Campbell SDM-SIO4 4-Channel Serial I/O Interface Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

SDM-SIO4 4-Channel
Serial I/O Interface
Revision: 2/04
Copyright (c) 1996-2004
Campbell Scientific, Inc.
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SDM-SIO4 Table of Contents
PDF viewers note: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use
the Adobe Acrobat® bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. Introduction....................................................................
1.1 What is the SDM-SIO4?....................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Specifications........................................................................................ 1-3
1.2.1 Serial Ports.................................................................................. 1-3
1.2.2 SDM Port.................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.3 Case............................................................................................. 1-4
1.2.4 Power Requirements ................................................................... 1-4
1.2.5 Environmental Operating Range................................................. 1-5
1.2.6 Other Key Features ..................................................................... 1-5
1.3 'Talk-Through' Mode............................................................................ 1-5
2. Installation and Hardware Set-Up ...........................2-1
2.1 Setting the SDM Address ..................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Selecting RS232 or 5V Logic for Each Port......................................... 2-2
2.3 Connections to the SDM-SIO4............................................................. 2-2
2.3.1 Transient Protection and Grounding ........................................... 2-2
2.4 Power-on Tests — the Status LED....................................................... 2-3
3. Understanding How the SDM-SIO4 Handles Data .3-1
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Method of Entering Special / Control Characters ....................... 3-1
3.2 Input Filters........................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.1 Filter Types................................................................................. 3-2
3.3 Output Formatting................................................................................. 3-6
3.3.1 Simple Output Formatter............................................................. 3-6
3.3.2 Output Format Strings................................................................. 3-7
4. Programming the SDM-SIO4....................................4-1
4.1 Command Line Operation and Structure .............................................. 4-1
4.2 Entering Commands ............................................................................. 4-1
4.3 Basic Commands.................................................................................. 4-2
4.4 Advanced Commands........................................................................... 4-3
5. Programming the Datalogger ..................................5-1
5.1 Instruction 113 Parameters ................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Parameter 1 — Reps ................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Parameter 2 — Address .............................................................. 5-1
5.1.3 Parameter 3 — Mode.................................................................. 5-1
5.1.4 Parameters 4, 5 and 6 — SDM-SIO4 Command ........................ 5-2
5.1.5 Parameter 7 — Values per Rep................................................... 5-2
5.1.6 Parameter 8 — Starting Input Location ...................................... 5-2
5.1.7 Parameters 9 and 10 — Multiplier and Offset ............................ 5-2
SDM-SIO4 Table of Contents
5.2 Commands and Options (Parameters 4, 5 and 6)..................................5-2
5.2.1 Understanding Parameter Options and Returned Values ............5-3
5.2.2 Command 1: Poll of Available Data...........................................5-3
5.2.3 Command 2: Signatures .............................................................5-4
5.2.4 Command 3: Flush all Receive Buffers......................................5-4
5.2.5 Command 4: Send Data to Datalogger.......................................5-4
5.2.6 Command 5: Status ....................................................................5-4
5.2.7 Command 6: Flush Transmit Buffer...........................................5-5
5.2.8 Command 7: Activate Command Line.......................................5-5
5.2.9 Command 8: Poll Tx Buffers for Data .......................................5-5
5.2.10 Command 9: Flush Converted Data Buffer..............................5-6
5.2.11 Command 66: Send Single-Byte Data to Datalogger................5-6
5.2.12 Command 67: Get Return Code...............................................5-6
5.2.13 Command 320: Send Data to SDM-SIO4 .................................5-6
5.2.14 Command 321: Execute Command Line Command................5-6
5.2.15 Command 1024: Send String to Device ...................................5-9
5.2.16 Command 1025: Transmit a Byte.............................................5-9
5.2.17 Command 1026: Serial Port Status...........................................5-9
5.2.18 Command 1027: ‘Manual’ Handshake Mode.........................5-11
5.2.19 Command 2049: Set Communications Parameters .................5-11
