permanently with the desired
capabilities. Only one option
ROM can fit inside the HX-20 at
a time, but it’s a powerful means
of customizing the HX-20 for a
desired application-without
diminishing in any way its abil-
ity to run BASIC programs or to
accept option cartridges.
Option cartridges also tailor
the HX-20 for specific applica-
tions. You can install a cartridge
in moments, simply by sliding it
into a recessed compartment in
the case of the HX-20. Insert a
program cartridge for one or
more ready-to-run applications
programs; or slide in the micro-
cassette cartridge, which con-
tains a complete microcassette
recorder suitable for storing
programs and data files.
If your applications require
more memory than the HX-20
features, just attach an expan-
sion unit, which virtually dou-
bles the read-write memory
and permanent memory of the
Should you decide to expand
the capabilities of your HX-20
even further, you may connect it
to such external devices as:
-an ordinary cassette recorder,
for permanent storage of pro-
grams and data;
-a display controller, which
enables the HX-20 to display
text and graphics on your
television set or on a video
-a printer, for full-page print-
outs of text and graphics;
-a modem or acoustic coupler,
to enable your HX-20 to com-
municate over telephone lines
to other computers and net-
works such as CompuServe@
and The Source”;