
Remote Control Functions
maybeprogrammedto controlupto eight
devices,includingthe AVR120.Beforeusingthe
remote,it isimportantto rememberto pressthe
Input Selector Button O that corresponds
to the unityouwishto operate.Inaddition,the
AVR120'sremoteisshippedfromthe factoryto
operatetheAVR120andmost HarmanKardon
CDor DVDplayersandcassettedecks.The
remoteisalsocapableof operatingawide vari-
etyof otherproductsusingthe controlcodes
thatarepartof the remote.Beforeusingthe
remotewith otherproducts,followthe instruc-
tionson pages27-30 to programthe proper
codesforthe productsin yoursystem.
It isalsoimportantto rememberthat manyof
the buttonson the remotetakeondifferent
functions,dependingonthe productselected
usingthe DeviceControlSelectors.Thedescrip-
tionsshownhereprimarilydetailthe functions
of the remotewhen it isusedto operatethe
AVR120.(Seepages31-32 for information
aboutalternatefunctionsforthe remote'sbut-
_]I Power Off Button: Pressingthisbutton
turnsoff (placesinthe Standbymode)thedevice
Input Selectors q_l. ToplacetheAVR120in
the Standbymode,firstpressthe AVRSelector
Button _ andthenpressthisbutton.
IRTransmitterWindow: Pointthiswin-
onthe remoteto makecertainthat infraredcom-
ProgramIndicator: Thisthree-colorindi-
catorisusedto guideyouthroughthe process
of programmingthe remote.(Seepages27-30
forinformationon programmingthe remote.)
O Power On Button: Pressthis button
to turn on power to the device that was last
selected by pressing one of the Input Selectors
_. Toturn on the AVR 120, pressthe AVR
Selector Button O.
I_I Input Selectors:Pressingoneof these
buttonswill performthreeactionsatthe same
time.First,if the AVR120 isnot turnedon, this
will powerupthe unit. Next,it will selectthe
sourceshownon the buttonasthe inputto the
AVR120.Finally,it will changethe remotecon-
trol sothat it controlsthe deviceselected.After
pressingoneofthesebuttonsyoumust press
the AVR Selector Button _ againto oper-
atethe AVR120'sfunctionswith the remote.
AVRSelector: Pressingthisbuttonwill
switchtheremotesothat it willoperatethe
AVR120'sfunctions.If theAVR120isinthe
Standbymode,it will alsoturntheAVR120on.
O AM/FM TunerSelect: Pressthisbutton to
selecttheAVR120'stuner asthe listening
choice.Pressingthisbuttonwhenthe tuner is
alreadyin usewill switchbetweenthe AM and
TestButton: Pressthis buttonto begin
the sequenceusedto calibratetheAVR120's
output levels.(Seepages18-19formoreinfor-
Sleep Button: Pressthis button to place
the unit in the Sleepmode.Afterthe time
shownin the display,the AVR120will auto-
maticallygo into the Standbymode.Eachpress
of the buttonchangesthe time untilturn-off in
the following order:
I-" 8o._,7o._,6o._,
mln mln mln mln
IL,4oo_ 3o 29 lo oFF
mln mm mm
Notethat this button isalsousedto change
channelson yourTVwhentheTV isselected.
Thisbuttonisalsousedto endthe processof
creatinga macrocommand.(Seepage28for
l_)Surround Mode Selector: Pressthis but-
ton to beginthe processof changingthe sur-
roundmode.Afterthe buttonhasbeenpressed,
usethe Alv Buttons _ to selectthe
desiredsurroundmode.(Seepage22for more
information.)Notethat this button isalsoused
to tunechannelswhenthe TVisselectedusing
the device Input Selector II_]D.Thisbuttonis
alsousedin partof the processof erasestored
macrocommands.(Seepage28for moreinfor-
mationon macros.)
NOTE:TheSleep Button _ and Surround
Mode SelectorI_) mayalsofunctionasthe
Channel+ and - keyswhenthe remoteispro-
grammedfor usewith TVs,cableboxes,VCRs,
satellitereceiversor other videodeviceswith
tuners.Seepage29for informationon pro-
grammingthe remotefor ChannelControl
Punch-Throughcapabilitysothat you may
changechannelson aseparatedevicewhen
the remoteis in AVRmode.
Night Mode: Pressthis buttonto activate
the Nightmode.Thismodeisavailablein spe-
ciallyencodeddigitalsources,and it preserves
dialog(centerchannel)intelligibilityat low
Channel Select Button:Thisbuttonis
usedtostartthe processofsettingtheAVR120's
outputlevelsto anexternalsource.Oncethisbut-
ton ispressed,usethe AI• Buttonsl[_l_
to selectthechannelbeingadjusted,thenpress
theSet Button qi]_, followedbythe AI•
Buttons _ again,to changethelevelset-
ting.(Seepage26for moreinformation.)
A Button: Thismultipurposebutton is
usedto changeorscrollthroughitemsin the
menus,orto changeconfigurationsettingssuch
asoutput levels.Whenchangingan itemsuchas
the surroundmodeordigital inputdirectly,first
pressthe functionor modeto bechanged(e.g.,
pressthe SurroundMode Selector I_) to
selecta surroundmodeor the Digital Select
Button @ to changethe digital input)and
thenpressthisbuttonto scrollthroughthe listof
• Button:Thisbutton isusedto change
the menuselectionor settingduringsomeof
the setupproceduresfor the AVR120.
Set Button:Thisbutton is usedto enter
settingsintothe AVR120'smemory.It isalso
usedin the setupproceduresfor delaytime,
speakerconfigurationand channeloutput level
Digital Select:Pressthisbuttonto assign
oneofthe digital inputs_i"1_]i'1_lJ to a
source.(Seepage23 for moreinformationon
usingdigital inputs.)
• Button: Thismultipurposebuttonis
usedto changeorscrollthroughitemsin the
menus,orto changeconfigurationsettingssuch
asoutput levels.Whenchangingan itemsuchas
the surroundmodeordigital inputdirectly,first
pressthe functionor modeto bechanged(e.g.,
pressthe SurroundMode Selector I_) to
selecta surroundmodeor the Digital Select
Button @ to changethe digital input)and
thenpressthisbuttonto scrollthroughthe listof
Numeric Keys:Thesebuttonsserveasa
ten-buttonnumerickeypadto entertunerpreset
positions.Theyarealsousedto selectchannel
numberswhenTV hasbeenselectedonthe
remote,or to selecttracknumbersona CD,
DVDor LDplayer,dependingon howthe