5.2.20 Command 2054: Set Up Receive Filter..................................5-13
5.2.21 Command 2304: Transmit String and/or Data to Device.......5-13
5.2.22 Command 2305: Transmit Byte(s).........................................5-15
5.3 SDM-SIO4 Configuration Examples .................................................5-15
5.3.1 Sensors Where the Datalogger Can Request Data by Sending a
Prompt or Using a Handshaking Line:................................................5-17
5.3.2 Sensors Which Send Data Out Without Prompting...................5-20
5.4 Outputting Datalogger Data................................................................5-27
5.5 Flushing the Input and Output Buffers................................................5-29
5.6 Return Error Codes .............................................................................5-29
6. Data Error Detection................................................ 6-1
6.1 Error detection with the SDM-SIO4 .....................................................6-1
6.2 Received Data.......................................................................................6-1
6.2.1 Example of Using Received Data Filters.....................................6-3
6.2.2 CR10X Program Example...........................................................6-4
6.3 Transmitted Data...................................................................................6-7
6.3.1 Example of Using Transmitted Data Filters................................6-8
6.3.2 CR10X Program Example...........................................................6-8
6.3.3 Alternative CR10X Program.......................................................6-9
Appendix A. ASCII Table.............................................A-1
Appendix B. Serial Port Data Transfer Modes...........B-1
B.1 Baud Rates........................................................................................... B-1
B.2 Stop Bits.............................................................................................. B-1
B.3 Data Length......................................................................................... B-1
B.4 Parity Bits............................................................................................ B-2
B.5 Serial Handshake Modes..................................................................... B-2
SDM-SIO4 Table of Contents
Appendix C. Limitations of the Talk-Through Mode.C-1
C.1 Limitations...........................................................................................C-1
1-1. Schematic Diagram of the SDM-SIO4................................................ 1-2
1-1. SDM-SIO4 Serial Port Pin Configuration........................................... 1-3
2-1. Address Settings.................................................................................. 2-1
2-2. Status LED Error Codes...................................................................... 2-3
3-1. Fixed Strings Currently Allocated....................................................... 3-8
SDM-SIO4 Table of Contents
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Section 1. Introduction
The SDM-SIO4 has four configurable serial RS232 ports which allow it to be connected to
intelligent serial sensors, display boards, printers or satellite links. It can also be used in
many other applications where the data is transferred in a serial fashion. This device is
designed to send data to and receive data from the sensors, and process it in parallel with
the datalogger’s own program sequence, thus making the complete datalogging system
faster and more efficient.
The SDM-SIO4 can handle the incoming and outgoing data in many different ways. It can
either send data in the same format as sent from the datalogger or it can be programmed
to send pre-stored data strings to the sensor. Combinations of data sent from the
datalogger and pre-stored strings can be sent, allowing complex formatted data to be sent.
For input, the SDM-SIO4 can transfer data in the same form as received from a sensor to
the datalogger, or it can be programmed to filter out critical data from a sensor and only
pass back the data the datalogger requires.
This manual assumes that you have a basic knowledge of the
terminology and theory of serial communications. For further
information please refer to one of the standard textbooks on this
1.1 What is the SDM-SIO4?
The SDM-SIO4 is a device that is connected to a datalogger through the
datalogger SDM port. The SDM port is specific to Campbell Scientific
dataloggers and acts as a high-speed data exchange mechanism. On some
dataloggers it is a dedicated port; on others it is implemented using control
ports C1, C2 and C3.
Figure 1-1, on the next page, is a Schematic Diagram giving an overview of the
functions of the SDM-SIO4. When used in conjunction with the following
sections of this manual, it may help you to understand how the SDM-SIO4
The datalogger program controls the sequence and timing of data exchange
with the sensors. However, unlike most other Campbell Scientific interfaces the
SDM-SIO4 can be configured in two ways:
1. By inserting commands in the datalogger program
2. By connecting a computer running a terminal emulation program to serial
port 1 on the SDM-SIO4. Pressing a switch on the SDM-SIO4 temporarily
switches this port to allow you to access a ‘command line’ (for entering
command strings in much the same way as entering commands at the DOS
prompt on a PC).
The ‘command line’ option allows you to store complex output strings and data
filters in the SDM-SIO4. This set-up information is stored in battery-backed,
Section 1. Introduction
write-protected memory, which allows you to set up the SDM-SIO4 in the
office and then move it to the site of installation in an unpowered state.
½ ¾
¿ À
Switches -
Go to 1 if command
line active
½ ½
¿ ¿
To Other Ports
To Other Ports
Tx Buffer Rx Buffer
Command Line
& User
Filter Driver
Data Buffer
Handshake Line
Command Line
Datalogger can
Execute Command
Line Commands
C1 C2 C3
to SDM port
of datalogger
Control Lines
Data Lines
FIGURE 1-1. Schematic Diagram of the SDM-SIO4
Section 1. Introduction
1.2 Specifications
1.2.1 Serial Ports
The SDM-SIO4 has four serial ports which can be configured independently to
use different serial data formats and baud rates (from 25 to 115,200 baud).
These ports are 0-5V logic or ±5V for RS232 and are configured similar to a
PC ‘AT’ style DTE serial port.
Handshaking, to control the flow of data to and from a sensor, can be done by
the datalogger or SDM-SIO4 if needed, and can be in the form of hardware or
software protocols.
TABLE 1-1. SDM-SIO4 Serial Port Pin Configuration
Pin No. SDM-SIO4 Port
1. RI ring indicate/DCD in
2. RX in
3. TX out
4. DTR data terminal ready out
5. Ground
6. DSR in
7. RTS request to send out
8. CTS clear to send in
9. +5V if internal link fitted, otherwise no connection
If you have an older SDM-SIO4 which has female ‘D’ type
connectors, your connections will be different from those shown
above. Please either refer to your earlier Manual or contact
Campbell Scientific for further details.
Serial Port Buffers
Each serial port has a receive (Rx) buffer, a transmit (Tx) buffer and a
processed data storage buffer. It is important to understand these buffers as
their size can determine how often data must be collected from the SDM-SIO4
by the datalogger. It is important to avoid letting these buffers fill up. They are
of the ‘fill and stop’ type, i.e. if they fill up, and more data is sent into the
buffer, the extra data will be lost.
The receive and transmit buffers for each port are 981 bytes long and there is
an additional 16-byte hardware buffer for each port.
The processed data storage buffer (used to store converted data ready for the
datalogger to collect) is 891 bytes long, which is large enough for 222 4-byte
Campbell Scientific floating point values (refer to the datalogger manual for
more details of this format).
Section 1. Introduction
There is one more buffer, which is used only when the datalogger outputs
floating point data via the SDM-SIO4. This buffer is 241 bytes — long enough
for 60 floating point values. (The size of this buffer is rarely a limitation as it is
emptied quickly.)
1.2.2 SDM Port
This serial port is to connect to the SDM port of the datalogger, e.g. via C1, C2
and C3 on a CR10X. The port is a set of screw terminals marked C1, C2, C3,
I/O, +12 and G. C3 is the Synchronous Device Enable line, C1 is the Data line,
C2 is the Clock line and I/O is a special-purpose Interrupt line.
The Interrupt line can be used with some dataloggers to tell the datalogger to
collect data from the sensor. The SDM-SIO4 pulses the I/O line for 50ms every
250ms if there is data available for the datalogger to collect. This can be used
for sensors which send out data without prompting. For dataloggers which
support interrupt-driven subroutines this can simplify program operation.
The SDM port is used by the datalogger to communicate with the SDM-SIO4
and other SDM peripherals. The speed at which data is transferred is under the
control of the datalogger and this can vary with other activities in the
datalogger and also the length of the SDM cables. The typical transfer speed to
and from the SDM is one byte per millisecond.
Multiple SDM-SIO4s can be connected to the datalogger in parallel with other
SDM-SIO4s or other SDM devices. The only difference would be the SDM
address of each device.
