeds Hi,
Med,, Lo or in the Auto speed, mnthe Auto speed the fan wi(( stort at High,
Med or Lo as the )emperature varies in the room
Tr: temperature inside the room.
Ts:the se))emperature.
When Tr >Ts+2Ā°F, the Hi is )o be automaficaJJy. When Tr_<Ts,)he Lo is to be
set. When Ts<Tr_<Ts+2Ā°F,)he Med is to be set. Once the set temperature in
the room is reached the Auto fan seffing wiJ( have the fan running on Lo.
It takes 3 minu)es )o switch the fan speed. (See Fig # 4}
Ifyou choose to use the Dehumid function, Thiswill remove excessmoisture
from the air on excessivelyhumid days,
Tr temperature inside the room,
Ts: the settemperature.
1) When Tr>Ts+3Ā°F,the compressor will run continuously the fan at the
2)When TsolĀ°F_<Tr_<Ts+3Ā°Fthe compressor will cycle for 10 minutes on
end 6 minutesoff.
3)When Tr<TsolĀ°F,the compressor will shut off,
The dehumidification process takes pJace between the settemperature _1
and 3Ā°Fabove the settemperature, (See Fig # 5)
Fig. # 5
ControJ Panel
For cod days you may want to run the "Fan Only" function. Here the fan
runsonJyat one of 2 speeds,Meal or Lo. Thefan will not run at the High
speed. (See Fig. # 6)
Fig # 6
Ā¢ontroj Panel
Fig # 7
Timer start or Timer stop mode is used to pre-start or shut off your unit in
advance. You can program this up to ! 2 hours in advance. You can use
the Timer in 3 Functions i.e. A/C, Dehumid. or Fan OnJy
eTimer Start. (See Fig. # 7)
Unit must be on to set the timer. Unit will shut down automatically after it
accepts the settings in 5 seconds Use this mode to presser the start time of
the unit ] 2 hours in advance.
a! Press Start, LED dispHay wilH show "XX" (time set Hasttime) when power
is connected first time, LEDdisplay wiHI show "01"
b) Set desired number of hours by pressing the (+) pad of the Temp/Time
buttons, one for each hour. Hfyou passed the desired time use the H pad
key to lower the selection.
,_Timer Stop (See Fig # 7}
Unit must be running to set the timer off. Use this to preset the time you
would Hikethe unit to shut off.
a) Press Stop, LED dispHay will show "XX" (time set Hasttime) when power
is connected first time, LEDdisplay wiHI show "01"
b) Set desired number by pressing the (+) pad of the Temp/Time buttons.
One for each hour. If you passed the desired time, use the (-) pad key to
lower the selection.
When using the timer the unit wiHJuse!revert to the last A/C and fan
settings when activated. The timer must be reset every time you choose to
use it.
iiii FUNCT_eN
Pressingthe mode onetime, the settingof Timerstart,Timer stopand sleep
can be done. Pressingthe mode Fora secondtime, the settingiscanceHHed.
SJeepJetsyou preset the unit to shutoff in 8 hours. SJeepworks in the AiC
function only. After preoseffingthe temperature to a set degree,
the temperature raises by 2 degree in the I st hour and another 2 degree
in the 2nd hour and then remains constant in the next 6 hours As your
body doesnot give out as much heat in the night and as nights generally
become cooler this feature Jetsyou sbep comfortably throughout the night
without having fo wake up to change the temperature settings.
(See Fig. # 8}
Fig. # 8
Ā¢ontroU Panem
EnergySaver: By pressing this keyyou will activate the unit fo go in the
energy saver mode The fan will be off 3 minutes after the compressor
cycle ofF.Bydeactivating if the Jan keepsrunning at the set speedeven if
the compressor shutsofF. (SeeFig. # 9) (Thisfunction isavaiJabb in the
cooJing function onJy)
Fig. # 9
Ā¢ontroJ PQneJ--
When unit is in "On" mode theLEDdisplay wil showroom temperature.
Pressthe (+) keyto get settemperature. When unit is in "TimerStop" func=
tion, LEDdispJaywil show the time Jefffor the unit to shut off.
Tocancd TimerStop pressthe main Off key.
Before you install your air conditioner check the foJ[owing:
1) The unit is free of a[[ obstructions inside and outside the room eg. drapes,
curtains, furniture, pJants,shrubs, bushes, trees, other structures[ike building,
garage etc Air conditioner must have dear unobstructed airflow through the
condenser to remove the heat
2) Thewindow is strong enough to hold the weight of the air conditioner.
Extra brackets or supports may be needed depending on your windows.
3) Thewindow si[[ and track are strong enough to hold the weight of the
air conditionen
4) Thewail is strong enough to hold the unit. Extra brackets or supports may be
needed depending on the wail
5) There is adequate and proper power supply near the air conditioner.
_6) DO NOT useadapter plugs.
_7) DO NOT useextension cords.
_8) DO NOT cut or remove the ground prong.
9) DO NOT modify the plug or the eJectrica[waJ[outlet in any way.
mfpJugdoes not fit the dectricd outlet have a certified electrician do the
_10) DO NOT connect electrical power to the unit before installation.
_1 ! ) DO NOT use if power cord is worn out, frayed or otherwise damaged
Avoid using if there are cracks or abrasion damage along the length,
plug or connection.
