Table of contents Proline t-mass I 500 HART
4 Endress+Hauser
7.4.3 Establishing a connection ......... 64
7.4.4 Logging on .................... 66
7.4.5 User interface .................. 67
7.4.6 Disabling the Web server .......... 68
7.4.7 Logging out .................... 68
7.5 Access to the operating menu via the
operating tool ........................ 69
7.5.1 Connecting the operating tool ...... 69
7.5.2 Field Xpert SFX350, SFX370 ....... 72
7.5.3 FieldCare ..................... 72
7.5.4 DeviceCare .................... 73
7.5.5 AMS Device Manager ............ 74
7.5.6 Field Communicator 475 .......... 74
7.5.7 SIMATIC PDM .................. 74
8 System integration ................ 75
8.1 Overview of device description files ......... 75
8.1.1 Current version data for the device ... 75
8.1.2 Operating tools ................. 75
8.2 Measured variables via HART protocol ...... 75
8.2.1 Device variables ................. 76
8.3 Other settings ........................ 77
9 Commissioning .................... 80
9.1 Post-mounting and post-connection check ... 80
9.2 Switching on the measuring device ......... 80
9.3 Setting the operating language ............ 80
9.4 Configuring the measuring device .......... 81
9.4.1 Defining the tag name ............ 82
9.4.2 Configuring the measurement mode .82
9.4.3 Configuring reference conditions .... 86
9.4.4 Sensor adjustment ............... 87
9.4.5 Setting the system units .......... 88
9.4.6 Displaying the I/O configuration .... 90
9.4.7 Configuring the current input ...... 91
9.4.8 Configuring the status input ....... 92
9.4.9 Configuring the current output ..... 93
9.4.10 Configuring the pulse/frequency/
switch output .................. 96
9.4.11 Configuring the relay output ...... 102
9.4.12 Configuring the local display ...... 103
9.4.13 Configuring the low flow cut off .... 106
9.5 Advanced settings .................... 107
9.5.1 Using the parameter to enter the
access code ................... 107
9.5.2 Configuring the totalizer ......... 107
9.5.3 Carrying out additional display
configurations ................. 109
9.5.4 WLAN configuration ............ 112
9.5.5 Configuration management ....... 113
9.5.6 Using parameters for device
administration ................ 115
9.5.7 In-situ adjustment .............. 116
9.6 Configuration management ............. 123
9.6.1 Function scope of the "Configuration
management" parameter ......... 123
9.7 Simulation .......................... 124
9.8 Protecting settings from unauthorized access 126
9.8.1 Write protection via access code ... 126
9.8.2 Write protection via write protection
switch ....................... 128
10 Operation ....................... 130
10.1 Reading off the device locking status ...... 130
10.2 Adjusting the operating language ......... 130
10.3 Configuring the display ................ 130
10.4 Reading off measured values ............ 130
10.4.1 Process variables ............... 131
10.4.2 System values ................. 132
10.4.3 "Totalizer" submenu ............. 132
10.4.4 "Input values" submenu .......... 133
10.4.5 Output values ................. 134
10.5 Adapting the measuring device to the process
conditions .......................... 136
10.6 Performing a totalizer reset ............. 136
10.6.1 Function scope of "Control Totalizer"
parameter .................... 137
10.6.2 Function range of "Reset all
totalizers" parameter ............ 137
10.7 Displaying data logging ................ 137
11 Diagnostics and troubleshooting .. 140
11.1 General troubleshooting ................ 140
11.2 Diagnostic information via light emitting
diodes ............................. 143
11.2.1 Transmitter ................... 143
11.2.2 Sensor connection housing ....... 144
11.3 Diagnostic information on local display ..... 145
11.3.1 Diagnostic message ............. 145
11.3.2 Calling up remedial measures ..... 147
11.4 Diagnostic information in the web browser .. 148
11.4.1 Diagnostic options .............. 148
11.4.2 Calling up remedy information .... 149
11.5 Diagnostic information in FieldCare or
DeviceCare ......................... 150
11.5.1 Diagnostic options .............. 150
11.5.2 Calling up remedy information .... 151
11.6 Adapting the diagnostic information ...... 152
11.6.1 Adapting the diagnostic behavior ... 152
11.6.2 Adapting the status signal ........ 152
11.7 Overview of diagnostic information ....... 154
11.8 Pending diagnostic events .............. 158
11.9 Diagnostic list ....................... 158
11.10 Event logbook ....................... 160
11.10.1 Reading out the event logbook ..... 160
11.10.2 Filtering the event logbook ....... 160
11.10.3 Overview of information events .... 161
11.11 Resetting the measuring device .......... 163
11.11.1 Function range of "Device reset"
parameter .................... 163
11.12 Device information ................... 164
11.13 Firmware history ..................... 166