For high-speed communications the SDM cable should be kept as
short as possible and connections made using screened cable.
The cable between the SDM-SIO4 and the datalogger should not
exceed 3m in length.
1.2.3 Case
The case is made of anodized aluminum. It has four slots for 9-way ‘D’
connectors and one slot for the SDM 6-way screw terminals. There is a
momentary push-button switch for command line activation. The size of the
case is 184 x 88 x 34mm. There is a tab at each end to allow for vertical
1.2.4 Power Requirements
The SDM-SIO4 has a typical quiescent current consumption of about 0.7mA.
This increases to about 29mA with all 4 ports active. The quiescent state is
entered if there has been no SDM or port activity for approximately 30ms.
The unit can be powered from an unregulated 12V supply (acceptable range 9 -
18V DC).
Section 1. Introduction
1.2.5 Environmental Operating Range
-25°C to +50°C (contact Campbell Scientific for extended temperature
0 - 95% RH (non-condensing)
1.2.6 Other Key Features
An internal lithium battery which retains configuration information
(estimated life 10 years)
A built-in system watchdog which will reset the processor in the event of a
crash caused by transients, etc.
A multi-tasking operating system allowing concurrent transmission and
receipt of data on all ports. This allows the receipt and processing of data
from all four serial ports concurrently at 9600 baud.
A built-in status LED to give an indication of system function on power-up.
1.3 ‘Talk-Through’ Mode
Recent versions of the CR10X and CR23X datalogger operating systems allow
a user, while connected to the datalogger, to switch to a ‘talk-through’ mode via
either a direct or a remote telecommunication connection. This allows users to
communicate with a device connected to one of the four serial ports of the
SDM-SIO4 as if they were directly connected to that device. This can be very
useful for diagnosis or configuration of the remote device(s).
Users can also ‘talk through’ to access the command line mode of the
SDM-SIO4, enabling them to check the status of, or even to reconfigure, an
SDM-SIO4 via a remote connection.
Full details on using the command are given in the appropriate datalogger
manual – see the section on ‘Telecommunication’.
See Appendix C of this manual for limitations on the use of the talk-through
Section 1. Introduction
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Section 2. Installation and Hardware
The SDM-SIO4 is designed to be mounted on an enclosure chassis plate using the two
holes in the tabs on the side of the case.
Before installation, it is necessary to set up the address of the SDM-SIO4 and also the
mode of operation of each serial port. These settings are determined by jumpers inside the
case. To access these, remove the four M3 screws and lift the lid off. With the connectors
facing you, you will see two blocks of jumpers on the right hand side of the circuit board.
Turn off the 12V supply and take static prevention
precautions before removing the lid.
2.1 Setting the SDM Address
The 4 x 2-way block of jumpers close to the ‘D’ connectors selects the SDM
address of the SDM-SIO4. This address ranges from 0 to 15. The four selector
blocks are numbered on the PCB silk screen as 1, 2, 4, and 8; ‘8’ is closest to
the ‘D’ connectors. This is in binary format as shown in Table 2-1.
TABLE 2-1. Address Settings
Selector Block Settings SDM Address
0000 0
0001 1
0010 2
0011 3
0100 4
0101 5
0110 6
0111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 10
1011 11
1100 12
1101 13
1110 14
1111 15
NOTE: A ‘1’ means the selector block shorts both pins. ‘0’ means the selector
is only connected to one pin (for storage).
Section 2. Installation and Hardware Set-Up
2.2 Selecting RS232 or 5V Logic for Each Port
The output voltage levels of each serial port can be set to either:
Logic level output: +5V (high) / 0V (low) or
RS232 output: +5V (high) / -5V (low) (compatible with RS232 driver
The logic level output is used when driving a logic level compatible device, e.g.
an SC32A, or where quiescent current is a concern. This mode is lower power
because the idle state is 0V, while the idle state of the RS232 output is -5V
which results in current flow to ground via the input resistance of the RS232
device’s inputs. However, in practice, this logic level output mode can be used
with the majority of RS232 sensors as most accept a logic level drive signal as
a valid input signal.