Paris Suppli_ d
Jj_ wind....... l
/_/ gaskel
screws 13/32"
wood screws 31/32"
h_>,adboll <and
installation bracket
(left and tight)
Remote @
control "CR2025" battery
left and right
side curtains
Mode[: HWR18VC3 HWR2tVC3
You will need b have the following tools b help you in the installation of
your air conditioner.
*Phillips Screwdriver
*Standard Screwdriver
*Drill and Drill Bits
*Tape Measure
Installing Unit into A Window
Window Openillg Requirements
The air conditioner k, designed {o fi{into double or single hung sash ffpe windows. Ea<h of the
units comes with an installation kit that pIovides adjustable mounting louvers, to fill the gaps
betwee_tthe sides of the refit, and the windowhame. The chart below reflects {hedimensions of
the units with, and without installation kits. Measure your windowopening width and compare
itto the chart below to ensure that it meets the minimum and fnaxiftltnl_ window wid{h requirements.
HWR18V( 3 HWR24VC3
D(inch) Max
[)(inch)Min 3o@
Case High
Case Widd_
Case Depth
ivlodels HWR18VC3 HWR24VC3
Inslall top rail with lour 13/32" screws
Slid( left hand curtain assembly
into left end of top and bottom
rails Repeat lor right hand curtain
assembly Fasten curtain retainer
strips to sides of outer (ase with
six 13/32" screws
Inspect window tra(k, sash. and sill
lor its ability 1o suppor( (h( weight of
ail conditioner
Measure width belween whldow
moldings to ensure Instant Mount
will lit window h'ame Inslan( Moun(
models are d(signed lor windows
wide ((h( delail see page l 7)
Storm window installalion
If storm window hame dots not allow
adequate cl( arance below sill (1/2"
required), relnove s{ornl whldow
hame or creait! ch>arance by adding a
wood strip (a( leas{ 1 1/2" wide) along
( nlite widih of sill Faslen wood sirip
1o sill with at least three couniersunk
wood screws (not supplied with kit)
This provides a smooth surlac( hJr
mouniitlg air condition( r
Mobile home vĀ¢indow installation
Add wood strip (at least 1 1/2" wide)
along en(ite width of window sillĀø
Thk:kness of wood strip should match
height of front lip on window flameĀø
Fasten wood strip (o sill with a
minimum of {hree countersunk wood
screws (not supplied with kit)Āø This
provitles a smooth sur_ce _r
mounitng air conditionerĀø
Must be a minimum
Minimunl of 1,'2" to cleal
I 1i 2'_ ā€¢ Wlndov,
_jj ).[l_flmtJm
h,s,an,Mo.ntiti,suppit.lwiih,mit !!!!
i ii
is d(sign_ d lor motmitng in mos( i / i i .... 0
doubl( hungwindows without iN / o '_ N i U
slorlil windows I,or itlstalhltion in o +u D i I
window hai/l( wilh SIol'nl window, o v I'J
:Z o, io
modi 6, sill by adding wood strips(not ?, _ 11 i 0
hlclud(d) 1o inn(r and outer sills This st>m ' ) R i II
raises uni( and elinlinaies inierlel'en(e Ffallle
of slornl vdndow l]'anle
Place other case i_l _i_l{Iow [owel
sas|l UlHi] i_rests bebi_ld floll_ flange
of top rail Bottom rail mllst res_
behind window sill
_ Window sosh
Use (wo wood screws 31/32" (o fix (he case to
wi_ldows sash his(all left & light i_ls{allation bra{ke_
grad as showlt ilt lig Insta!l boft(2 1/2' long l]g)t bead
bol_ and locknlH) {o the il)s{a[lation b*acket aiid a@ls_
them to propeJ lenuh ,thenuse 4 (19/32')screws to fix
_lle bracket on the case
5 o
Expaltd bo_h curtains to contact the
win(bw flame Install lks_irwood
screws 31/32"Āø Two in each upper rigtl_ and
le_ of _he ct_l_ains.
llts_all (hree wood screws 31/32" Iop moun_ing rail
NOTE: To make screws easier _o
dnve, drill a pilo_ hole ii)io sash
{hrotlgh clealallce hole iil c//i'_ai_s
Install sash bracket on top of indoor window sash
wffil one wood screw 31/32" to prevent raising of
Willdow from file otdside, Screw anchor direcdy into
side of window flame. For hard wood or metal window
li'ames, drill a pilot hole to start screw.
Important:Be carelid not to dffil pilot hole too deep.
Add a piece of tape to the dffil bit as a depth gauge.
Also stay clear of glass. Be carelid not to damage the
fimction of the window.
Cut window seal gasket to wiffihof window,Stuffwindow
seal strip hetween outdoor window glass and top of
indoor sash. This willstop air leakage which reduces
Find someone to help you
replace chassis in outer case
Replace front panel, and grille
(Do _1o_h_rgel _oills_oH ba'o tiIm_
a_t,_llmel_ sciews heh_re
Jeph_cei_; grille)
Whele p _ssible ill_MJ _w_ s_Iow's
o1] top of [lie olttel _ase, lemoved
ill slap (me
IMPORTANT: Because window
sash helps keep unit in window,
make certain window sash contacts
outer case before reinstalling
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Haier HWR24VC5 User manual

User manual

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