Power Gauge - Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(HEV)/Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(PHEV), Vehicles With: 6.5 Inch
Instrument Cluster Display Screen
Power Gauge - Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(HEV)/Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(PHEV), Vehicles With: 12.3 Inch
Instrument Cluster Display Screen
Speedometer .................................................118
Fuel Gauge ......................................................118
Vehicle Range Display - Plug-In Hybrid
Electric Vehicle (PHEV) .........................119
High Voltage Battery Gauge - Plug-In
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) ...........119
Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge
What Is the Information Bar .....................119
What Are the Instrument Cluster
Warning Lamps .........................................119
Instrument Cluster Warning Lamps ......120
What Are the Instrument Cluster
Indicators .....................................................121
Instrument Cluster Indicators ..................121
Instrument Cluster Display
Using the Instrument Cluster Display
Controls .......................................................123
Instrument Cluster Display Main Menu -
Vehicles With: 6.5 Inch Instrument
Cluster Display Screen ...........................123
Instrument Cluster Display Main Menu -
Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument
Cluster Display Screen ..........................124
Instrument Cluster Display Main Menu -
Vehicles With: 12.3 Inch Instrument
Cluster Display Screen ..........................124
Customizing the Instrument Cluster
Display - Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch
Instrument Cluster Display Screen
Customizing the Instrument Cluster
Display - Vehicles With: 6.5 Inch
Instrument Cluster Display Screen/12.3
Inch Instrument Cluster Display Screen
Personalized Settings ................................125
Fuel Economy Display ...............................126
Fuel Economy Display - Plug-In Hybrid
Electric Vehicle (PHEV) .........................127
Fuel Economy Display - Gasoline ..........127
EV Coach - Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(HEV)/Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(PHEV) .........................................................127
What Is Electric Efficiency - Plug-In
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) ..........128
What Is Brake Coach - Hybrid Electric
Vehicle (HEV)/Plug-In Hybrid Electric
Vehicle (PHEV) ........................................128
What Is the Trip Summary - Hybrid
Electric Vehicle (HEV)/Plug-In Hybrid
Electric Vehicle (PHEV) ........................128
Vehicle Charging Status - Plug-In Hybrid
Electric Vehicle (PHEV) ........................128
Trip Computer
Accessing the Trip Computer - Vehicles
With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster
Display Screen ..........................................129
Accessing the Trip Computer - Vehicles
With: 6.5 Inch Instrument Cluster
Display Screen/12.3 Inch Instrument
Cluster Display Screen ..........................129
Resetting the Trip Computer ...................129
Resetting the Individual Trip Values -
Vehicles With: 4.2 Inch Instrument
Cluster Display Screen ..........................129
Configuring the Trip Computer - Vehicles
With: 4.2 Inch Instrument Cluster
Display Screen ..........................................129
Trip Data ..........................................................129
Head Up Display
What Is the Head Up Display ...................131
Switching the Head Up Display On and
Off ..................................................................131
Table of Contents