The output levels are configured via a 4 x 3-way block of jumpers at the back
of the unit. There is one jumper for each port. Text is printed on the circuit
board to indicate the port and the relevant position for the two modes. If the
jumper is fitted on (shorts) the two pins close to the right hand side of the unit,
the port will be in RS232 mode and if the two pins close to the left hand side
are shorted, the port is set to 5V logic.
The inputs to the SDM-SIO4 are compatible with either logic level or RS232
2.3 Connections to the SDM-SIO4
Connect the SDM port to the datalogger SDM terminals as described under
‘SDM Port’ in Section 1. Use a short, low-capacitance, screened cable. The
12V supply can normally be taken from the 12V supply input to the datalogger.
Make up cables for the RS232 devices to match the connections shown under
‘SDM-SIO4 Port’ in Table 1-1 (Section 1). Please refer to your sensor manual
for a description of the required connections, including the handshaking
requirements. To minimize susceptibility to noise, use screened connectors and
2.3.1 Transient Protection and Grounding
The G terminal on the SDM-SIO4 acts both as a ground reference point for
digital communications via the SDM port and also as a protective ground for
the SDM-SIO4. Usually it can be connected back to the datalogger power
ground (G on a CR10/10X). This ground in turn should be connected to the
safety ground for the whole system.
The SDM-SIO4 has protection against electrostatic discharge and induced
transients on all input and output lines. However, the level of protection offered
is limited by the grounding paths within the case. Where long cables are to be
run to remote serial devices, especially in areas prone to lightning, external
Section 2. Installation and Hardware Set-Up
lightning protection is recommended on all lines connected to the serial ports
(contact Campbell Scientific for further details).
The possibility of ground loops being set up between the datalogger and the
remote RS232 device via the serial cable should also be considered. Ground
loops formed by secondary return earth paths can lead to various problems
Electrical noise causing possible loss or corruption of serial data.
Electrical noise being transferred back to the datalogger causing errors on
analogue measurements.
Long term damage in the form of corrosion caused by current flowing along
electro-chemical gradients.
If it is not possible to prevent a ground loop, or if electrical noise is found to be
a problem, it may be necessary to add an opto-isolated interface to the output of
the SDM-SIO4 serial port. Please contact Campbell Scientific for further
Even if ground loops can be prevented, the length of cables that can be used for
RS232 signals is limited to a few tens of meters (the exact length depending on
the RS232 driver hardware and the cable used). Short-haul modems can be
added to the SDM-SIO4 to allow cables up to several kilometers to be used and
in addition providing ground isolation (please contact Campbell Scientific for
further details).
2.4 Power-on Tests — the Status LED
When the SDM-SIO4 is powered up or has been reset by the internal watchdog
hardware it flashes the red LED on the front panel in the following way to
indicate status:
TABLE 2-2. Status LED Error Codes
No. of Flashes Description of error/status.
1 SDM-SIO4 is working correctly.
2 SDM-SIO4 EPROM signature failure.
3 SDM-SIO4 internal battery must be replaced.
NOTE 1: The LED flashes for 1 second on and 1 second off. The LED will
also illuminate when the front panel switch is pressed.
NOTE 2: The LED may take up to 4 seconds before it flashes after power up.
Section 2. Installation and Hardware Set-Up
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Section 3. Understanding How the
SDM-SIO4 Handles Data
For simple applications the SDM-SIO4 can be configured and controlled from the
datalogger alone, using the datalogger program instruction P113 (CR10X and CR7
dataloggers only). Future developments will include support for other dataloggers.
