eMedia My Piano CD-ROM Installation Instructions
As long as AutoRun is enabled, your computer will begin to set up the installation automatically
once you insert the CD-ROM. If it doesn’t AutoRun after inserting the CD-ROM:
1. Click the “Start” button and select “Computer.”
2. Right click on CD-ROM drive icon and select “Explore.”
3. Double click on “setup.exe.”
4. Click “OK” and follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
To run the software: Click the “Start” button, point to “Programs,” and select the
application from the list. (New applications are usually added to the end of the list.)
Mac OS:
1. Insert the CD-ROM. Double click the CD icon that appears on your desktop.
2. Drag the application icon from the CD-ROM to your Applications folder.
To run the software: Double click the program icon in the Applications folder to run the
program. (You may wish to drag the application icon to your Dock for quicker access.)
For tech support with your eMedia product, please visit www.emediamusic.com/support
or contact eMedia technical support at (206) 329-5657 during regular business hours
(9am to 5pm PST Mon-Fri).
Piano Sounds from Your Computer
Note that when you play your keyboard
you may hear it from both your keyboard’s
speakers and your computer’s speakers. To
hear it from the computer only, simply turn
down the volume on the keyboard. If you
prefer to hear the piano from the keyboard
only, you can change whether or not it plays
through your computer’s speakers by selecting
MIDI Settings from the Options menu when
running the eMedia My Piano software. To
turn off the piano sound, uncheck the box
labelled “Play MIDI keyboard input
through computer.”