Carrier’s 7--day, 5/2-- day, 1--day programmable and non --programmable
Performance Series Thermidistat Control is a wall--mounted, low-- voltage
control which combines temperature and humidity control in either a single unit
or a two--piece unit. In two--piece configuration, the relays are located near the
equipment and a two-- wire connection is used between the Display Module and
the Equipment Control Module. Single--piece installation requires more wiring
and results in a higher profile. The Edger Thermidistat has no need for batteries
to store user--configured settings in memory. During power loss its internal
memory saves settings for unlimited time, and the clock continues to run for at
least 24 hours. An extension of Carrier’s proven line of thermostats; it provides
separate setpoints for heating and cooling in addition to humidification and
In the Edge Thermidistat Control programmable configuration, different heating
and cooling setpoints and times are programmable for 4 periods per day or 2
periods per day. Programming can be done for 7 days per week, 5/2 days per
week, or 1 day. The programmable Thermidistat Control can also be user
configured as a non--programmable Thermidistat Control. When operating as
non--programmable, the Edge Thermidistat Control will still have both
temperature and humidity control.
The non-- programmable Thermidistat Control features Touch ’N’ Got settings
for quick and easy temperature change without complicated programming
schedules. The non--programmable Edge Thermidistat Control will still have
both temperature and humidity control. And, its Touch ’N’ Go technology
enables the user to switch between three different user--configurable settings
through intuitive buttons located just below the display .