More complicated applications require configuration of the SDM-SIO4 using the
‘command line’ function on a PC running a terminal emulator. This allows you to set up
mechanisms to control the transmission of long, formatted output data and filtering of
numerical values out of received data. This is done by storing the detailed formatting and
filtering configurations in the SDM-SIO4 (see the section about the command line mode
Thus when the datalogger needs to send out long or complicated data strings it only needs
to send a short command to the SDM-SIO4 to tell it to do this, i.e. it does not have to pass
the whole string via the SDM interface. Likewise, by telling the SDM-SIO4 how to process
received data, it can strip off the unwanted characters and reduce the data to either binary
or floating point numbers. This minimizes the time it takes for the datalogger to get the
data and so allows the datalogger to load the data values into its memory with minimal
3.1 Introduction
For collection of data from an intelligent sensor the datalogger programming is
typically broken down into several steps, which might be:
1. Set up and configure the serial ports, e.g. baud rate, parity, handshaking.
This can be done by one call of the datalogger instruction either at program
compilation (so it is done only once) or perhaps in a subroutine which is
called when a flag is toggled.
2. Use a second call of the instruction to tell the SDM-SIO4 to send out a
string to request data from a sensor and to tell it how to process the returned
3. At some point later in the program use a third call to collect the pre-
processed data from the SDM-SIO4.
Before examining the detail of the datalogger instruction it is necessary to
understand the data output formatter and the input filters. These work in
principle (and in certain details) like the formatting and filtering options used to
write and read data from files in some high-level programming languages.
3.1.1 Method of Entering Special / Control Characters
Before going on to discuss filters, you should understand how to enter special /
control characters.
Section 3. Understanding How the SDM-SIO4 Handles Data
To enter a control character in the range of 0-255 decimal in a filter string,
formatter string or a user string you must use the ‘&hh’ format, where ‘&’
defines the following two characters, ‘hh’, to be a hexadecimal number between
00 and FF. For example, ‘&de’ would be character 222 decimal. To use ‘&’
within the string you must type ‘&&’ (i.e. && = & when in a string).
The hex. number must always be two ASCII characters.
Control characters can be entered for all commands in a similar way:
^M is carriage return, ^J line feed etc.
^^ means ^
"" means "
]] means ]
&& means &
&0d means line feed
&hex,hex used to enter 2-character hex. codes (0-9, A-F)
3.2 Input Filters
Input filters are used to convert received data into a form that is easy for the
datalogger to process. Filters are generally used to strip out the required values
from other, unnecessary, data transmitted from the sensor/device. The filters
will also convert the required data into a form that the datalogger can use.
For example, the sensor may output the (unusual) complex string ‘Sample data
+12.3, 23.567,0xAB,12.4’. From this string you may only require to record the
hexadecimal number 0xAB. A filter can be set up to strip out only this number,
and then convert it to a 4-byte floating point number which the datalogger can
use. The datalogger will then collect this value and place it into an input
location –in this case as 171 decimal.
You must always set up a filter if you want the datalogger to
collect data from the SDM-SIO4.
3.2.1 Filter Types
Simple Filters
These filters can be set up by the datalogger program, i.e. command line set-up
is not necessary. The four filters search for a specific data type to convert to
Campbell Scientific floating point format. The SDM-SIO4 continues searching
and reading data until it encounters a termination character (if this has been
specified in Instruction 113) The filters are as follows:-
Search for an ASCII floating point number to convert to Campbell
Scientific floating point format.*
Section 3. Understanding How the SDM-SIO4 Handles Data
Search for an ASCII hex pair to convert to Campbell Scientific floating
point format.*
Search for an 8-bit binary number to convert to Campbell Scientific floating
point format.
Search for a 16-bit binary number to convert to Campbell Scientific floating
point format.
* Non-numeric characters are ignored.
See Section 5 – ‘Programming the Datalogger’.
Filter Strings
These are used to define how to filter incoming data from a port into a format
the datalogger can use. This is done by having a user-defined filter string pre-
stored in the battery-backed memory of the SDM-SIO4. These strings have to
be created via the command line (see Section 4), in a similar fashion to the
format strings. The filter commands are as follows:
An Define a filter time-out. The range is from 0 to 255 in 50ms steps,
giving a range of 0 to 12.75 seconds. The accuracy is -50ms +0ms so an
‘n’value of 1 is not practical as the time-out could be between 0 and 50ms.
