Range oof eequipment
It describes the largest possible range of
equipment envisaged at the time of going
to press. Some of the equipment may not
be available until later or will only be
available in certain markets.
Items of equipment marked with
this symbol are only available
on certain model versions or are
only available as optional extras on cer-
tain models or are only available in cer-
tain markets.
Environmental nnotes
Texts ffollowing tthis ssymbol
and pprinted iin iitalics aare iimpor-
tant nnotes oon eenvironmental
On the next few pages you will find a con-
tents list which lists all of the points
detailed in this Owner’s Manual in order.
Alphabetical iindex
At the end of the manual you will find a
comprehensive alphabetical index.
You can find desired information quickly
by looking for the key in the index.
Notes oon ddirection
Apart from exceptions, all notes on the
direction (left, right, front, rear) in this
manual always refer to the vehicle’s direc-
tion of travel.
Exception: possible specific steering
Warning nnotes
All bblocks oof ttext iin bbold pprint, wwith
this ccolour bbackground aand tthe
title ““Warning” rrefer tto ppotential
accident oor iinjury rrisks.
Text iin bbold pprint wwarns aagainst ppos-
sible ddamage tto tthe vvehicle oor nnotes
particularly iimportant iinformation oon
how tto ttreat yyour vvehicle ccorrectly.
Official SSEAT sservice
The SSEAT DDealers, WWorkshops aand
Official SService CCentres hhave tthe mmost
suitable sspecific ttools aand sstate-of-
the-art ttechnology aand sspecialised
staff tto ddeal wwith aand rrepair aany pprob-
lem oor ffault tthat mmay bbefall yyour SSEAT
vehicle, gguaranteeing rrepairs iinside
or ooutside wwarranty, aand uusing oonly
genuine sspares.
Do nnot hhesitate tto ccontact yyour
Official SSEAT SService CCentre ffor aany
question tthat aarises iin tthe aapplica-
tion oor iinterpretation oof tthe oopera-
tions aand rrevisions rreferred tto iin tthis
You sshould nnote tthese ppoints bbefore rreading tthis OOwner’s MManual
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTRODUCTION