12/1250, 24/1250 – User and Installation Manual
Table of contents
1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .................... 3
Warnings and symbols .......................... 3
Safety warnings ..................................... 3
Safety guidelines ................................... 5
2. GENERAL INFORMATION ................... 6
Liability .................................................. 6
Warranty ............................................... 6
Life cycles and C-rate............................ 6
Disclaimer ............................................. 6
Identification label ................................. 7
Correct disposal of this product ............. 7
3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ................... 8
Status LEDs .......................................... 9
Battery switch-button (safety
disconnect) .......................................... 10
Battery Management System (BMS) ... 10
Charging ............................................. 11
4. BASIC INSTALLATION ....................... 12
Unpacking ........................................... 12
Location .............................................. 12
Materials needed ................................. 13
Installation procedure for a single unit . 13
Adding the MLI Ultra to a MasterBus
network ............................................... 15
Adding the MLI Ultra to a CZone
network ............................................... 16
Auxiliary connector .............................. 17
5. CONFIGURATION .............................. 18
DIP switch settings .............................. 18
How to change the DIP switch
settings ............................................. 18
MasterBus DIP switch settings ......... 19
CZone DIP switch settings ............... 19
Configuration in a MasterBus network . 20
Monitoring tab .................................. 20
Alarms tab ........................................ 21
History tab ........................................ 21
Configuration tab .............................. 21
Events tab ......................................... 23
Events sources ................................. 24
Event commands .............................. 25
Stop Charge event ............................ 25
Configuration in a CZone network ........ 26
6. BUILDING A BATTERY BANK ............ 32
Series and parallel connections ........... 32
Configuration of a battery bank ............ 33
Battery bank configuration with DIP
switches (MasterBus only) ................ 33
Battery bank configuration with
MasterAdjust ..................................... 35
Battery bank configuration with the
CZone Configuration Tool ................. 36
7. STORAGE AND CARE ........................ 37
8. TROUBLESHOOTING ......................... 38
9. SPECIFICATIONS ............................... 40
Technical specifications ....................... 40
CZone specifications ........................... 41
Battery switch – automatic behavior .... 41
Characteristics ..................................... 42