This filter type can be put anywhere in the string. If a time-out occurs before
the entire filter is complete, any data already processed is disregarded and
the filter is restarted. When the filter string is finished the time-out is
stopped and set to zero. If n=0 then this stops the time-out and the filter will
operate with no time-out. While the time-out is active the SDM-SIO4 will
not shut down into the low power state unless the filter is complete or the
time-out has finished. Note it best to start the time-out after a trigger
B[n,n,n,...] Carry out a bit field to floating point conversion. The
SDM-SIO4 gets or waits for as many bytes as are required to fulfil the total
number of bit fields. ‘n’ can be any number of bits from 0 to 255, but more
than 23 bits is beyond the floating point range of the datalogger so the value
returned to the datalogger will be invalid. There can be any number of bit
fields, only limited by the command line buffer and the 255-byte limit for
string storage. If there is part of a byte unconverted and there are no more
bit fields remaining then those bits are discarded.
bn A binary number should be at this position. The SDM-SIO4 converts
‘n’ bytes (1, 2 or 3 bytes) to Campbell Scientific floating point.
C Discard one byte (character).
c Read one byte (not converted to Campbell Scientific floating point).
D A signed integer should be at this position. If it is found, the signed
integer is sent to the datalogger and removed from the buffer. If no signed
integer is found, the SDM-SIO4 sends -99999 to the datalogger.
d Search for a signed integer indefinitely, skipping non-numeric
Section 3. Understanding How the SDM-SIO4 Handles Data
e[ ] Scan until any ASCII character not entered between the brackets is
encountered. The maximum number of non-trigger characters is 255. Note
that this filter does not remove the non-matching character from the buffer.
F A floating point number should be at this position. If it is found, the
signed floating point number is sent to the datalogger and removed from the
buffer. If no floating point number is found, the SDM-SIO4 sends -99999 to
the datalogger.
f Search for a floating point number indefinitely, skipping any non-
numeric characters.
gn Error detection – start of signature calculation for received data – see
Section 6.
Gn Error detection – marks end of signature calculation for received data
– see Section 6.
i[ ] Scan until any ASCII characters entered between the brackets are
encountered. The maximum number of characters between the brackets is
255. Note that this filter does not remove the matched character from the
Jx:y J’ deals with signed and unsigned integers,
‘x’ is the number of characters or digits per integer (1 to 255) and y is the
number of repetitions (1 to 255).
Leading spaces and the signs ‘+’ and ‘-’ are allowed before the number but
any integer which contains non-numeric characters (e.g. 23A5) will
produce an error and return -99999.
nn Discard ‘n’ bytes. ‘n’ can be in the range of 0-255.
Nn Read ‘n’ bytes. ‘n’ can be in the range of 0-255 (not converted to
Campbell Scientific floating point).
pn Hexadecimal byte should be here, n=number of bytes to convert (n=1
to 3 hex pairs) to Campbell Scientific floating point.
Pn Converts hexadecimal value(s) to Campbell Scientific floating point
format. n=1,2,3 number of hex. pairs to convert into value LSByte first.
rn Send the byte received to port ‘n’ for re-transmission. ‘n’ can be
1-4. The byte is removed from the receive buffer.
s Stop the filter until commanded by the datalogger to restart.
t[ ] Search for an exact string match between the [ ]. All ASCII characters
up to and including the matching string are removed from the receive buffer
before the next filter type starts.
T[ ] Search for an exact string match between the [ ]. All ASCII characters
up to the matching string are removed from the receive buffer before the
next filter type starts. (Same as t[ ], except matching strings are not
u[ ] Convert ASCII floating point into Campbell Scientific floating point
format until the termination character/string between [ ] is seen. The
termination character is removed from the buffer.
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Campbell SDM-SIO4 4-Channel Serial I/O Interface Owner's manual

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